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There literally isn't ONE mention of Mystery... or of ''power'', ''magic'', or anything at all...Except he has it:
This is the deliciousness of living together. Three people who shouldn't be able to tolerate each other, without changing their own values and rules, living together. Of course, there are also things that got damaged.
For example, when Soujuro first arrived from the mountains in Chapter 1, he was stronger than any other TYPE-MOON protagonist. As he got used to civilization, and settled down as an "individual," he gradually became weaker. 「Mahoyo」's topics are really things like "urban and wilderness" and "advancing civilization." People who have no knowledge of things outside of nature, fallen as a creature due to being too close to happiness."
If that's not Mystery I don't know what is.
A powerhouse of the same type as Kouma. That quote is when he's comparing the fighting styles of Araya with someone else, Tohko if I recall correctly, and says Tohko is a strategy type of fighter, while Araya is a power house. Don't remember if it's in the same quote, but he also says Alba is like a fighting game character that spams Specials.Araya is not a human though, he's a monster/living-dead. There's a Nasu statement that says he's a power house on the level of Kouma, who is a Mystery.
Invulnerability? NoSo you propose Servants get the Invulnerability still?
Shiki's body was itself a Mystery and she would've died from the fall when defeating Araya.
But, similarly to Lugh, they are not human, they in themselves are Mystery and therefore play by different rules.
They are by their nature ''above the mundane''. ''Magical Energy'', which isn't directly related to Mystery, but said to be the energy used to reenact it, has been shown to affect such being, and as I mentioned before, Breathing/Walking, etc.
I do agree with the Magic Resistance additions and with the Probability Manipulation of Elementals though. (Not with Subjetive Reality, though - it's not subjective and it has to be within the realm of possibility through the accumulation of ''impossibly low % events'', you can choose the 1 white marble out of 1000 marbles ''infinite times'', but you cannot make the 1000 marbles white yada yada.
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