Yeah, it was all my fault. Blame me for his title.
And well, I can't miss a good debate so I'm gonna defend Ichigo again ovo
>People that have talents on levels that far above than normal people. Even primary school's pupils are able to fight with giant robots which have size as houses and equip with powerful weapons like missile and energy beam. And the verse have human like
Great Gozu who can deal with something like that. And Mukuro is stronger than all of them
You're just describing Shinigami and Hollows where both of those things above normal human where hollows also have various ability and Menos have size of a building and can shoot energy beam too. And even some fodder shinigami can deal with hollows as they trained too.
>Mukuro also went to war since she was a child. When talking about war, we can think about barbed wire, gunfire from all directions, minefields, tanks and possibly some of robots. Mukuro faced all of those on the front lines and "never received a wound". So she should be really tactical and combat genius.
Not arguing about that, Mukuro is smarter, but Ichigo also fought something that fly, create bombs and even took near pointblank explosion from shrieker and energy from menos nearly unschated.
>Ichigo is also a good on combat, but he still be a guy with a big sword. which should be prefer to on close-mid range. Mukuro should be able to know it and use that for her advantage. And with her variety on weapons like combat knives, rifles and grenades. She can fought on any range without having disadvantage.
Range is 10 meters according to OP, Ichigo will try to get close and this is not the first time he faced someone who try to keep their distances and can fly and even with variety of weapons she need to change her weapon not too mention Ichigo fought something with the worst stuff than guns, aka acids, exlosives leeches (Yes, leeches bombs) and energy beams.
>Also, Like I said before that Mukuro should be tactical and combat genius. So she should fight with some tactical which really give her more advantages, such as aim on Ichigo's hand to make him swing his sword harder, use combine attack with rifle and grenade to attack from blind spot or use things on her enviroment to narrow the vision of her enemy. Ichigo may have a lot of endurance, but he also should got a lot of disadvantage when the time passed.
She's smart but Ichigo is not stupid either and that assuming she can keep the distances and use grenades. And like I said before Shrieker fighting style is the same way. Keep the distance and use the leech bombs. Even then Ichigo managed to figure out the weakness of Shrieker (his tongue trigger the explosion) and rip it's off. Further supporting my statement that Ichigo is not stupid and can figure out his opponent's weaknesses. And the time passed on she will lose the advantage either since guns has limited bullets, so does grenade. And Ichigo's endurance is allow him to keep fighting while being stabbed right in the chest. And Ichigo has fought hollows nearly for whole days so he can last longer in fight.
>Mukuro's experience is immense that learning Karate at a young age doesn't probably matter when used to compete with her experiences, look at Sakura, I think Sakura has more experience in Martial Arts than Ichigo by a lot. Mukuro should be a lot stronger than Sakura who can't even defeat a Monokuma and Mukuro just beat 100 of them.
Hmm I see, learning Karate from kid is only one of his experience feats where he gain enough experience to keep up fighting variety of hollows. And Ichigo's keep growing until Byakuya rekt him, remember he can scratch Nerfed Renji a little and proceed to stomps him with power up. And even nerfed Renji is above the hollow like Menos. I'd say their power isn't that different.
Again, sorry for wall of text.