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sonic the hedgehog

  1. Robo432343

    Sonic vs Flash

    Both 2-C SBA Sonic is in his secret rings key
  2. TauanVictor

    A warrior from hell fights against... smoke

    "Scourge of Hell" Doomguy VS "Unique Creation" Time Eater Both in-character Starting Distance: 10m DOOM: Eternal Doomguy LOCATION: Doomguy: Time Eater: Inconclusive: OST:
  3. Pyro9278

    AP and LS against Absolute Speed (Dante VS Sonic)

    - The Speed is not Equal. - Dante has access to Heroes & Heralds Cards, Devil Trigger, and starts with the X Factor activated. - Sonic has 10 Rings, he has access to the invincibility monitor and the fire monitor. Restricted to High 5-A. - SBA for the rest. Dante (1645 Ronnatons): Sonic...
  4. y3p_owo

    Mammoth Mogul Addition (Pre-Genesis Wave Archie Sonic Thread)

    Since Mogul has a Chaos Emerald, and keeps it until the Super Genesis Wave, shouldn't he be given the Low to Mid level Chaos Energy abilities in Base on his Powers and Abilities of his page? We don't even need to add everything on there, we can just do what we did with the Sword of Acorns and...
  5. 8-D Archie Sonic Upgrade

    Time for a major Archie Sonic upgrade, let's go. The higher realm above the Next Evolution will be Virtual Zone, or just location inside the Chaos Force, where Aurora, Athair and Ancient Walkers reside. As said by Guardian members, those on the plane below can't see those on the plane above...
  6. Starsprite53

    2025 Part 1: Sonic OverHype is Over

    Oh yeah, this is happenin' In the world of battleboarding, people always talk about Sonic (Kirby victim btw) and his high-balled feats. Whether it’s outrunning black holes, defying time, or battling gods, Sonic has been wanked so much, but no matter how many over-the-top feats get piled onto...
  7. Prime2024

    How strong is the space colony ARK from Sonic 3 (the movie)?

    Do we have any info about how strong this device is in the movie adaptation?
  8. Another Archie Sonic CRT. New abilities, as always

    Yet another one, you know how it goes. Upgrade to Sonic's Ring Regeneration: As you know, Sonic's Fate Aura allows him to comeback from being erased and vaporized, confirmed by narrator, but as stated back in Mecha Madness, the Billionth Ring Aura also can restore his physical and...
  9. Johner2133451

    Sonic vs Goku

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Classic)#Standard https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Son_Goku_(DBS_Anime)#Powers_and_Abilities Sonic is in base form Both speed are equalized and at low multiversal
  10. Overlord775

    Metal Sonic betrayes past and present Eggman

    Because just betraying one isn't stylish anymore. Metal Overlord vs Time Eater Metal: 0 Eggmen: 0 Inconclusive: 0
  11. Starsprite53

    Very Minor Sonic 06 Downgrade (Should I call it in the shadows?)

    Something about Solaris’s profile has always bugged me, especially this part: "Immortality (Type 2, Resilient Immortality; Survived attacks that caused damage on the level of decapitation without issue[2])" And because of that, the Super forms have this: "Regeneration Negation (Up to Low-Godly...
  12. Hypercyber37

    1-C Phantom Ruby

    hey, it's me (again) I'm here for a pretty simple upgrade. https://ibb.co/17rxJhK https://ibb.co/GxLV37X https://ibb.co/bWnh7cD https://ibb.co/Gpsh2hz https://ibb.co/16Vk5Yd https://ibb.co/BLN5LmK https://ibb.co/jkDDt7t https://ibb.co/GnK7wLk Phantom Ruby is still incredibly powerful and...
  13. Archie Sonic CRT №25973157985

    No time to waste time, let's go. Ancient Walkers and Aurora get their so long needed updated P&A lists, you can see them by looking up my last revision before Garrixian undid them. Post-SGW Amy get Small Size Type 0, as her measurements are the same as that of her game counterpart. Sonic gets...
  14. Hypercyber37

    Sonic Vs Paper Mario

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Modern) https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Paper_Mario Paper Mario: Pure Hearts Sonic: Generations (Just Base form) Sonic Have a Rings Speed Unequalized
  15. Hypercyber37

    Potentially 1-C Super Neo Metal Sonic

    Hello There! İts me again! Can I please ask someone to explain to me why Neo Metal Sonic is the only Super form in the main series that didn't reach 1-C? I even saw Amy from Sonic Plus have a Potentially 1-C Super form. In Sonic Speed Simulator, Super Neo Metal Sonic makes an appearance as a...
  16. Purmeenant

    Blue Nuclear Baby(Gunvolt) vs Blue Coughing Bomb(Sonic)

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Gunvolt#Astral_Order Vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Modern)#Sonic_Forces_(Post-Imprisonment)_-_Ongoing_%E2%96%BE Rules: Speed Equalized GV has full control over Astral Order No Cyber Corruption GV: Sonic:
  17. There is a lot more to this comic hedgehog than meets the eye (Archie Sonic ability CRT №26864)

    Not even a few days from previous and I already found more abilities to add, so let's goooo!!! Sonic gets as optional equipment: Summoning & Wish Granting (Thanks to a Genie in a bottle [all justifications on following abilities in this link]) Power Nullification & Bestowal (Genie is capable...
  18. Omegabronic

    Perfect Chaos upgrade: "Perfection is only found surrounded in Chaos"

    Hello y'all, here i am going to prove why Perfect Chaos should scale to the full power of the Chaos Emeralds, as we currently only rate him to 2-C based around him fighting a "baseline" Super Sonic......well, today i will show why Super Sonic at that time WASN'T at baseline power, but rather...
  19. Robo432343

    Mewtwo VS Shadow

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Mewtwo vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_the_Hedgehog_(Sonic_X) Both 5-B SBA Speed =
  20. LukeChaosBlobz

    Life is Roblox: Sonic Speed Simulator CRT

    Intro First, a big shout out to @CBslayeR (Massively helping out with the sandbox) for helping with the additions of the sandbox and @JRockfish1 (Bringing it to my attention) for basically kicking this off. Anyone wondering how is the the Roblox game canon? Here is the conformation about the...
  21. Spinoirr

    Shadow the Hedgehog vs Ruby Rose

    Speed is equalized Both are 4-B Fight takes place on Remnant Ruby starts in ultimate Shadow has 1 rings (to make things fair for the hedgehog) Now what black and red haried hero who was burdened by their past by a dead family member and an promise who want to protect others who are shining...
  22. GlaceonGamez471

    (Concluded) [0-0-7] The Blue Blur faces the God of Eternity (Sonic vs Raiden Shogun)

    I've started playing Genshin again a couple months ago, and I've just seen the 4-A upgrade to the verse. Hoping this can work out. This is Adventure Sonic (Pre-Ultimate Emerl) vs Raiden (Hoping for Sonic's Accelerated Development to cover the initial gap here) The battle starts on Seirai...
  23. Eden_Warlock99

    Sonic vs. Meta-Cooler(s) (GRACE)

    Sonic (Post-Ultimate Emerl) vs. Meta-Cooler Both are 3-C Speed is equal Sonic only possesses the Blue Emerald Fight takes place on New Namek, a dozen or so kilometers away from the Big Gete Star Metal Cooler upscales from 216.152 ZettaFoe and Sonic is 59.567 Zettafoe, >119.134 Zettafoe with...
  24. JJSliderman

    The tiny Eggman (and maybe Bowser) CRT

    In the wake of the upcoming DB, I decided to troll over Bowser’s page, and remembered he got mid-high regen off this scene from 3D World, where he explodes into fireworks and yet appears later. Wouldn’t you know it, Eggman has done this not once, not thrice, but 2 times. That said I wanna...
  25. Yet another Archie Sonic abilities crt

    Stash isn't empty just yet, here we go. Power Rings get; Speed Amplification (Sonic noted to be able to move faster with a ring in hand) More Power Bestowal (Monkey Khan upon putting on a Power Ring gained abilities to summon lightning and a nimbus cloud to ride on, with these abilities...
  26. Robo432343

    Sonic vs Flash

    SBA speed =
  27. Hypercyber37

    Doomslayer Vs Sonic the Hedgehog

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Doomguy Key: DOOM: Eternal Vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Modern) Key: Starfall Super Sonic Speed Equalized
  28. Hypercyber37

    Sonic and Secret Rings isn’t R>F?

    https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/World_of_the_Arabian_Nights https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Arabian_Nights Gerçek dünya, Sonic'in Arabian Nights için geldiği yerdir. Sonic'in dünyası için Arabian Nights bir hikaye kitabıdır. Sonic'in Arabian Nights'a ulaşması için Shahra'ya ihtiyacı vardı. İçindeki...
  29. Omegabronic

    "Multiverse of Power" Sonic the Hedgehog (Main Continuity) Cosmology Scalling continuation

    Continuation of this thread now that the page is now finally accepted and made, here is the scaling from it to be discussed in this thread: More calirifcation For the Above even if one disagrees with Sol Emeralds doing the feat on their own, it would still scale, as the other part of the...
  30. Even More Archie Sonic revisions

    Got even more comin' let's go. Sonic gains: Enhanced Senses (Heard trouble inside Castle of Acorn when Eggman activated his sleeper agents) Technology Manipulation (Can scramble machinery with a device made by Rotor [Optional Equipment]) Fire Manipulation (With Fire Sword [Optional...
  31. Hypercyber37

    Possibly Immesurable Base Sonic characters

    Time travel with pure speed is Immesurable on this site. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1139910957221543947/1223510261705740349/image.png?ex=670d5a7a&is=670c08fa&hm=73044bd83e74610ff3d6b9c476c259e6ceef3563319ac56b6e3e474e144611c3& Classic base Sonic on sonic CD does it with pure speed...
  32. Robo432343

    Anos Voldigoad vs Archie Sonic

    Sonic is Low 2-C SBA Speed Equal
  33. Causalist

    Galactic Gizoid, Master Core: ABIS + Eggman Shuffle Leftovers

    3-C Ultimate Emerl: Ultimate Emerl currently scales to the value of the 4-A Final Egg Blaster (465.36463094381646829516462257912 ExaFoe), due to having absorbed its power. One thing we failed to account for, however, is that Emerl also had all 7 Chaos Emeralds on him at this time, which means...
  34. Starsprite53

    Out of Shadows, Mephiles hax addition (Part 1)

    I’d like to add an outshone hax to Mephiles' abilities . In Sonic 06, when Mephiles was released from the Scepter of Darkness after it broke, we see the surrounding robots immediately malfunction and turn off. This suggests that he directly interfered with the technology around him. Given this...
  35. Omegas03

    Team Sonic vs....... Team Sonic?

    Sonic Tails Knuckles vs. Bergamo Lavender Basil Team Sonic is in their 4-A adventure era keys start off with 20 rings and a chaos emerald each. Sonic and Tails get Magic Hands. Trio de Dangers are at their Universe Survival Saga keys(2-C). Speed is equalized, and fight takes place in the...
  36. Some more Archie Sonic revisions

    Let's do it quick. Firstly, Secret Rings didn't happen in Archie, even if the story doesn't show "In another time, in another place" box, stuff Sonic says doesn't fit anything that is connected to Archie, he doesn't mention any of the freedom fighters, mentions Vanilla, who he at the time of...
  37. Archie Sonic chaos resistances CRT

    Fixing my mistakes I made yesterday, so here is a small CRT on these additions, beginning with Resistances: Limited Egg Grape resistance: Ian Flynn back in the day reffered to Mogul holding off Egg Grapes as a struggle, so I count it as only limited resistance when having one Chaos Emerald...
  38. Livinmeme

    Gilgamesh vs Sanic

    Sanic got a shitload of upgrades from data type 2, CM1, and even more, so this maybe won't end with gilga pulling the usual fate bullcrap out of his anus to atomize sonic...I hope (or the reverse, who knows). Characters Votes Girugamesh Sanic
  39. Omegabronic

    "Multiverse of adventures, less now" Sonic the hedgehog (Main Continuity) Cosmology page creation

    So, this thread kind of........died, can't get staff in there for the life of me, can't blame tho, 4 pages is intimidating, so i am here to re-make the thread, make it shorter and make it more cohesive, without wasting more time, let's go Cosmology page creation here is the sandbox of it, it's...
  40. Spicy78

    The Scourge of Hell faces The Blue Blur | Doomguy Vs. Sonic | (0-0-0)

    (please let this be a fair fight) So, Doomguy can actually win matchups now, but can he beat Sonic tho? Both characters are at their strongest. Doomguy has access to his full arsenal, Sonic has access to his standard equipment. Battle takes place at the Yggdrasil. SBA for the rest. Speed is...