It may already be too late but.
Re-reading the comments in that blog it seems Iwandesu actually picked up chao's work and solved the timeframe for the bullets
Iwandesu said:
"so i may as well provide an actually accurated instead of quick estimative version of the calc to get this accepted ship side=1314px
panel height=1236px
2*atan(1314/(1236/tan(70/2))) 53.4702215 degrees
or about 6433.2 meters
doubling it we have
12866.4 meters
projetile calculator gives us 437.95 m/s panel height is 1003px let's use 1 px as it is not even on panel anymore
2*atan(1/(1003/tan(70/2))) 0.0541327652 degrees
14657 meters
now for the distance saitama crossed panel height is 1141px
saitama head is 67px
he is an average guy so his height should be about 1.7m
making his head 23.6cm (anime male characters average proportion is 1/7.2)
2*atan(67/(1141/tan(70/2))) 4.70894928 degrees
or 2.8699 meters till saitama and the pov
now cannon diamter is 42px(13.848) (if you wonders why im using this one is because chaos suggestion would means saitama is actually farther than before giving negative distance)
2*atan(42/(1141/tan(70/2)))2.95288758 degrees
268.64 meters till the canno
or about 265.78 meters till the canno saitama main body is 174.47px(1.7-0.2362=146.38 m )
panel height is 505px
2*atan(174.47/(505/tan(70/2))) 18.5932671 degrees
3.02 meters from the pov
cannon diameter 19px
2*atan(19/(505/tan(70/2))) 2.04257213 degrees
or about 262.83 meters
which gives me a total of 259.81 m
and a total distance saitama covered of
8.83/497.88=0.0177 seconds
travel distance is 12,380 meters
12380/0.0177= 699435 m/s
or mach 2057.161 bullets
E= 22028097.42 x 0.5 x699435^2 x 236
E=1.2716094e+21 joules
303.9 gigatons of tnt"
Essentially what he did is find the actual timeframe for the bullet's speed by angsizing Saitama's distance to the ship between the two panels and dividing it by his calculated speed (which is 437.95 m/s). the only assumption here is the distance the bullet crossed.