All the feats you keep talking about the creation Trio and how Arceus stomps them is stuff even the absolute weakest Titan can do.
Com o verdadeiro poder dos grandes deuses... Com o poder que controla o mundo...
With the true power of the great gods... With the power which controls the world...
O poder supremo que faz o universo expandir infinitamente. Essa é a fonte de nosso poder, os deuses. O Cosmo que só se permite ter aos deuses da destrui├º├úo: Eskatos Dunamis.
The supreme power which makes the universe expand infinitely. This is the source of the power of us gods. The Cosmos allowed only to the gods of destruction: Eskatos Dunamis.
O poder de um deus é um mundo mesmo. Cada um dos Tit├ús tem um universo e um planeta que domina.
The power of a god is the world itself. Each of the Titans has a universe and a planet he dominates.
E a fonte desse poder é a mesma que cria o mundo. Os deuses existem junto ao mundo.
And the source of this power is the same that creates the world. The gods exist as one with the world.
Terra, água, vento, fogo, luz e escuridão. Demos esses seis elementos a essa espada... E por conter o poder dos elementos, cria o caos.
Earth, water, wind, fire, light and darkness. We gave these six elements to this sword.... And because it contains the power of the elements, it creates chaos.
E esse poder do Caos é que d├í origem ao universo e é a fonte do poder dos deuses. Eskatos Dunamis!
And this power of Chaos is what brings origin to the universe and is the source of the gods' power. Eskatos Dunamis!
In short, each unsealed Titan, even the absolute weakest of them, holds the power of a Big Bang, or of an infinitely expanding space-time continuum. This is evidence that all major God is at least Low 2-C.
The Hypermyth says:
The Big Will (Or Great Will, or even Divine Will), liberated by the Big Bang, collided with with fragments of the Universe, forming the stars that shine in the skies and the vacuum of the space in which we live.
With many humans being born on Earth, came those who were capable of awakening the Big Will. If the manifestation of Cosmos happens through the Seventh Sense, then it can be said that the Big Will is the Super Sense that is far higher than all others.
The 9th Sense is the power of the Big Bang which created the universe.
^ See all of that. This is exactly the type of stuff you keep describing. Creation of entire universes and all their components out of nothingness, absolute control over the universe and all it entails, oneness with the universe, manipulation of the formless chaotic void that existed before the universe, all done with ease.
This applies to the absolute weakest Titan.
Above the weaker ones like most of the Titanides, we have the average strong Titans, like Crius, Iapetus, Themis and Oceanus, who are all 2-C. Beyond them we have God of Destruction Iapetus, who is vastly stronger than his regular self. Above even that we have some of the strongest Titans, such as Mnemosyne, Coeus (Who has the power of Keraunos which allows him to one-shot all the previously mentioned Titans), and Hyperion (The Sun Titan who even while sealed qualifies for Low 2-C).
Pontos > All of those combined.