This Shaggy LITERALLY MURDERS even better than other versions
More like this version:
not this pathetic weaklingyour mom is a pathetic weaklingI'm not wrong at all…
Cater546WAT has completrly ascended and transcended past the need for tiers and is completely absolutely totally awesomely unimaginably tierless and has a tier at the same time encompassing ABSOLUTELY all tiers all at once even the ones that are
completely absolutely totally awesomely unimaginably above him. Including Shaggy's tier and even FURTHER beyond.
Logan paul: '
*ERASES CATER546WAT'* *Erases Cater546WAT has completrly ascended and transcended past the need for tiers and is completely absolutely totally awesomely unimaginably tierless and has a tier at the same time encompassing ABSOLUTELY all tiers all at once even the ones that are completely absolutely totally awesomely unimaginably above him. Including Shaggy's tier and even FURTHER beyond.Evil Cater: *Rewrites what Logan paul erased and then proceeds to kick his ass even easier than Rainbow Dash did StarscreamLogan paul: *Erases what Evil Cater rewrote while simultaneously rewriting Evil Cater's page so that he is infinitely below ƒÆ®tier and then a clone of Yamcha with Logan paul's face comes in and flicks Evil Cater and Evil Cater is oneshotted*Evil Cater: *Uses his forms of Regenerationn and immortality to be unharmed by Logan Paul
and fires his taser, instantly killing Logan Paul and every single atom that made up him and negating all possible negations of the past, present, future, and eternity before Logan erase what Evil Cater rewrote while simultaneously rewriting Evil Cater's page*Logan paul: *Uses his forms of Regenerationn and immortality to be unharmed by Evil Cater
and fires his taser, instantly killing Logan Paul and every single atom that made up him and negating all possible negations of the past, present, future, and eternity before Evil Cater does the same, and then erases what Evil Cater rewrote while simultaneously rewriting Evil Cater's page*Evil Cater: *Uses his forms of Regenerationn and immortality to be unharmed by Logan Paul
and fires his taser, instantly killing Logan Paul and every single atom that made up him and negating all possible negations of the past, present, future, and eternity before Logan Paul
does the same, and then erases what Logan Paul
rewrote while simultaneously rewriting 'Evil Cater's page'*Logan paul: *Uses his forms of Regenerationn and immortality to be unharmed by Evil Cater and fires his taser, instantly killing Evil Cater and every single atom that made up him and negating all possible negations of the past, present, future, and eternity before Evil Cater does the same while also wrenching Evil Cater's taser(not Logan paul taser) and crushes it, and then erases what Evil Cater rewrote while simultaneously rewriting Evil Cater's page, now adding that Evil Cater is incapable of Regenerationn*Evil Cater: *Uses his forms of Regenerationn and immortality to be unharmed by Logan Paul
and fires his taser, instantly killing Logan Paul
and every single atom that made up him and negating all possible negations of the past, present, future, and eternity before Logan Paul
does the same while also wrenching Logan Paul
s taser(not Evil Cater's taser) and crushes it, and then erases what Logan Paul rewrote while simultaneously rewriting Evil Cater's page, now adding that Logan Paul is absolutely incapable of regenerationand immortality*
This could be the new collossal quote
No. THIS is the next colossal quote.