TheSandman31 said:
So why will DS lose just because Michael was losing to Mercurius in another thread?
that doesnt make sense.You cant scale character like that when they dont even have anything to do with each other
DS have low possibility in putting down Mercurius permenently for one, because the stalker have true-godly regen.
and Mercurius can easily destroy throne, which is a baseline 1-A in itself, and Merc can kill gudou/hadou weaker than him, who also have true-godly regen on their own thanks to taikyoku mechanics. while DS only have high-godly regen. so Merc have high possibility in killing DS because he can bypass other true-godly regen.
of course, that's only if both can kill each other once. but even if DS can kill Merc, Merc have higher chance in coming out of death.
of course, DS have transdualism, but idk what degree DS have, considering even fodder hadou/gudou have transdualism too, and Merc can beat them, its safer to say Merc might also be capable of bypassing DS' transduality.
from what I see, DS seems to be able to make 1-A realm which contains all governing concepts (maybe something like laws in hadou/gudou terms?), which maybe put them on the same level as a hadou/gudou, who can also destroy throne. but they have zero fighting feat so idk how high they are.
thats why i pick Merc, Merc managed to kill at least one hadou (Satanel), who have similar powerset to Merc, but only with lower taikyoku.