Hello, If you would be willing to give your input here, it would be amazing, and we would be extremely thankful.
Five Nights at Freddy's: The Week Before CRT & notes
Before I begin, I'd like to state that this is meant to be as much of a CRT as it is a thread indexing everything noteworthy from The Week Before. As such, certain details that may not be relevant to characters' profiles will be included here simply for ease of access to said details...
Like. Either I disagree and am the one against many, or agree and am the one amongst many. Either way, it's a smidgeon late- though it is kind of you to at least offer a final opportunity, I suppose.
To speak on my actual thoughts: I said awhile back that I think Chaos Manipulation should just be deleted, it not serving a huge point, and as such I'm ambivalent to changes made to it, I think.