May I ask why not?
The conduction of metal, the manipulation of metal, making muscles contract and even the resistance of Himekawa electric baton counts as manipulation of electricity by nullifying it.
This Wiki clearly states: Lightning directly produced by a character is only considered as real lightning if it has demonstrated some properties that real lightning has. Some examples are:
making muscles of affected beings contract, having an (electro)magnetic field, being shown to actually move with a speed similar to lightning,
flowing through conducting materials,
the character being able to manipulate real electricity or electromagnetism in general, generating ozone or causing electrolysis.
In fact according to
this page, Lightning strikes can blow your clothes and shoes off as the moisture on your skin rapidly boils and turns to steam. Any objects touching your skin will cause serious burns and you also risk hearing loss, seizures, headaches and blindness.
If you look here and here, You can see that his clothes are not only ripped to shreds but steam is also rising from his body, as well as the floor.
Another article says; Lightning strikes do, however, differ from the industrial shocks you'd receive from high-voltage equipment. First, the level of voltage is greater in lightning—most industrial shocks generate 20-60kV, but a bolt of lightning generates 300kV. Second, the duration of a lightning strike is much shorter. Man-made shocks last about a half second (500 miliseconds), on average, until the worker is either blown clear or the circuit breaker trips. A lightning strike courses through you in in just 3 milliseconds. Finally, most industrial electrical injuries hit the worker's hands, arms, and shoulders while natural lightning most often strikes the
head, shoulders, and upper torso. Which is exactly where he's injured.
Also every time Oga uses the Zebub Blast there have been bright flashes of light, which is also a property found in lightning.
http://www.*************/manga/beelzebub/v10/c086/15.html http://www.*************/manga/beelzebub/v10/c086/16.html http://www.*************/manga/beelzebub/v13/c137/10.html
Looking throughout the series it doesn't seem like electricity to me, but rather lightning.