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How many disputes have there been about the level of this universe? It's not so easy to count them at the moment and I'm not sure if I can change anything, but therefore I start a new discussion of this universe and a little better (or maybe not) I will analyze this universe.
First you need to discuss the canonicity of each work that will be in this analysis.
These links show who is R07 and what is 07th Expansion
I will not consider the series "When They Cry", since it is clear that they are connected.
I will not insert links to scans, but I will only insert text, but if scans are needed, I can provide them in ds (solomon5143) or tg (@GuardianTales3RD) (also applies to canonicity)
We already see structures above 3d
生命発生を促進する活力。 通常、 重力の強い影響を受け、質量を持 つ惑星などの表面で資源と結合し、 堆積する。
特殊な制御下にある場合、 常温にて液状化することがある。
重力は一部が当該宇宙から余剰次元に漏出するため、 万能の力もま た同様に次元間宇宙間に拡散していると考えられる
活動の履歴を参照し、 再現する性質が確認されている。 そのため 拡散する性質は万能の力にとって一種の本能として機能し一
Another dialogue
"This is the life energy of the Earth, flowing into surface."
"Aurora Lake... feels like it should be surrounded by a 'good fence.'
At the very beginning, life could hover in the cruel world of the Universe, not being attached to any matter.
Life is something like an immaterial spirit,ghost.
Aurora is a life force that promotes the emergence and preservation of life. Aurora herself is able to choose planets with the most suitable conditions for the functioning of life, as well as reconstruct them. Aurora, like gravity, has the ability to "leak" into an additional dimension, and spread there between universes. This speaks directly about the existence of an additional coordinate axis (of the same dimension), within which other universes exist.
Again, here it is worth referring to the contextual meaning of hieroglyphs, which in themselves will mean "interdimensional, interdimensional". Together with everything else, it can be understood that the context in the text went to universes that are relative to each other in some additional dimension, space.
「彼女たちは超次元なエフェクトによりバカとなってしま いました・・・」
「超次元バカ弾によって、 彼女たちはかなりアレな存在と なってしまいました」
"Because I think I wanted to know the logic of all things."
In Euclidean space, where there is no absolutely motionless observer in Maxwell's theorem or Newtonian mechanics.
I had one doubt that in the theorems and Newtonian mechanics there is no absolutely stationary observer. What moment are we living in right now?
What is the moment that we are experiencing now, how can we remember this moment as past in time, where there is no constant point like a liquid?
Is it possible to remember the past, that there is an absolute observer, that in non-Euclidean space there is a being capable of perceiving an absolutely static space, so to speak, a transcendent being.
I feel that an observer can exist and that in non-Euclidean space there is a being capable of perceiving absolutely still space, a so-called transcendental being.
I Feel Existence First, the recognition that our existence can only be expressed by coordinates shows the limitations of modern science.
Quiet, after being subjected to superdimensional effects, begins to talk about the limitations of modern science. Here we are interested in the fact that science can describe existence as something that is expressed only in terms of coordinates, independent parameters that denote the dimension of space. However, there is a certain transcendental being that surpasses the very scientific principles of people, which is able to realize an absolutely immovable space (meaning that this space, due to its superiority over dimension, and, accordingly, any concepts of distance and speed, is something that is simply not applicable of the concept of “motion.” We shall see this later.). That is, for such a being and the plane in which it is located, various concepts related to dimension will be inappropriate, since they prevail over such concepts.
未来? その言い方は正しいのか? 過去とか未来とかいう単語が、 いまいち馴染まない。今日は、何日なんだろう? 何月何日とか、 何時何分とか。そういったものと、切り離されている気がしてならない。あらゆる “今” でない時間。あらゆる“此処 (ここ)" でない場所。それが “今夜” なのだろう。そんなところを俺は歩いている。 きっと。うまく説明する言葉が他にない。今夜、と記述するしかない。
様々な力の形態や、折り畳まれた法則や、数々の非物質的 結晶に触れた
(そうか・・・ ここまでか、人の限度は)(
そこにはもう、 何も見つかりはしない。
『下』 さえもない。
地に足をつける必要がなくなった俺は、もう下を見つける こともできないのだ。
もし森羅万象が冷たい物理に過ぎないのだとしても、俺が そこに意義を見出してやりたいと思った。
Now let's start the analysis of the World of Night. This world does not have such concepts as time, place and coordinates themselves. That is, the World of Night is already transcendent for the scientific principles of people. Since the existence of life in this world will be contrary to these very principles. In the world of night there is also no concept of time. Matter itself flows from one form to another.
ひな菊の丘で、大きな図面をいじっているとの遭遇。 彼女は人類の歴史をシミュレート しており、図面上で起こっていることは実際に起こっていることと同義。いわば人類を操作 する神のような立場にあった。 図面が完成するとなにが起こるのだろう? 太朗は初めは 相手にされないが、コーヒーを差し入れてみたり、精いっぱいの接近と理解を試みる。
And at that moment, her mouth, like a mechanical doll, opens in response.
A sharp pain shoots through my head.
It is unbearable. I close my ears.
The pain comes again.
Covering the ears seems to be completely useless.
This is the first time I've heard words that have such power.
These unfamiliar words contain a huge amount of concentrated information.
Many secrets are woven in them, but to the unprepared listener they are poison.
The girl (later revealed to be named Kagari) speaks a language unknown to Kotaro. This language contains concentrated information and many secrets of beings of the higher world.
Apparently, creatures like Kagari that exist in the world of night are exactly the observers that Chihaya was talking about.
The world of night in which Kagari exists is a kind of place that prevails over the very concept of coordinates. The phenomena of this place are transcendent to dimensional logic (meaning that they are able to reason about the existence only within the framework of coordinates) of people and are indescribable from their perspective.
The world began to look like an endless ladder. Climbing up it, Kotaro comprehended more and more fundamental concepts of being, from which, in fact, all the concepts that are below are simply derivatives.
The higher he climbed, the more concepts he did not understand, he could no longer understand most of the concepts. He could only build theories based on sensations. Actually, something more fundamental goes further (the Peak of Everything), for which all lower conceptual plans, an endless ladder with innumerable higher concepts are something derivative and lose their meaning.
そこにはもう、 何も見つかりはしない。
『下』 さえもない。
地に足をつける必要がなくなった俺は、もう下を見つける こともできないのだ。
Kotaro has climbed so high that he can't even find his way down. Looking under the stairs, he no longer sees the lower steps. Kotaro has transcended the very meaning of ascending the lower levels.
(“I don’t have to stay on my feet anymore, I can’t even find my way down.”). Accordingly, that whole endless ladder of concepts like dimension lost its meaning for Kotaro. He has surpassed her, and can no longer descend back.
A wall appears in front of Kotaro, a human limit, passing through which Kotaro will lose his human nature. Going beyond this wall Kotaro estimates a hundred jumps. Based on the exponential growth of jumps (rewrites), Kotaro every three jumps (rewrites) will reach a new level of the universe, which will be unattainable for the entire underlying endless ladder of concepts, the difference between which is expressed in transcendence between them.
Moonの舞台は、 枝世界 (個別ルートを含む全可能性世界)で の出来事が、象徴的に投影されてできた世界です。いわば影です。 ふつう湖面に映った月はただの反射に過ぎず、 それをかき乱して も本物の月に影響はありませんが、 Moonは因果的にリンクして いて遡行性のある影となっているようです。 ヤヤコシイ話ですが 「世界が分化して枝世界 (庭の世界) 化したことで、 未来につな がる乏しい可能性を検索できるようになった」ということが、現 太朗たちオカ研メンバーが一堂のもとに共闘するというありえな い展開として表れているのです。
しかしながら枝世界とMoonのどちらが主従の主なのかは、誰 にもわかりません。 Moonで瑚太朗が気を抜いたら、実際に世界 は滅びたかもしれないのです。あと、なぜ影ができるのか。それ はアウロラの満ちた世界が、 時空レベルで輝きを発しているから。 です。 ちなみに、ライター的な意図としましては、 Moonは自分 なりに再解釈した 「CLANNAD」の「幻想世界」 であるともい えます。
The whole structure of the universe, which Kotaro wanted to know, he calls "Shinro Bansho".
The phrase "森羅万象" (しんらばんしょう, Shinra Bansho) is a Japanese expression that can be translated as "all worlds and all phenomena" or "all entities and all phenomena".
"森羅" (しんら, Shinra) means "many trees" or "dense forest" and symbolizes many different entities and manifestations.
"万象" (ばんしょう, Bansho) means "all phenomena" or "all phenomena" pertaining to life and the universe.
Together, "森羅万象" denotes the idea of an all-encompassing diversity and an infinite variety of entities, phenomena and manifestations in the universe. This expression can be used to describe many aspects of life, nature, culture and everything in general.
This is... a diary that once belonged to the Maria onee-chan that I was with very friendly.
I carefully opened the bookmarked page.
Ushiromiya Angie
“…… I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Maria onee-chan…… Could you tell your story again, nee-chan…?”
From the opened diary... No, Maria onee-chan appeared from the world of the diary...
Maria Ushiromiya
"Ooh! Then let's start our story today. How far did we get yesterday? Oooh?"
Ushiromiya Angie
“Mmm....... Until here. Before you received Sakutaro as a gift, Maria onee-chan....... You promised to tell me about Sakutaro.”
Ushiromiya Angie
"Yes. Tell me that story. ...The time I spend listening to you stories, the only time I can take a break at school.
Listening to her story, I began to plunge into her world...
"It's not like that. I wove a Shard of the desired world of Maria and gave her the key leading to it. Maria only had to use this key to open the door.
These crystals that are about as large as a clenched fist, called "Kakera".
They crystallizations of different are worlds, destinies, possibilities, and other such concepts.
"Try to open your eyes for a second........... And now the most important thing. Calm your heart and close the diary....... At this moment, the image of Mary may disappear for a second
As soon as I did this... gray reality with its stupefying atmosphere enveloped me.
The souls, destinies, desires (and the like) of people are entire worlds enclosed in the Kakeru crystal. That is, the whole inner world of a certain person, with all its Inner conceptual content, called shinrobansho, is actually a fragment of the soul of a certain being. Due to their superdimensional nature, Kakeru can be placed in any object (again, here you can also refer to the universes encoded within the Theory of Life), using in a certain way, you can even mentally find yourself in the world enclosed in this very Kakeru. Also, each choice of a person also represents a certain version of his world. All of these Kakeras, presented as variants of worlds, are likely to recurse within themselves, or else belong to the structures of the Domain of Night.
"... So far gone from the human world, ...get close to the inhuman... Hee hee hee..."
... Now Kanamori is in the strange world of the former school in the darkness of the night .... He unconsciously began to understand the logic of the spirit world.
Not limited by the logic of the human world, where what is dead cannot exist, ... HE realized that dead Mary was standing on the other side of the door.
Yes, ... I have surpassed humans. Became "Meso-meso". Became a youkai. I am higher than man: I kill people, and they fear me.
Even if I die, the horror story about Meso-meso, which I leave behind, will live forever, transmitted by the students of this school...
Now the school is completely cut off from the world.
Kanamori isolated himself from that school world.
He is in another world, far from the human world.
Mary's body is in a dirty hole where the light will never fall.
... However, her soul has been released and sits clasping her knees next to the lid above.
The youkai world is the world of spirits, not limited by the logic of the human world, transcending the limits of humans. The logic of the youkai world contradicts the logic of the human world, so the phenomena there cannot be explained from the perspective of humans.
In general, a mirror is an entrance to another world.
Kyō is the guardian and guardian of these gates.
Unlike Higanbana, he is not a violent or merciless youkai. However, he rules countless worlds on the other side of the mirror, and his ability to summon sinister creatures is no joke.
"On the other side of the mirrors are the same worlds as ours. And just like I wash the mirrors on this side, there, too, someone has to wash the mirrors every day. But for some reason, that one I stopped washing them. Because of this all magical mirrors become cloudy... ...Since the opposite side of the mirrors is dirty, they need to be washed from the other side.
"It's the other way around... Yeah, it feels like I drunk..
"There may be more opposites here than it seems... Mirrors regulate the opposites of everything and everything. They can lead to an infinite number of worlds, and even I do not know all the possibilities."
'Reverses...personalities?..' 'Mirrors are full of parallel worlds where various factors are reversed. A lot of things can be flipped, but in this case, personalities are flipped.
I am Kyō, the fifth-ranking youkai of the school. Guardian guarding the border of another world..
Well, do you want to cross the border between dreams and reality again?
We are in a world between dreams and reality.
From a layman's point of view - in dreams. In the world of waking dreams.
The mirrors contain worlds as vast as the youkai world, which includes the entire structure of the shinrobansho (including the human limit and the structures above it).
Also in the mirrors themselves there are infinite sets of worlds.
Kyō is the guardian of the boundary between his world and the mirror world. Worlds differ from each other in the same way that dreams differ from reality. That is, from the perspective of one world, the other will be something unreal.
Since the mirror worlds are reflections of each other, then in the worlds that the mirror contains, there are also mirrors that contain other worlds in the same way ... And so on.
We get an endless recursion of worlds, the difference between which is the same as the difference between dreams and reality.
There is an unimaginable number of people here, and each has its own priceless aspirations.
They accumulate, accumulate, giving form to this world, a fragment.
Oh, what kind of world will we see when there are so many of them? What fragment come out?
The bottle hit the floor and broke.
In contact with the outside air, the fragment in it flashed white and flared up.
"...... It was most likely a fragment that she brought with her from the world of the future....... It can be called the contents of the cat box in the future."
....... Here's HOW........ Manifestation of messages in BOTTLES.
"Messages in bottles? Bottles of Beato?"
"No...... These fragments are the delusions of the people of the future.
"......There are countless possibilities in the cat box.......Because of this, those outside of it can imagine any content from an infinite number of things.........These countless delusions, these creatures."
"...... These people............. These bastards who create and spread stories, imagining the tragedies that could unfold for us on this island... ...... They were so interested in why I never spoke about the truth, that for their own pleasure they continued to create Tragedies of onuk and another ......"
"Understood..........Anyway, these are fragments of the future with misconceptions about the 1986 cat box......"
"In the future world, there can be and are any kind of INTERPRETATIONS. Until we refute them, everyone can call them their own vision of the truth, and they will remain on this ISLAND."
There are many parallel realities in the world that branch out depending on the choices we make. Every moment of our life includes an infinite number of thoughts, desires and feelings that form this world (shard). When these aspirations (hope, thoughts, etc.) accumulate, they give shape to our world, creating fragments of reality.
One example is the bottle that Eva brought from the future. These messages in bottles are fragments of people from the future.
The Golden Witch who lived for a thousand years.
She has transcended the limitations of the human world, but it is said that she appears. at the call of a man, just like a demon, to offer his help for a price.
Likes black tea and ice cream. Hates boredom and those who deny its existence.
【Usagi】 I found a few kakera that Alice- sama has yet to play with.
With a clattering sound, Usagi carried over the kakera and arranged the three of them onto the table.
Well, there's no need for such a highly- colored description like that. To me, they're no different from books, manga, or video games.
If played with skillfully, even a single kakera is capable of staving off the poison of boredom for a good amount of time.
"You began to think about forgiveness of your mother, not because you saw her light, you saw her love. But because you are standing on the threshold of the world of true witches! Welcome to the glorious and sweet world of witches, Maria!"
"I did it! Maria is no longer Maria! Maybe she is still a student, but I have risen above the world of people!"
"That's exactly what witches do. I live off your fates, reigning as a being of a higher order over beings of a lower order. After all, your entire fate is just a fragment, a shard, If you take soup with both hands you can draw as much as you want
Witches are creatures that have gone beyond the limits of the human world (Domain of People). Beings superior to people and reign as beings of a higher order over beings of a lower order. Everything that is in the world of people (Domain of People) is just a fragment / fragments that for witches are an ordinary book, manga, video game.
Perhaps our world is like an endless staircase leading to bottomless depths. You can go down fearfully and cowardly, or you can go down in a hurry, nervously wondering where the depths end.
But if you stumble, then you will forever fall into a bottomless hell.
Although here is my favorite point of view.
She can explain that all beings are somewhere between two extremes, the side that rushes about at the behest of fate and the side that creates fate.
By the will of fate, people rush about. Stupid, helpless, unable to create anything.
.....But they have solid ground under their feet. And this soil will never betray them, so they can live without fear of the horror of falling into hell.
Destiny is created by the gods. And the Creator. All-seeing, all-powerful, all-creating.
......But the fact that they create everything and are free from all restrictions means that they don't even have such a restriction as the ground under their feet.
Beings who have completely lost all limitations, ...... in exchange for having "understanding" lose the very limitation of their own Beings who have completely lost all limitations, ...... in exchange for having "understanding" everything.
Even the concepts of LIFE deaths disappear, as does the meaning existence, zero. AND. they reach the limits Or they fall. Break down. Are destroyed. Disappear like mist.
I think we witches are in the middle.
We create fate and play with it. We fool around in these spaces.
But we have to accept certain restrictions and limits, and leave some foundation that does not allow us to fall.
Witches who aren't afraid of it have much, much less restrictions than I do.
The universe of only 07 can be divided into two extremes: "The side that rushes around at the will of fate" and "The side that creates fate."
The first is the human world. They can be called helpless and unable to create anything. But on the other hand, they have a solid support under their feet, which does not allow them to fall into the depths of a bottomless hell.
The second side includes witches and gods. Omnipotent beings who can create fate. However, they do not have many limitations. And because of their precarious position, they may fall into hell. Separately, we can single out the Creator - an omnipotent being who does not have any restrictions at all. But it also means that he is not limited even by his own personality and understanding.
The universe itself can be imagined as an endless staircase leading to unknown depths. The higher the witch rises on such a ladder, the more she loses her limitations, discovering more and more new and previously unknown for herself.
It seemed to Beato that Battler met her gaze. ...... But he couldn't.
This Battler is a figure.
He could not see Beato in a higher world.
「・・・・・・・・・ここは何なの。 図書館って呼ぶには、 あまりに広大過ぎるわ」 ▼
古戸 ヱリカ
眼下に流れるエメラルドグリーンの光の軌跡を、高速道路 に列なす車の灯りと考えたなら、確かにここは、図書の都 だった。▼
古戸 ヱリカ
「ええ。にれら一冊一冊が、重厚な群集劇をまとめたも の。 ここでは本に見えますが、本を開けば、そこには
古戸 ヱリカ
「選か上層の、霞んで見えないくらいに上層の大魔女は、 もはや神や造物主と同じ存在です。, れば、私たちの物語なんて、果たして一冊にまとめる価値 …そんな連中から見
竜騎士07 造物主でないほうが、 TVの前 に座っていればどんどん物語を見ることが できるのと同じで楽なんですよ。 人間は、 自分が誰かの作品の登場人物であることす ら自覚しておらず、 自由意志によって行動 していると信じているので、 一番気楽な存 在です。
一方でベルンやラムダたちは、チャンネ ルを自由に変えたり、ときどきシナリオライ ターに注文をつけて、話に介入できる階層。
女は死んでしまうわけですね。 魔女というの
は、 「自分たちは、誰かの創作物じゃないか」 ということに気づき始めていて、なおかつ 異なる創作物を閲覧できる立場にいる者で、 上に行けば行くほど執筆者の立場に近づい ていき、 本当に執筆者の域まで到達すると 終わってしまう。 真里亞が 「原初の魔女」と
"Come on, my kittens. I won't tell you to kill them. Just remove the two figures whose roles are over."
...... The countless blacks that surrounded them were gathered into a heap, not even placed on squares.
There were two white pieces on the chessboard.
In the starry sky of cat eyes, countless flesh-colored mouths opened, revealing innumerable teeth.
Then BERNKASTEL knocked over two white pieces........ and removed them from the board.
.. The world was engulfed in fangs, flesh and blood.
“How dare you say that after the Witch of Miracles promised that there would absolutely be no miracles?......... ha ha ha!!! Farewell. Gather dust in the depths of oblivion, unable even to die, and disappear!"
A million, a trillion, all ten quadrillion cats bared their fangs.
"Which one would be best? ... Hmm..."
To participate in a game within a Fragment, you first must send in a piece. In other words, this was much like the character select screen of a video game.
After folding her arms and giving it some deep thought, she eventually settled on a black piece.
She wasn't sure of the situation, but if the point of the game was to survive, she figured her best option would be a sturdy, clever all- rounder with a strong desire to live.
"...In which case, it's gotta be this piece. Let's go, my other self."
She plucked the piece out of midair, then tossed it into the galaxy.
As soon as she did, an infinite number of dazzling lights scattered about, and within a moment, the world was completely buried in a sea of stars.
Within those bright lights, Lambdadelta's consciousness was sucked away...
The letter ended there.
After reading that, there was nothing left but to take her up on the challenge. It had been awhile since Lambdadelta had played around with a game board of substance. Since Bernkastel had gone out of her way to pass it along, it was sure to be an entertaining one.
Lambdadelta touched the Fragment.
The moment she did, an array of constellations was suspended in the air, pivoting around the Fragment and forming a miniature galaxy.
"...Oh, now this is nostalgic. So the stage is set in the Japanese countryside. Reminds me of Hinamizawa. ... Though, it looks like this place is more desolate than Hinamizawa ever was....Right then, time to pick my piece. Which one should I choose?"
Lambdadelta held out a hand, and white, black, blue, and red pieces in various shapes and sizes, reminiscent of chess, appeared in the air.
To interact with the contents of the shard of the underlying layer, witches can use manifestations. Here the Bernkastel manifestation to commemorate the "death" of the two figures destroyed them with the help of their cats. However, from the perspective of the upper layer, it looked as if Bernkastel had removed the pieces from the game board.
Since, due to her "size", the witch is not able to penetrate the fragment, she can do this thanks to the figure into which she transfers her consciousness.
"And? Since the game is over, brother will be released?..... What will happen to him?"
"Acceptable interpretation....
And in the inhuman, it belonged to the owner of the game board......and was a place from where he could look at people...
In the human world, Kinzo's office belonged to his master.
....... Battler, who took the position of the Owner of the game and became the new territorial lord of this world.
It wasn't Kinzo
Is that what it means to let Beato find peace...?
I would like to know........ The book of this fragment did not tell more.
The hierarchies in the Human Domain and the Witch Domain are significantly different from each other. To move up the evolutionary ladder in the Human Domain, more significant qualitative changes are needed than in the Witch Domain. In the Witch's Domain, hierarchies are built on the principle of layers, and the higher the layer, the more similar the witch is to the Creator, a being devoid of restrictions. Climbing the hierarchy, the witch loses her limitations and discovers new stories for herself. However, having reached the position of the Creator, the witch dies, having lost her consciousness and the meaning of existence. Therefore, in order to rise to a new layer, it is necessary to transcend the limitations of the previous one.
I will not write about the types of death, but I will write that they are different.
Let's call it payment for my stay here. ...Me, traversing countless fragments in my flight from boredom.........I only dropped in on you because I heard that you were up to something interesting. Rest assured, as soon as I feel bored, I will leave.
The Witch of Fragments, who lived for a thousand years.
She is said to live in a world where concepts such as "fate" and "probability" can be made tangible. She observes the fates of people, and sometimes interferes with them.
In other words, at times she is you and your only friend at the same time. ...... See?
Likes wine and spicy food.
"So the enemy has disappeared........ Well, I beg your pardon. And, Lady, you should prepare for your journey. There are no more holidays in my territory. It was nice to see you. "Goodbye."
Pardon me, my master. The entirety of the Golden Land has disappeared and was swallowed up by the sea of nothingness. ▷
It's a shame, but a flower is a flower because its petals eventually scatter. Fireworks are fireworks because they're fleeting. In other words, we just have to find the next unfortunate game board. ▷
I wonder how many centuries it will take...before we find another game board that can ease our boredom. ... It's enough to make you dizzy. ▷
...I supposed we're going to float through the sea of nothingness for a thousand years, with nothing but the lingering scent of that tea.... giggle Perhaps that's why... Beato's game board was so delicious. ▷
Let's go, my master. I'm sure we'll find another game board that can capture your heart. ▷
And yet, the toxin of boredom kills us....Now that even Beato's game board has vanished,...we're gonna be faced with another stretch of time where our sickness torments us. ▷
There aren't many game boards that can heal our boredom....I mean, there haven't been any decent games lately. They're all crappy games, all stuff that's jumped the shark! Ah, old games were so good!▷
...While sating ourselves on those, we'll gradually disappear and become scraps of seaweed in the sea of boredom.▷
No way. Witches like us just appear out of nowhere and yell about stuff like 'it's a crappy game' and 'they jumped the shark'. After all, consumers are gods! Let slaves and fools do the job of being producers. ▷
Hey, Lambda.... What do you say about us making a game board from time to time? ▷
It's just one small game in the endless sea of Fragments! Sucking it dry, trampling it, and mocking it is our delight! ▷
Now about Voyagers. This is a class of witches whose power is not comparable to ordinary witches, limited to their territories. From the point of view of the Territory Lords, Voyagers are omnipotent witches who are not limited by their game board (territory), but can visit any fragment. Due to the fact that the Voyagers do not have their own territory, they travel through the Sea of Shards, freely visiting them without any difficulties.
The Voyagers themselves are global concepts that aspire to become omnipotent beings, approaching the Creator without limits. However, since the journey has no end, the Voyagers may face boredom and inner transformation in order to evolve into the most powerful being. But, as the scans show, when the Voyager reaches the Creator, it simply dies, losing the meaning of its existence, personality and will.
In this sense, it can be said that since she has put together her own magic system, even if she is in the beginner class, her level as a witch is already superior to witches, and she is one step closer even to your level. ..
And thanks for the valuable suggestion.
I agree with you. Lambdadelta is still a schemer.
She found a witch with whom I am simply incompatible, only to take revenge on me and lure me into a trap.
And I got caught, just like an easy target.
However, considering your illness, she is a precious creature to me.
If she is even taller than me, then she is very close to your illness.
Get rid of the disease that torments you, ... us, is the only way, and that's what she does.
...Besides, ironically, she also teaches me this.
Lambdadelta boasted that I would "absolutely" not win on this game board.
At that time, I paradoxically derived rule X.
I will leave a gift with a wish for a speedy recovery. Make fun of me all you want. You do like it.
Please be reborn so that I can meet the friend I haven't seen for so long. From your friend who still believes that you care.
A letter written by Faa contains information about the Domain of the Gods, which surpasses even witches and shards of the sea in its power. Despite this, the Domain has its own hierarchy of layers that lead to the Creator. In addition, the example from Lambdadelta shows that the more a witch suffers from boredom, the more advanced her evolutionary level can be, as this allows her to discover new worlds and get rid of restrictions.
右代宮 緑寿
「何人かの記憶に干渉するだけなら、 洗脳や催眠術と変わりはな い。……………でも、この魔女のそれは違うわ」
「ああ。......この力は...... あいつに近い……」
ピースを遣わした、 最も造物主に近い最高位の魔女。
ピースの力は、 霧江を食らって乗っ取り、 留弗夫に妻だと信じさせ
この世界の全てから、 獲物を食らって呑み込み、 そこに自分を上書 きするのだから......、 その力は限りなく、 フェザリーヌのそれに近 い......。
「おマヌケな喋ピ方をしていますでピースから、ついつい、性悪黒 猫やら、超パーやら、“その程度"に類する魔女だろうとお思いにな られていたでしょうが…」▼
「私は、尊厳なる観劇と戯曲と傍観の魔女であらせられる、 大アウ ローラ卿よりカケラを預かる使者として生み出されました。 大ア ウローラ卿が、世界を支える柱という偉大なる蝋燭に灯る炎であ るならば、 私はこの程度の蝋燭なれど、 大アウローラ卿の炎より火 を分けられた、 分祀されし存在なのでピス。・・・・・・我が主の命に従 い、このゲームの間は、 道化を演じることもありまピスでしょう が」▼
"Then, PIECE! You only inherited FEATHERINE'S power of erasure! So I'm guessing you can't do the opposite?"
"You mean the power of the pencil?"
"No, no, not that! The reverse of the ability to swallow somebody's whole existence! Wouldn't it be possible to spit out someone whose existence had been erased?!"
"...For FEATHERINE, our world... looks like it was written on paper, and she can take a pencil and eraser to those words to erase and rewrite them as she sees fit, or so I've heard."
"It's an awesome power. For her, the pieces, the game board, and even the rules don't matter...... she's the most powerful and invincible game master."
Let's move on to Pis and Faa. So, Peace is the messenger of Faa. In parallel with this, Pis is the creature closest to her, in addition, personifying one of the aspects of Faa - the power of the eraser. That is, Peace is able to erase someone's existence without any problems. Faa herself is something of a writer of the world. From Faa perspective, all of creation is words on a piece of paper that she can freely erase or rewrite, changing the world itself.
In addition, Faa can be compared with a burning candle that supports the existence of the World. At the same time, Pis is the same candle, but it is separated from the flame of Faa. That is, Peace is not some kind of creature attached to the universe, it exists separately from it. Also, along with the fact that Pis is the closest creature to Faa in terms of power, Faa is the closest creature to the Creator.
竜騎士07氏 コメント
多分、彼女は「殺し編」で現在が決別した 百年 の魔女の人格なのでしょう。 それが、カケラの 海で分離され、 百年の女の中の、もっとも残忍な 部分だけが残って結晶化した存在が彼女であるに 違いありません。 彼女とラムダとフェザリーヌ辺り の、最上層の魔女たちの関係は、結構細かく脳内 設定があったりします。
Let's get back to Voyagers. They embody the concepts that ensure the existence of the mechanisms of miracles and the absolute throughout the world. Thus, they are connected with the territory they cover, and their concepts have an impact on the universe, since in this territory there are no restrictions for them.
Ryukishi noted that Voyagers, like Fezarin, belonged to the highest stratum of witches. That is, the concepts associated with voyagers also apply to the Higher Domain.
造物主は、無の海に1を生み出すことの出来る神聖な存在。 0より1をも、無限をも生み出し、 瞬きするように0に戻せる。 あらゆる制約から解き放たれており、 航海者たちは時に、 神とさえ呼ぶという。
その意味では、原初の魔女マリアは造物主となることを約束された、 選ばれ し少女なのかもしれない......。
航海者たちは、自らの旅路の終点は、 造物主になることだと恐れている。 なぜ、 上位の存在に進化することを恐れるのか、 当事者以外には理解できない。
いていれば無限に遊べるので、マンガを読 むより遙かに面白いかもしれない。 ただし、 自分のアイデアが枯渇したり、 描く行為に 飽きたら終わりますよね。 しかも自分(作者) の望まないような展開やキャラクターは生ま れてこない。 造物主というのは何でも生み 出せるが故につまらない生き物ですよ。
フェザリーヌは、書いたことを現実に する能力を持っているということですが、『E p8』の物語全体がフェザリーヌによって書 かれた物であるという解釈は可能ですか?
竜騎士07 そういう考え方もできますね。 フ フェザリーヌはあの世界における神、世界の 執筆者に限りなく近いんです。だからフェザ
神の国より現世に生きて還りし偉大な魔女の 引き伸ばされた微睡を揺り起こしたのは小さな光 迷い鳥は飛び方も分からずに魔女に掬い上げられた
世界の頁に書き留めるのは貴方が紡ぐ物語 我は傍観の魔女 アウローラ ただ行く末を見届ける
高き天より俯瞰する 物語を綴る神域の魔女の 眺め記した盤上で震えていたのは孤独な光 迷い子は行先も見失い天を仰いで涙を流す
フェザリーヌ・アウグストゥス・アウローラ。 ・・・・・・伝説の大魔女。
魔女の域を極め過ぎて、 造物主の域にまで達し、 至ってはならぬ境地に触れ、 死の病に没したと伝えられて いた。
その魔女は、主を退屈という死の底より束の間だけ蘇らせ さまよ ることの出来るカケラを求め、 永遠にカケラの海を彷徨う という。
魔女たちがニンゲンをゲーム盤の駒と嘲笑って、上層世界 から見下ろせるように。
彼女もまた、魔女たちの領域さえも、 ゲーム盤の駒と嘲 笑って、 さらに上層の世界から見下ろせる。
••••••どれだけ上層の世界に至れるかが、 魔女の強さだとし たら。
彼女は、至ってはならぬ最上層に触れながら、 生きて帰っ
てきた、神の国より生還した魔女なのだ •••。
The Creator is an omnipotent being, devoid of any limitations. The Creator is capable of realizing any possibilities, creating anything. The Creator, one might say, is the author of the entire 07th Expansion universe. Because of this, he is also omniscient, because he already knows absolutely everything. In fact, the Domain of Zero (the Highest Layer, the Highest Domain, the Realm of the Creator, etc.) is the Creator himself. And the creatures inhabiting this Domain, in this case, are aspects of the Creator, embodying its omnipotence (since these very aspects belong to the Domain of Zero, the Creator).
Fezarin, on the other hand, embodies the aspect of the writer himself. She can freely write and change the history of the world, without being limited by anything. She reached Domain Zero while somehow retaining her identity (although it would be more correct to say that she has always been there, due to the High Pole's lack of the concept of time). While the Creator is the embodiment and personification of everything, accordingly, he cannot be limited in relation to something, Fezarin is limited by her own will and personality. In other words, only the presence of a personality separates Fezarin from absolute omnipotence. Although, if this personality is taken away from her, then Fezarin will perish like other witches who have touched the Creator. But the Creator was not initially limited by the boundaries of personality, and exists without this concept.
Naturally, this is not all, but I threw off the most important (although I may have missed something important), if you need scans to confirm my words (or scans for the canonicity of all works used in scaling) you can get in my telegram ( @GuardianTales3RD ) or in ds (solomon5143) , you can also ask questions there, but if possible, ask them in the comments
First you need to discuss the canonicity of each work that will be in this analysis.
07th Expansion - Wikipedia
Ryukishi07 - Wikipedia
These links show who is R07 and what is 07th Expansion
I will not consider the series "When They Cry", since it is clear that they are connected.
I will not insert links to scans, but I will only insert text, but if scans are needed, I can provide them in ds (solomon5143) or tg (@GuardianTales3RD) (also applies to canonicity)
New item by total844press
New item by total844press
New item by total844press
New item by total844press
We already see structures above 3d
生命発生を促進する活力。 通常、 重力の強い影響を受け、質量を持 つ惑星などの表面で資源と結合し、 堆積する。
特殊な制御下にある場合、 常温にて液状化することがある。
重力は一部が当該宇宙から余剰次元に漏出するため、 万能の力もま た同様に次元間宇宙間に拡散していると考えられる
活動の履歴を参照し、 再現する性質が確認されている。 そのため 拡散する性質は万能の力にとって一種の本能として機能し一
Another dialogue
"This is the life energy of the Earth, flowing into surface."
"Aurora Lake... feels like it should be surrounded by a 'good fence.'
At the very beginning, life could hover in the cruel world of the Universe, not being attached to any matter.
Life is something like an immaterial spirit,ghost.
Aurora is a life force that promotes the emergence and preservation of life. Aurora herself is able to choose planets with the most suitable conditions for the functioning of life, as well as reconstruct them. Aurora, like gravity, has the ability to "leak" into an additional dimension, and spread there between universes. This speaks directly about the existence of an additional coordinate axis (of the same dimension), within which other universes exist.
Again, here it is worth referring to the contextual meaning of hieroglyphs, which in themselves will mean "interdimensional, interdimensional". Together with everything else, it can be understood that the context in the text went to universes that are relative to each other in some additional dimension, space.
「彼女たちは超次元なエフェクトによりバカとなってしま いました・・・」
「超次元バカ弾によって、 彼女たちはかなりアレな存在と なってしまいました」
"Because I think I wanted to know the logic of all things."
In Euclidean space, where there is no absolutely motionless observer in Maxwell's theorem or Newtonian mechanics.
I had one doubt that in the theorems and Newtonian mechanics there is no absolutely stationary observer. What moment are we living in right now?
What is the moment that we are experiencing now, how can we remember this moment as past in time, where there is no constant point like a liquid?
Is it possible to remember the past, that there is an absolute observer, that in non-Euclidean space there is a being capable of perceiving an absolutely static space, so to speak, a transcendent being.
I feel that an observer can exist and that in non-Euclidean space there is a being capable of perceiving absolutely still space, a so-called transcendental being.
I Feel Existence First, the recognition that our existence can only be expressed by coordinates shows the limitations of modern science.
Quiet, after being subjected to superdimensional effects, begins to talk about the limitations of modern science. Here we are interested in the fact that science can describe existence as something that is expressed only in terms of coordinates, independent parameters that denote the dimension of space. However, there is a certain transcendental being that surpasses the very scientific principles of people, which is able to realize an absolutely immovable space (meaning that this space, due to its superiority over dimension, and, accordingly, any concepts of distance and speed, is something that is simply not applicable of the concept of “motion.” We shall see this later.). That is, for such a being and the plane in which it is located, various concepts related to dimension will be inappropriate, since they prevail over such concepts.
未来? その言い方は正しいのか? 過去とか未来とかいう単語が、 いまいち馴染まない。今日は、何日なんだろう? 何月何日とか、 何時何分とか。そういったものと、切り離されている気がしてならない。あらゆる “今” でない時間。あらゆる“此処 (ここ)" でない場所。それが “今夜” なのだろう。そんなところを俺は歩いている。 きっと。うまく説明する言葉が他にない。今夜、と記述するしかない。
様々な力の形態や、折り畳まれた法則や、数々の非物質的 結晶に触れた
(そうか・・・ ここまでか、人の限度は)(
そこにはもう、 何も見つかりはしない。
『下』 さえもない。
地に足をつける必要がなくなった俺は、もう下を見つける こともできないのだ。
もし森羅万象が冷たい物理に過ぎないのだとしても、俺が そこに意義を見出してやりたいと思った。
Now let's start the analysis of the World of Night. This world does not have such concepts as time, place and coordinates themselves. That is, the World of Night is already transcendent for the scientific principles of people. Since the existence of life in this world will be contrary to these very principles. In the world of night there is also no concept of time. Matter itself flows from one form to another.
ひな菊の丘で、大きな図面をいじっているとの遭遇。 彼女は人類の歴史をシミュレート しており、図面上で起こっていることは実際に起こっていることと同義。いわば人類を操作 する神のような立場にあった。 図面が完成するとなにが起こるのだろう? 太朗は初めは 相手にされないが、コーヒーを差し入れてみたり、精いっぱいの接近と理解を試みる。
And at that moment, her mouth, like a mechanical doll, opens in response.
A sharp pain shoots through my head.
It is unbearable. I close my ears.
The pain comes again.
Covering the ears seems to be completely useless.
This is the first time I've heard words that have such power.
These unfamiliar words contain a huge amount of concentrated information.
Many secrets are woven in them, but to the unprepared listener they are poison.
The girl (later revealed to be named Kagari) speaks a language unknown to Kotaro. This language contains concentrated information and many secrets of beings of the higher world.
Apparently, creatures like Kagari that exist in the world of night are exactly the observers that Chihaya was talking about.
The world of night in which Kagari exists is a kind of place that prevails over the very concept of coordinates. The phenomena of this place are transcendent to dimensional logic (meaning that they are able to reason about the existence only within the framework of coordinates) of people and are indescribable from their perspective.
The world began to look like an endless ladder. Climbing up it, Kotaro comprehended more and more fundamental concepts of being, from which, in fact, all the concepts that are below are simply derivatives.
The higher he climbed, the more concepts he did not understand, he could no longer understand most of the concepts. He could only build theories based on sensations. Actually, something more fundamental goes further (the Peak of Everything), for which all lower conceptual plans, an endless ladder with innumerable higher concepts are something derivative and lose their meaning.
そこにはもう、 何も見つかりはしない。
『下』 さえもない。
地に足をつける必要がなくなった俺は、もう下を見つける こともできないのだ。
Kotaro has climbed so high that he can't even find his way down. Looking under the stairs, he no longer sees the lower steps. Kotaro has transcended the very meaning of ascending the lower levels.
(“I don’t have to stay on my feet anymore, I can’t even find my way down.”). Accordingly, that whole endless ladder of concepts like dimension lost its meaning for Kotaro. He has surpassed her, and can no longer descend back.
A wall appears in front of Kotaro, a human limit, passing through which Kotaro will lose his human nature. Going beyond this wall Kotaro estimates a hundred jumps. Based on the exponential growth of jumps (rewrites), Kotaro every three jumps (rewrites) will reach a new level of the universe, which will be unattainable for the entire underlying endless ladder of concepts, the difference between which is expressed in transcendence between them.
Moonの舞台は、 枝世界 (個別ルートを含む全可能性世界)で の出来事が、象徴的に投影されてできた世界です。いわば影です。 ふつう湖面に映った月はただの反射に過ぎず、 それをかき乱して も本物の月に影響はありませんが、 Moonは因果的にリンクして いて遡行性のある影となっているようです。 ヤヤコシイ話ですが 「世界が分化して枝世界 (庭の世界) 化したことで、 未来につな がる乏しい可能性を検索できるようになった」ということが、現 太朗たちオカ研メンバーが一堂のもとに共闘するというありえな い展開として表れているのです。
しかしながら枝世界とMoonのどちらが主従の主なのかは、誰 にもわかりません。 Moonで瑚太朗が気を抜いたら、実際に世界 は滅びたかもしれないのです。あと、なぜ影ができるのか。それ はアウロラの満ちた世界が、 時空レベルで輝きを発しているから。 です。 ちなみに、ライター的な意図としましては、 Moonは自分 なりに再解釈した 「CLANNAD」の「幻想世界」 であるともい えます。
The whole structure of the universe, which Kotaro wanted to know, he calls "Shinro Bansho".
The phrase "森羅万象" (しんらばんしょう, Shinra Bansho) is a Japanese expression that can be translated as "all worlds and all phenomena" or "all entities and all phenomena".
"森羅" (しんら, Shinra) means "many trees" or "dense forest" and symbolizes many different entities and manifestations.
"万象" (ばんしょう, Bansho) means "all phenomena" or "all phenomena" pertaining to life and the universe.
Together, "森羅万象" denotes the idea of an all-encompassing diversity and an infinite variety of entities, phenomena and manifestations in the universe. This expression can be used to describe many aspects of life, nature, culture and everything in general.
This is... a diary that once belonged to the Maria onee-chan that I was with very friendly.
I carefully opened the bookmarked page.
Ushiromiya Angie
“…… I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Maria onee-chan…… Could you tell your story again, nee-chan…?”
From the opened diary... No, Maria onee-chan appeared from the world of the diary...
Maria Ushiromiya
"Ooh! Then let's start our story today. How far did we get yesterday? Oooh?"
Ushiromiya Angie
“Mmm....... Until here. Before you received Sakutaro as a gift, Maria onee-chan....... You promised to tell me about Sakutaro.”
Ushiromiya Angie
"Yes. Tell me that story. ...The time I spend listening to you stories, the only time I can take a break at school.
Listening to her story, I began to plunge into her world...
"It's not like that. I wove a Shard of the desired world of Maria and gave her the key leading to it. Maria only had to use this key to open the door.
These crystals that are about as large as a clenched fist, called "Kakera".
They crystallizations of different are worlds, destinies, possibilities, and other such concepts.
"Try to open your eyes for a second........... And now the most important thing. Calm your heart and close the diary....... At this moment, the image of Mary may disappear for a second
As soon as I did this... gray reality with its stupefying atmosphere enveloped me.
The souls, destinies, desires (and the like) of people are entire worlds enclosed in the Kakeru crystal. That is, the whole inner world of a certain person, with all its Inner conceptual content, called shinrobansho, is actually a fragment of the soul of a certain being. Due to their superdimensional nature, Kakeru can be placed in any object (again, here you can also refer to the universes encoded within the Theory of Life), using in a certain way, you can even mentally find yourself in the world enclosed in this very Kakeru. Also, each choice of a person also represents a certain version of his world. All of these Kakeras, presented as variants of worlds, are likely to recurse within themselves, or else belong to the structures of the Domain of Night.
"... So far gone from the human world, ...get close to the inhuman... Hee hee hee..."
... Now Kanamori is in the strange world of the former school in the darkness of the night .... He unconsciously began to understand the logic of the spirit world.
Not limited by the logic of the human world, where what is dead cannot exist, ... HE realized that dead Mary was standing on the other side of the door.
Yes, ... I have surpassed humans. Became "Meso-meso". Became a youkai. I am higher than man: I kill people, and they fear me.
Even if I die, the horror story about Meso-meso, which I leave behind, will live forever, transmitted by the students of this school...
Now the school is completely cut off from the world.
Kanamori isolated himself from that school world.
He is in another world, far from the human world.
Mary's body is in a dirty hole where the light will never fall.
... However, her soul has been released and sits clasping her knees next to the lid above.
The youkai world is the world of spirits, not limited by the logic of the human world, transcending the limits of humans. The logic of the youkai world contradicts the logic of the human world, so the phenomena there cannot be explained from the perspective of humans.
In general, a mirror is an entrance to another world.
Kyō is the guardian and guardian of these gates.
Unlike Higanbana, he is not a violent or merciless youkai. However, he rules countless worlds on the other side of the mirror, and his ability to summon sinister creatures is no joke.
"On the other side of the mirrors are the same worlds as ours. And just like I wash the mirrors on this side, there, too, someone has to wash the mirrors every day. But for some reason, that one I stopped washing them. Because of this all magical mirrors become cloudy... ...Since the opposite side of the mirrors is dirty, they need to be washed from the other side.
"It's the other way around... Yeah, it feels like I drunk..
"There may be more opposites here than it seems... Mirrors regulate the opposites of everything and everything. They can lead to an infinite number of worlds, and even I do not know all the possibilities."
'Reverses...personalities?..' 'Mirrors are full of parallel worlds where various factors are reversed. A lot of things can be flipped, but in this case, personalities are flipped.
I am Kyō, the fifth-ranking youkai of the school. Guardian guarding the border of another world..
Well, do you want to cross the border between dreams and reality again?
We are in a world between dreams and reality.
From a layman's point of view - in dreams. In the world of waking dreams.
The mirrors contain worlds as vast as the youkai world, which includes the entire structure of the shinrobansho (including the human limit and the structures above it).
Also in the mirrors themselves there are infinite sets of worlds.
Kyō is the guardian of the boundary between his world and the mirror world. Worlds differ from each other in the same way that dreams differ from reality. That is, from the perspective of one world, the other will be something unreal.
Since the mirror worlds are reflections of each other, then in the worlds that the mirror contains, there are also mirrors that contain other worlds in the same way ... And so on.
We get an endless recursion of worlds, the difference between which is the same as the difference between dreams and reality.
There is an unimaginable number of people here, and each has its own priceless aspirations.
They accumulate, accumulate, giving form to this world, a fragment.
Oh, what kind of world will we see when there are so many of them? What fragment come out?
The bottle hit the floor and broke.
In contact with the outside air, the fragment in it flashed white and flared up.
"...... It was most likely a fragment that she brought with her from the world of the future....... It can be called the contents of the cat box in the future."
....... Here's HOW........ Manifestation of messages in BOTTLES.
"Messages in bottles? Bottles of Beato?"
"No...... These fragments are the delusions of the people of the future.
"......There are countless possibilities in the cat box.......Because of this, those outside of it can imagine any content from an infinite number of things.........These countless delusions, these creatures."
"...... These people............. These bastards who create and spread stories, imagining the tragedies that could unfold for us on this island... ...... They were so interested in why I never spoke about the truth, that for their own pleasure they continued to create Tragedies of onuk and another ......"
"Understood..........Anyway, these are fragments of the future with misconceptions about the 1986 cat box......"
"In the future world, there can be and are any kind of INTERPRETATIONS. Until we refute them, everyone can call them their own vision of the truth, and they will remain on this ISLAND."
There are many parallel realities in the world that branch out depending on the choices we make. Every moment of our life includes an infinite number of thoughts, desires and feelings that form this world (shard). When these aspirations (hope, thoughts, etc.) accumulate, they give shape to our world, creating fragments of reality.
One example is the bottle that Eva brought from the future. These messages in bottles are fragments of people from the future.
The Golden Witch who lived for a thousand years.
She has transcended the limitations of the human world, but it is said that she appears. at the call of a man, just like a demon, to offer his help for a price.
Likes black tea and ice cream. Hates boredom and those who deny its existence.
【Usagi】 I found a few kakera that Alice- sama has yet to play with.
With a clattering sound, Usagi carried over the kakera and arranged the three of them onto the table.
Well, there's no need for such a highly- colored description like that. To me, they're no different from books, manga, or video games.
If played with skillfully, even a single kakera is capable of staving off the poison of boredom for a good amount of time.
"You began to think about forgiveness of your mother, not because you saw her light, you saw her love. But because you are standing on the threshold of the world of true witches! Welcome to the glorious and sweet world of witches, Maria!"
"I did it! Maria is no longer Maria! Maybe she is still a student, but I have risen above the world of people!"
"That's exactly what witches do. I live off your fates, reigning as a being of a higher order over beings of a lower order. After all, your entire fate is just a fragment, a shard, If you take soup with both hands you can draw as much as you want
Witches are creatures that have gone beyond the limits of the human world (Domain of People). Beings superior to people and reign as beings of a higher order over beings of a lower order. Everything that is in the world of people (Domain of People) is just a fragment / fragments that for witches are an ordinary book, manga, video game.
Perhaps our world is like an endless staircase leading to bottomless depths. You can go down fearfully and cowardly, or you can go down in a hurry, nervously wondering where the depths end.
But if you stumble, then you will forever fall into a bottomless hell.
Although here is my favorite point of view.
She can explain that all beings are somewhere between two extremes, the side that rushes about at the behest of fate and the side that creates fate.
By the will of fate, people rush about. Stupid, helpless, unable to create anything.
.....But they have solid ground under their feet. And this soil will never betray them, so they can live without fear of the horror of falling into hell.
Destiny is created by the gods. And the Creator. All-seeing, all-powerful, all-creating.
......But the fact that they create everything and are free from all restrictions means that they don't even have such a restriction as the ground under their feet.
Beings who have completely lost all limitations, ...... in exchange for having "understanding" lose the very limitation of their own Beings who have completely lost all limitations, ...... in exchange for having "understanding" everything.
Even the concepts of LIFE deaths disappear, as does the meaning existence, zero. AND. they reach the limits Or they fall. Break down. Are destroyed. Disappear like mist.
I think we witches are in the middle.
We create fate and play with it. We fool around in these spaces.
But we have to accept certain restrictions and limits, and leave some foundation that does not allow us to fall.
Witches who aren't afraid of it have much, much less restrictions than I do.
The universe of only 07 can be divided into two extremes: "The side that rushes around at the will of fate" and "The side that creates fate."
The first is the human world. They can be called helpless and unable to create anything. But on the other hand, they have a solid support under their feet, which does not allow them to fall into the depths of a bottomless hell.
The second side includes witches and gods. Omnipotent beings who can create fate. However, they do not have many limitations. And because of their precarious position, they may fall into hell. Separately, we can single out the Creator - an omnipotent being who does not have any restrictions at all. But it also means that he is not limited even by his own personality and understanding.
The universe itself can be imagined as an endless staircase leading to unknown depths. The higher the witch rises on such a ladder, the more she loses her limitations, discovering more and more new and previously unknown for herself.
It seemed to Beato that Battler met her gaze. ...... But he couldn't.
This Battler is a figure.
He could not see Beato in a higher world.
「・・・・・・・・・ここは何なの。 図書館って呼ぶには、 あまりに広大過ぎるわ」 ▼
古戸 ヱリカ
眼下に流れるエメラルドグリーンの光の軌跡を、高速道路 に列なす車の灯りと考えたなら、確かにここは、図書の都 だった。▼
古戸 ヱリカ
「ええ。にれら一冊一冊が、重厚な群集劇をまとめたも の。 ここでは本に見えますが、本を開けば、そこには
古戸 ヱリカ
「選か上層の、霞んで見えないくらいに上層の大魔女は、 もはや神や造物主と同じ存在です。, れば、私たちの物語なんて、果たして一冊にまとめる価値 …そんな連中から見
竜騎士07 造物主でないほうが、 TVの前 に座っていればどんどん物語を見ることが できるのと同じで楽なんですよ。 人間は、 自分が誰かの作品の登場人物であることす ら自覚しておらず、 自由意志によって行動 していると信じているので、 一番気楽な存 在です。
一方でベルンやラムダたちは、チャンネ ルを自由に変えたり、ときどきシナリオライ ターに注文をつけて、話に介入できる階層。
女は死んでしまうわけですね。 魔女というの
は、 「自分たちは、誰かの創作物じゃないか」 ということに気づき始めていて、なおかつ 異なる創作物を閲覧できる立場にいる者で、 上に行けば行くほど執筆者の立場に近づい ていき、 本当に執筆者の域まで到達すると 終わってしまう。 真里亞が 「原初の魔女」と
"Come on, my kittens. I won't tell you to kill them. Just remove the two figures whose roles are over."
...... The countless blacks that surrounded them were gathered into a heap, not even placed on squares.
There were two white pieces on the chessboard.
In the starry sky of cat eyes, countless flesh-colored mouths opened, revealing innumerable teeth.
Then BERNKASTEL knocked over two white pieces........ and removed them from the board.
.. The world was engulfed in fangs, flesh and blood.
“How dare you say that after the Witch of Miracles promised that there would absolutely be no miracles?......... ha ha ha!!! Farewell. Gather dust in the depths of oblivion, unable even to die, and disappear!"
A million, a trillion, all ten quadrillion cats bared their fangs.
"Which one would be best? ... Hmm..."
To participate in a game within a Fragment, you first must send in a piece. In other words, this was much like the character select screen of a video game.
After folding her arms and giving it some deep thought, she eventually settled on a black piece.
She wasn't sure of the situation, but if the point of the game was to survive, she figured her best option would be a sturdy, clever all- rounder with a strong desire to live.
"...In which case, it's gotta be this piece. Let's go, my other self."
She plucked the piece out of midair, then tossed it into the galaxy.
As soon as she did, an infinite number of dazzling lights scattered about, and within a moment, the world was completely buried in a sea of stars.
Within those bright lights, Lambdadelta's consciousness was sucked away...
The letter ended there.
After reading that, there was nothing left but to take her up on the challenge. It had been awhile since Lambdadelta had played around with a game board of substance. Since Bernkastel had gone out of her way to pass it along, it was sure to be an entertaining one.
Lambdadelta touched the Fragment.
The moment she did, an array of constellations was suspended in the air, pivoting around the Fragment and forming a miniature galaxy.
"...Oh, now this is nostalgic. So the stage is set in the Japanese countryside. Reminds me of Hinamizawa. ... Though, it looks like this place is more desolate than Hinamizawa ever was....Right then, time to pick my piece. Which one should I choose?"
Lambdadelta held out a hand, and white, black, blue, and red pieces in various shapes and sizes, reminiscent of chess, appeared in the air.
To interact with the contents of the shard of the underlying layer, witches can use manifestations. Here the Bernkastel manifestation to commemorate the "death" of the two figures destroyed them with the help of their cats. However, from the perspective of the upper layer, it looked as if Bernkastel had removed the pieces from the game board.
Since, due to her "size", the witch is not able to penetrate the fragment, she can do this thanks to the figure into which she transfers her consciousness.
"And? Since the game is over, brother will be released?..... What will happen to him?"
"Acceptable interpretation....
And in the inhuman, it belonged to the owner of the game board......and was a place from where he could look at people...
In the human world, Kinzo's office belonged to his master.
....... Battler, who took the position of the Owner of the game and became the new territorial lord of this world.
It wasn't Kinzo
Is that what it means to let Beato find peace...?
I would like to know........ The book of this fragment did not tell more.
The hierarchies in the Human Domain and the Witch Domain are significantly different from each other. To move up the evolutionary ladder in the Human Domain, more significant qualitative changes are needed than in the Witch Domain. In the Witch's Domain, hierarchies are built on the principle of layers, and the higher the layer, the more similar the witch is to the Creator, a being devoid of restrictions. Climbing the hierarchy, the witch loses her limitations and discovers new stories for herself. However, having reached the position of the Creator, the witch dies, having lost her consciousness and the meaning of existence. Therefore, in order to rise to a new layer, it is necessary to transcend the limitations of the previous one.
I will not write about the types of death, but I will write that they are different.
Let's call it payment for my stay here. ...Me, traversing countless fragments in my flight from boredom.........I only dropped in on you because I heard that you were up to something interesting. Rest assured, as soon as I feel bored, I will leave.
The Witch of Fragments, who lived for a thousand years.
She is said to live in a world where concepts such as "fate" and "probability" can be made tangible. She observes the fates of people, and sometimes interferes with them.
In other words, at times she is you and your only friend at the same time. ...... See?
Likes wine and spicy food.
"So the enemy has disappeared........ Well, I beg your pardon. And, Lady, you should prepare for your journey. There are no more holidays in my territory. It was nice to see you. "Goodbye."
Pardon me, my master. The entirety of the Golden Land has disappeared and was swallowed up by the sea of nothingness. ▷
It's a shame, but a flower is a flower because its petals eventually scatter. Fireworks are fireworks because they're fleeting. In other words, we just have to find the next unfortunate game board. ▷
I wonder how many centuries it will take...before we find another game board that can ease our boredom. ... It's enough to make you dizzy. ▷
...I supposed we're going to float through the sea of nothingness for a thousand years, with nothing but the lingering scent of that tea.... giggle Perhaps that's why... Beato's game board was so delicious. ▷
Let's go, my master. I'm sure we'll find another game board that can capture your heart. ▷
And yet, the toxin of boredom kills us....Now that even Beato's game board has vanished,...we're gonna be faced with another stretch of time where our sickness torments us. ▷
There aren't many game boards that can heal our boredom....I mean, there haven't been any decent games lately. They're all crappy games, all stuff that's jumped the shark! Ah, old games were so good!▷
...While sating ourselves on those, we'll gradually disappear and become scraps of seaweed in the sea of boredom.▷
No way. Witches like us just appear out of nowhere and yell about stuff like 'it's a crappy game' and 'they jumped the shark'. After all, consumers are gods! Let slaves and fools do the job of being producers. ▷
Hey, Lambda.... What do you say about us making a game board from time to time? ▷
It's just one small game in the endless sea of Fragments! Sucking it dry, trampling it, and mocking it is our delight! ▷
Now about Voyagers. This is a class of witches whose power is not comparable to ordinary witches, limited to their territories. From the point of view of the Territory Lords, Voyagers are omnipotent witches who are not limited by their game board (territory), but can visit any fragment. Due to the fact that the Voyagers do not have their own territory, they travel through the Sea of Shards, freely visiting them without any difficulties.
The Voyagers themselves are global concepts that aspire to become omnipotent beings, approaching the Creator without limits. However, since the journey has no end, the Voyagers may face boredom and inner transformation in order to evolve into the most powerful being. But, as the scans show, when the Voyager reaches the Creator, it simply dies, losing the meaning of its existence, personality and will.
In this sense, it can be said that since she has put together her own magic system, even if she is in the beginner class, her level as a witch is already superior to witches, and she is one step closer even to your level. ..
And thanks for the valuable suggestion.
I agree with you. Lambdadelta is still a schemer.
She found a witch with whom I am simply incompatible, only to take revenge on me and lure me into a trap.
And I got caught, just like an easy target.
However, considering your illness, she is a precious creature to me.
If she is even taller than me, then she is very close to your illness.
Get rid of the disease that torments you, ... us, is the only way, and that's what she does.
...Besides, ironically, she also teaches me this.
Lambdadelta boasted that I would "absolutely" not win on this game board.
At that time, I paradoxically derived rule X.
I will leave a gift with a wish for a speedy recovery. Make fun of me all you want. You do like it.
Please be reborn so that I can meet the friend I haven't seen for so long. From your friend who still believes that you care.
A letter written by Faa contains information about the Domain of the Gods, which surpasses even witches and shards of the sea in its power. Despite this, the Domain has its own hierarchy of layers that lead to the Creator. In addition, the example from Lambdadelta shows that the more a witch suffers from boredom, the more advanced her evolutionary level can be, as this allows her to discover new worlds and get rid of restrictions.
右代宮 緑寿
「何人かの記憶に干渉するだけなら、 洗脳や催眠術と変わりはな い。……………でも、この魔女のそれは違うわ」
「ああ。......この力は...... あいつに近い……」
ピースを遣わした、 最も造物主に近い最高位の魔女。
ピースの力は、 霧江を食らって乗っ取り、 留弗夫に妻だと信じさせ
この世界の全てから、 獲物を食らって呑み込み、 そこに自分を上書 きするのだから......、 その力は限りなく、 フェザリーヌのそれに近 い......。
「おマヌケな喋ピ方をしていますでピースから、ついつい、性悪黒 猫やら、超パーやら、“その程度"に類する魔女だろうとお思いにな られていたでしょうが…」▼
「私は、尊厳なる観劇と戯曲と傍観の魔女であらせられる、 大アウ ローラ卿よりカケラを預かる使者として生み出されました。 大ア ウローラ卿が、世界を支える柱という偉大なる蝋燭に灯る炎であ るならば、 私はこの程度の蝋燭なれど、 大アウローラ卿の炎より火 を分けられた、 分祀されし存在なのでピス。・・・・・・我が主の命に従 い、このゲームの間は、 道化を演じることもありまピスでしょう が」▼
"Then, PIECE! You only inherited FEATHERINE'S power of erasure! So I'm guessing you can't do the opposite?"
"You mean the power of the pencil?"
"No, no, not that! The reverse of the ability to swallow somebody's whole existence! Wouldn't it be possible to spit out someone whose existence had been erased?!"
"...For FEATHERINE, our world... looks like it was written on paper, and she can take a pencil and eraser to those words to erase and rewrite them as she sees fit, or so I've heard."
"It's an awesome power. For her, the pieces, the game board, and even the rules don't matter...... she's the most powerful and invincible game master."
Let's move on to Pis and Faa. So, Peace is the messenger of Faa. In parallel with this, Pis is the creature closest to her, in addition, personifying one of the aspects of Faa - the power of the eraser. That is, Peace is able to erase someone's existence without any problems. Faa herself is something of a writer of the world. From Faa perspective, all of creation is words on a piece of paper that she can freely erase or rewrite, changing the world itself.
In addition, Faa can be compared with a burning candle that supports the existence of the World. At the same time, Pis is the same candle, but it is separated from the flame of Faa. That is, Peace is not some kind of creature attached to the universe, it exists separately from it. Also, along with the fact that Pis is the closest creature to Faa in terms of power, Faa is the closest creature to the Creator.
竜騎士07氏 コメント
多分、彼女は「殺し編」で現在が決別した 百年 の魔女の人格なのでしょう。 それが、カケラの 海で分離され、 百年の女の中の、もっとも残忍な 部分だけが残って結晶化した存在が彼女であるに 違いありません。 彼女とラムダとフェザリーヌ辺り の、最上層の魔女たちの関係は、結構細かく脳内 設定があったりします。
Let's get back to Voyagers. They embody the concepts that ensure the existence of the mechanisms of miracles and the absolute throughout the world. Thus, they are connected with the territory they cover, and their concepts have an impact on the universe, since in this territory there are no restrictions for them.
Ryukishi noted that Voyagers, like Fezarin, belonged to the highest stratum of witches. That is, the concepts associated with voyagers also apply to the Higher Domain.
造物主は、無の海に1を生み出すことの出来る神聖な存在。 0より1をも、無限をも生み出し、 瞬きするように0に戻せる。 あらゆる制約から解き放たれており、 航海者たちは時に、 神とさえ呼ぶという。
その意味では、原初の魔女マリアは造物主となることを約束された、 選ばれ し少女なのかもしれない......。
航海者たちは、自らの旅路の終点は、 造物主になることだと恐れている。 なぜ、 上位の存在に進化することを恐れるのか、 当事者以外には理解できない。
いていれば無限に遊べるので、マンガを読 むより遙かに面白いかもしれない。 ただし、 自分のアイデアが枯渇したり、 描く行為に 飽きたら終わりますよね。 しかも自分(作者) の望まないような展開やキャラクターは生ま れてこない。 造物主というのは何でも生み 出せるが故につまらない生き物ですよ。
フェザリーヌは、書いたことを現実に する能力を持っているということですが、『E p8』の物語全体がフェザリーヌによって書 かれた物であるという解釈は可能ですか?
竜騎士07 そういう考え方もできますね。 フ フェザリーヌはあの世界における神、世界の 執筆者に限りなく近いんです。だからフェザ
神の国より現世に生きて還りし偉大な魔女の 引き伸ばされた微睡を揺り起こしたのは小さな光 迷い鳥は飛び方も分からずに魔女に掬い上げられた
世界の頁に書き留めるのは貴方が紡ぐ物語 我は傍観の魔女 アウローラ ただ行く末を見届ける
高き天より俯瞰する 物語を綴る神域の魔女の 眺め記した盤上で震えていたのは孤独な光 迷い子は行先も見失い天を仰いで涙を流す
フェザリーヌ・アウグストゥス・アウローラ。 ・・・・・・伝説の大魔女。
魔女の域を極め過ぎて、 造物主の域にまで達し、 至ってはならぬ境地に触れ、 死の病に没したと伝えられて いた。
その魔女は、主を退屈という死の底より束の間だけ蘇らせ さまよ ることの出来るカケラを求め、 永遠にカケラの海を彷徨う という。
魔女たちがニンゲンをゲーム盤の駒と嘲笑って、上層世界 から見下ろせるように。
彼女もまた、魔女たちの領域さえも、 ゲーム盤の駒と嘲 笑って、 さらに上層の世界から見下ろせる。
••••••どれだけ上層の世界に至れるかが、 魔女の強さだとし たら。
彼女は、至ってはならぬ最上層に触れながら、 生きて帰っ
てきた、神の国より生還した魔女なのだ •••。
The Creator is an omnipotent being, devoid of any limitations. The Creator is capable of realizing any possibilities, creating anything. The Creator, one might say, is the author of the entire 07th Expansion universe. Because of this, he is also omniscient, because he already knows absolutely everything. In fact, the Domain of Zero (the Highest Layer, the Highest Domain, the Realm of the Creator, etc.) is the Creator himself. And the creatures inhabiting this Domain, in this case, are aspects of the Creator, embodying its omnipotence (since these very aspects belong to the Domain of Zero, the Creator).
Fezarin, on the other hand, embodies the aspect of the writer himself. She can freely write and change the history of the world, without being limited by anything. She reached Domain Zero while somehow retaining her identity (although it would be more correct to say that she has always been there, due to the High Pole's lack of the concept of time). While the Creator is the embodiment and personification of everything, accordingly, he cannot be limited in relation to something, Fezarin is limited by her own will and personality. In other words, only the presence of a personality separates Fezarin from absolute omnipotence. Although, if this personality is taken away from her, then Fezarin will perish like other witches who have touched the Creator. But the Creator was not initially limited by the boundaries of personality, and exists without this concept.
Naturally, this is not all, but I threw off the most important (although I may have missed something important), if you need scans to confirm my words (or scans for the canonicity of all works used in scaling) you can get in my telegram ( @GuardianTales3RD ) or in ds (solomon5143) , you can also ask questions there, but if possible, ask them in the comments