He/Him- 8,080
- 6,170
Blut Keyword 血装には攻撃に有用な「動血装(ブルート アルテリエ)」 と防御に有用な 「静血装 (ブルートヴェーネ)」の二種類があり、体内でそれぞれ独立した電子システムを使用する為、二つを同時に発動することはできない。 There are two Blood Dressings, Blut Vene for defense and Blut Arterie for attack, and since each uses their own respective electron systems to be used, they cannot be used simultaneously.
In conclusion, I seek to upgrade Bleach Quincy matter hax to macro quantum, as it is stated they can manipulate Electrons, which are stated in our matter manip thread
Thanks to @Arc7Kuroi for the translation
Blut Keyword 血装には攻撃に有用な「動血装(ブルート アルテリエ)」 と防御に有用な 「静血装 (ブルートヴェーネ)」の二種類があり、体内でそれぞれ独立した電子システムを使用する為、二つを同時に発動することはできない。 There are two Blood Dressings, Blut Vene for defense and Blut Arterie for attack, and since each uses their own respective electron systems to be used, they cannot be used simultaneously.
Macro-Quantum Manipulation
The ability to manipulate quarks, bosons (Gluons, Photons, Higgs Bosons, etc.), and leptons (Electrons, Muons, Positrons, Tau Particles, and Neutrinos). This also endows the ability to tinker with other properties at this level, such as electron arrangement and spin.In conclusion, I seek to upgrade Bleach Quincy matter hax to macro quantum, as it is stated they can manipulate Electrons, which are stated in our matter manip thread
Thanks to @Arc7Kuroi for the translation
Agree: zylieo, Arc7Kuroi, AppleLord, speedster352, Ped2018 | Neutral: | Disagree: |
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