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A recent issue that appeared in a Dragon Ball Heros (more specific in this thread) and Kingdom Hearts revision; as introduction, DBH has a Demon Realm (don't going full detailed here as I'm not knowledgeable in the verse), is repeatedly and (apparently) consistently to be a place outside of time, what we commonly define as Timeless Void, in whose case according to our rules, they would qualify as having Infinite Speed.
Now the issue, the verse nowhere state this to be a speed feat in no form or shape, aka, speed is not a factor that affect moving, thinking or interacting within this Timeless Void, however, according to our standards, the character does technically qualify as having Infinite Speed.
This is not an unique issue with Dragon Ball, in Kingdom Hearts for example, it was considered to gave characters Infinite Speed due moving in the Realm of Darkness, something that apparently has been consistently definied as a place where time doesn't flows. Once again, our standards "make" us qualify this as Infinite Speed (this realm even paralyze in time to anyone inside), but in-verse is quite different, as the requeriment for characters moving there is not having infinite speed, but that the characters possesses a "strong heart", with speed not being a factor here (thus, not being an speed feat in any form or shape).
You may think: these verses could be the exception, infinite or immeasurable speed is what is needed to move within these places, well, I play the old trump card of case-by-case analysis; see, Timeless Voids, Nonexistent Realms of places outside of time is something that exist in real life that author reference in their works, a place where times do not flows could be simply a place where, redundancy, time do not pass to anyone, like the Neverland from Peter Pan, or could instead a place where time do not pass with regard of other places, like that Narnia movie.
Long story-short, simply moving in a "Timeless Void", regardless of the type of void (types that were created by us btw), do not warrant a Infinite or Immeasurable Speed rating, and instead, is just another case of case-by-case analysis, the only way a character can have a certain speed rating is that the verse has needing infinite/immeasurable/whatever speed as requeriment to move in a place like that. Said that, it makes the Timeless Voids Standards kind of useless how they currently are, as they works more as a window to upgrade characters to Infinite or Immeasurable speed without the need of feats, in whose case, the page either needs to be changed to be stricter or deleted. Naturally, either way this would lead to the downgrade of several verses whose speed rating is only based in Timeless Voids that do not have speed rating as requeriment.
This thread is Staff Only after the highlight. If you are a regular member who wishes to contribute, please send your proposed comment to a staff member, or obtain their permission. This process helps the thread stay more organised, so we can reach a conclusion.
Now the issue, the verse nowhere state this to be a speed feat in no form or shape, aka, speed is not a factor that affect moving, thinking or interacting within this Timeless Void, however, according to our standards, the character does technically qualify as having Infinite Speed.
This is not an unique issue with Dragon Ball, in Kingdom Hearts for example, it was considered to gave characters Infinite Speed due moving in the Realm of Darkness, something that apparently has been consistently definied as a place where time doesn't flows. Once again, our standards "make" us qualify this as Infinite Speed (this realm even paralyze in time to anyone inside), but in-verse is quite different, as the requeriment for characters moving there is not having infinite speed, but that the characters possesses a "strong heart", with speed not being a factor here (thus, not being an speed feat in any form or shape).
You may think: these verses could be the exception, infinite or immeasurable speed is what is needed to move within these places, well, I play the old trump card of case-by-case analysis; see, Timeless Voids, Nonexistent Realms of places outside of time is something that exist in real life that author reference in their works, a place where times do not flows could be simply a place where, redundancy, time do not pass to anyone, like the Neverland from Peter Pan, or could instead a place where time do not pass with regard of other places, like that Narnia movie.
Long story-short, simply moving in a "Timeless Void", regardless of the type of void (types that were created by us btw), do not warrant a Infinite or Immeasurable Speed rating, and instead, is just another case of case-by-case analysis, the only way a character can have a certain speed rating is that the verse has needing infinite/immeasurable/whatever speed as requeriment to move in a place like that. Said that, it makes the Timeless Voids Standards kind of useless how they currently are, as they works more as a window to upgrade characters to Infinite or Immeasurable speed without the need of feats, in whose case, the page either needs to be changed to be stricter or deleted. Naturally, either way this would lead to the downgrade of several verses whose speed rating is only based in Timeless Voids that do not have speed rating as requeriment.
This thread is Staff Only after the highlight. If you are a regular member who wishes to contribute, please send your proposed comment to a staff member, or obtain their permission. This process helps the thread stay more organised, so we can reach a conclusion.