> "This misses the entire point of my argument, Triborg does not have to take the truck on, just get inside, which he can easily do. There's no fighting the truck, just the 9-C inside it."
Yeah, no. You act as if it's that casual and that there wouldn't be any issues ahead. You really underestimate the abilities, versatility, and mobility that Needles possesses. Firstly, not only is Triborg placed at a disadvantage due to range (while this gives Needles a major advantage), but getting in that vehicle let alone near it would
result in a shockwave that can activate instantly or an EMP, ultimately messing up the arguement of getting in the vehicle. Not only that, but if Sweet decides to amp up his game by transforming to the Sweet bot. Yeah, that arguement really shouldn't apply if he's gonna be vibing up in the sky or running around.
> Triborg has no express limits to using his Teleportation or Intangibility, so when he sees a projectile coming, all he has to do is keep evading, which, being a robot, he won't tire out with doing so. Laughing Ghost being able to phase through things doesn't suddenly grant it NPI.
I wasn't even implying that it was NPI, why are you assuming that lol. Ok and like has he ever done that against foes with boaderline Danmaku? To say he would literally dodge all of that seems like an over exaggeration, since all he does is borrow the technique from Sektor which isn't all that impressive or something he usually spams. As for intangibility, he only turns to smoke and appears further back or behind the opponent, sorta the same with the former ability. To quote a certain skeleton, ya can't keep dodgin forever.
> "Approximately 10 seconds, but he can just use it again, nothing suggests he wouldn't if he plans to be evasive, like he would.
Also, not getting how Needles would handle Triborg, he's fairly used to derby styled fights, not fighting a single person outside a vehicle, he's going to have a real hard time with something so slippery as Triborg."
Yeah, and so can Sweet tooth. He can also just do this while in The Sweet Bot mode, making him unpredictable. And also, I said
he has experiences going up against others with similar abilities and technique not a stickin robot. Although, he has fought and defeated
the Iron Maide which is a pretty extraordinary feat.