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Today it's Starbrand rework time
New Powers
New Tiers
Starbrand uses the same source for power also we saw when Kevin found a Kree starbrand they were both stated to be equals in raw power, so while they might not necessarily use powers the same way they should both have the same limits.
New Powers
Space Survival (Can survive in space, doesn't need to breath)
Power Nullification
Explosion and gravity are kinda of a matter manipulation thing so...
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1: Doesn't need to breath) This already includes self sustainance type 1 is it really necessary to add self sustainance too?
- Transmutation (Can transmute ice into stone) Probably not really needed since it's pretty much a subset of matter manipulation
- Earth Manipulation (As shown here, made a stone construct) The first one is amber I think thats earth manipulation but I'm open to ideas.
- Healing (Low-Mid)) and Biological Manipulation (Transmuted water to recreate bones, organs and skin)
Power Nullification
Explosion and gravity are kinda of a matter manipulation thing so...
New Tiers
Starbrand uses the same source for power also we saw when Kevin found a Kree starbrand they were both stated to be equals in raw power, so while they might not necessarily use powers the same way they should both have the same limits.
He clearly is scaling and should be scaling with Heralds level, but can be either 3-C or Low 1-C as per the current scaling.
At least Galaxy level (Blasted Hulk to space, blasted Thor, hurt Hyperion)
In this occasion Starbrand himself stated to be holding back which was very scary to the avengers. So clearly he should upscale from Galaxy.
Low Complex Multiverse level (Killed a Beyonder that severely hurt Thor and Hyperion, should be comparable to other Starbrands like Brandy who with a Phoenix Force host reset a single reality and later reset the 615 realities destroyed by Multiversal Masters of Evil)
There is also Brandy One shooting 616 mephisto multiple times through 616 timeline, also beating "the hell" out of him. With Mephisto being Low 1-C, although this cost Brandy years of lifespan so while it should still be within the limits of the full power of the starbrand it might not be scaled to normal power.
Killing a beyonder (done by Kevin) and reseting the 615 earths (Done by Brandy) were both feats done by sacrificing themselfs and using every bit of power they had which resulted in them being killed for doing so, as such those should be their limits, both times they were not bound by their normal power level as their full power was consumed.
At least Galaxy level (Blasted Hulk to space, blasted Thor, hurt Hyperion)
In this occasion Starbrand himself stated to be holding back which was very scary to the avengers. So clearly he should upscale from Galaxy.
Low Complex Multiverse level (Killed a Beyonder that severely hurt Thor and Hyperion, should be comparable to other Starbrands like Brandy who with a Phoenix Force host reset a single reality and later reset the 615 realities destroyed by Multiversal Masters of Evil)
There is also Brandy One shooting 616 mephisto multiple times through 616 timeline, also beating "the hell" out of him. With Mephisto being Low 1-C, although this cost Brandy years of lifespan so while it should still be within the limits of the full power of the starbrand it might not be scaled to normal power.
Killing a beyonder (done by Kevin) and reseting the 615 earths (Done by Brandy) were both feats done by sacrificing themselfs and using every bit of power they had which resulted in them being killed for doing so, as such those should be their limits, both times they were not bound by their normal power level as their full power was consumed.
Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Should be comparable to Brandy who arm wrestled Namor)
I couldn't really find any feat for Kevin that could serve for lifting strenght, not even a scan for his 50 tons which is used now, but seems unbelievable to scale Starbrand bellow Captain America, it was also a feat done very casually by brandy who was avoiding using her powers as they could age her faster.
I couldn't really find any feat for Kevin that could serve for lifting strenght, not even a scan for his 50 tons which is used now, but seems unbelievable to scale Starbrand bellow Captain America, it was also a feat done very casually by brandy who was avoiding using her powers as they could age her faster.
Intelligence: At least Genius, the powers of the Starbrand help expand his mind, his cosmic senses makes it easy to learn the physics of a dyson sphere, considered a major in engeneering to be easy.
Don't know why he was average before but the cosmic awareness cames with knowledge and basically turns him into a genius that can learn things much faster than any normal human, it's also implied he needs understanding of molecules atoms and particles to manipulate them.
Don't know why he was average before but the cosmic awareness cames with knowledge and basically turns him into a genius that can learn things much faster than any normal human, it's also implied he needs understanding of molecules atoms and particles to manipulate them.
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