Wasn't it High 6-C? (Maybe I was thinking about some other calc).
Anyways, that doesn't matter anymore as our main focus for base AP is SB and Co. being either High 6-A (Reef Blower tanking feat. SB zuccing the ocean in the intros alone so there's that) or High 5-A overall as apparently the quick kinetic energy to accomplish this requires High 5-A/4-C (
Everything gets upgraded if we give SB the One Piece treatment of the verse being MUCH BIGGER, let's not forget this if we have) to... Whatever feat SB becomes in the middle, but they could be 3-A not just acknowledging the string feat but the Patrick Star Show sucking all the planets to even stars to much more, albeit I remember the black void was still there so it may drop to 4-A or galactic level, its at least consistent... BUT then I remember it did create
"An Alternative Dimension" at the end, which is a decent Low 2-C.
Finally, the absolute peak with the "Dreamy Dreamer" conundrum. The verse is already confirmed Infinite (2-A), but becomes a
far more notable rating with countless cabinets we seen in the Patrick Star Show (I recall the cabinets being alternative Patricks in each universe of their own or something like that), even far more with its dimensions/timelines.
Also again forget about MHS+ SB, we should focus on the several FTL to 3 MFTL+ feats (Sandy jumping from Saturn. Bubbles having trouble shooting SB. SB scaling to his later to be updated string feat overall, the fact SB also used his hands as feet so movement is still in) So we can make MFTL+ much more consistent...
Now make it 4 given I was reminded of Squidward running past the void of nowhere,
make it 5 with the Patrick Star Show taxi feat...
make it 6 if we count SB and Pat running together fast enough to loop in the Doodlebop Dimension.
Peak SB should be
Immeasurable via the Dreamy Dreamer feat.
That will be all for now from me, in the meantime I'll get back to work.