Fair enough, but do note that Windu was instantly overpowered by Sidious' full power (that being his lightning. In fact, his lightsaber was bent almost enough to bisect Windu), while Yoda was able to block it for some time. He has a considerable power advantage.
While both are masters of all 7 forms, I would say Yoda has better feats with regards to all of them except perhaps Juyo. The dude taught Dooku everything he knows about combat, and in terms of pure skill he is stated to be Windu's equal as a swordsman. Dooku is a master of Makashi (even dueling Windu briefly), taught Ventress and Grievous Jar'Kai, taught Qui-Gon ataru, who taught Kenobi Soresu (Windu flat out states Kenobi is his superior in the form), who taught Anakin his fighting style (and whom was considered the best at it). Lastly, Battle Meditation and Force Valor both increase performance as well, and Yoda was a master of both. Mace, to my knowledge, was not. Windu doesn't have such a wide influence over other major characters in the series other than Depa Billaba and Sora Bulq, both of whom also used Form 7.
I'll give you that, but Shatterpoints don't entirely work that way, they percieve faultlines in a person and something connected to their downfall, not (as far as I know) a weakness in that person's defense. This is described during Windu's fight with Palpatine in the novel, in which he can't find a weakness in Palpatine's fighting style, only that Anakin was his shatterpoint, which he misinterpreted.
Given I spent 2 hours today debating this with a friend, I figured I'd drop a few of those points. I will bow out now.