Hey hey hey, whoa. First of all, concrete is a highly variable material. I've seen so many papers and studies on the engineering properties of concrete that you can probably go as far as to name any material that you think would be added into concrete and you could probably find a research paper on the mechanical properties of said concrete. The same can be said about steel.
Second, the way the first two links insinuates that regular ol' concrete is somehow stronger than reinforced concrete when that is complete bollocks. The first link overly generalizes concrete and second link is a homework website, which generally isn't something reliable.
Our current value for concrete's fragmentation uses an academic reference sheet for the low end fragmentation value (
https://www.academia.edu/4156626/So...ogic_and_Otherwise_Angle_of_internal_friction ), although our current values for V. Frag and pulverization do make use of Engineering Toolbox's listed shear and compressive strength values, which is kinda odd. ET's always been a last resort-y type thing.
Personally, it is in our best interest to just stick with what we already have for concrete's values as, again, concrete is too variable for us to settle with any one value.
As for reinforced concrete, the values in the articles you provided aren't shear strength, they're compressive strength. If you want shear strength, here's a study from Purdue involving 370 reinforced concrete samples using a shear strength model that uses flexural stress:
https://engineering.purdue.edu/~frosch/ftp/Pavelchak/Concrete Shear Strength - Another Perspective.pdf
The values range from 0.9 to 13.6 ksi (6.2 to 93.8 MPa), with the majority of the samples sitting in a cloud ranging from 2 to 6 ksi (13.8 to 41.4 MPa). Compressive strength doesn't exactly fare better; this source goes from 26 to 99 MPa:
Keep in mind that reinforced concrete (which uses rebar) is different from UHPC (ultra-high performance concrete, which uses fibers). Generally UHPC must have a compressive strength higher than 15000 psi (103.4 MPa). This source sets UHPC's compressive strength at at least 150 MPA:
One particular brand of UHPC goes for 25500 psi (175.8 MPa):
So yeah, maybe read into the sources a little more.