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3-A: Universe level
Characters who can create or destroy all celestial bodies within a 3-D space at least equivalent in size to the observable
universe via an omnidirectional explosion that covers the entire space, alternatively those who can significantly affect
[1] a 3-D universe or pocket dimension of comparable size without also affecting time.
High 3-A: High Universe level
Characters who demonstrate an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, such as creating or destroying infinite mass, affecting an infinite 3-D space, or affecting an infinite number of finite or infinite-sized 3-D universes or pocket dimensions
when not accounting for any higher dimensions or time. Large numbers of infinite 3-D universes, unless causally closed from one another by separate spacetime continuums, only count for a higher level of this tier. Being “infinitely” stronger than this level, unless uncountably so, does not qualify for any higher tier.