He/Him- 1,245
- 688
Man, there are so many flaws in the profile of this man, the master of these Games. I'm currently adding some of what I can find to this CRT.I know it's very long. It may take a long time to review the Powers and abilities section.
Powers and abilities:
Duelist Kingdom:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Summoning, Magic (The basic rules of Duel Monsters require the assimilation of monsters and spell cards to battle)
Aura, Extrasensory Perception (Every duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh has a battle aura that other duelists can sense)
Purification (Type 2, Mind Crush can destroy the evil within people's hearts)
Forcefield Creation (Atem can create invisible barriers to protect himself)
Mind Control (Brain Control can brainwash monsters and control them for one turn)
Soul Manipulation (Atem cam swap the souls of other people)
Fusionism (Polymerization can combine two monsters into one)
Resurrection (Monster Reborn can revive monster cards from the Graveyard)
Attack Reflection (Mirror Force can reflect attack back, Spell Shattering Arrow sends Spell card effects back)
Sealing, Light Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Statistics Reduction (Swords of Revealing Light can stop monsters from attack for three turns, it can also dispel the darkness. Kaiba also comments on how it seals away attacks. Spellbinding Circle is a Trap card that stops monster attacks and lowers their attacks by 700 points)
Durability Negation (Black Hole destroys all monsters on the field)
Statistics Amplification (Dragon Master Knight gains the attack points of every dragon on the field or Graveyard, Horn of the Unicorn raises the attack points of a monster by 700)
BFR (Mind Crush can send you to the Shadow Realm)
Multiple Souls (Yugi's body contains two souls one being Yugi and the other being Atem)
Duplication (Multiply is a card that endlessly multiplies a monster with 500 attack points or lower, "Kuriboh multiplies infinitely")
Self-Destruction (Kuriboh's effect allows it to turn into a mine and self-destructs whenever it makes contact with another monster)
Law Manipulation (Atem can create Shadow Games that can trap others, forcing them to follow along with the game rules: which he can also free if he wants to)
Probability Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Supernatural Luck (Yugi is to draw the cards he needs, even in a dire situation such as him losing a duel.)
Resistance to Mind Reading (Mind Shuffle is a technique that switches Yugi and Atem's minds constantly, withholding information that the other has: enabling it to counteract Pegasus's Mind Scan. Yugi's bonds with his friends prevent Pegasus from reading his mind, let alone entering his mind
Battle City:
Yugi has everything he had before with the exception of new abilities he gets during Battle City.
Sealing (Lightforce Sword seals away monsters for three turns)
Durability Negation (Chain Destruction destroys copies of a monsters from either your hand or the deck when a monster is summoned onto the field. Dust Tornado destroys one spell or trap card on the field)
Attack Reflection, Absorption (Mystical Refpanel is a trap card that can control another person's spell. It's even been stated to absorb spell cards' abilities. Magic Cylinder absorbs monster attacks and sends them right back)
Matter Manipulation (Alpha the Magnet Warrior is able to pulverize his foes into particles)
Flight (Gamma the Magnet Warrior when combined with Alpha and Beta create Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and grants him the ability to fly due to its wings)
Negation, Power Nullification (De-Spell negates spell cards)
Immortality Negation (Type 7, Yugi is able to kill Dark Necrofear who is the ruler of the afterlife)
Mind Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Creation, Death Manipulation (Is able to enter one's subconscious such as him entering Mai's mind during her duel with Marik. Shadow Game users are able to create shadows that can consume people's body and soul. In addition to this they're able to create Shadow Games where losing a monster can destroy the "souls of people" that exists within memories. Along with this-Shadow Game Users can create worlds within a person's heart and trap them there, slowly killing them)
Paralysis Inducement (As the chosen duelist for Slifer of the Sky Dragon Slifer is able to paralyze people with just its intense aura)
Statistics Reduction (Archfiend of Gilfer equips onto a monster and lowers its attack points by 500 whenever it's sent to the graveyard. Slifer's second mouth can lower a monster's attack or defense points by 2000)
Statistics Amplification (Buster Blader gains 500 attack points for every dragon on the field. Magic Formula increases Dark Magician Girl's attack points by 500. Slifer's attack points are multiplied by 1000 times the number of cards the duelist has in their hand. In Duel Monsters, Dark Magician Girl gains 300 attack points for every Dark Magician in the graveyard inheriting the soul of her master. Whenever a spellcaster falls in battle, Dark Magician Girl "becomes stronger and even more determined.")
Empowerment, Probability Manipulation (Whenever a duelist draws a card he creates new possibilities and each card in his or her hand is a possibility)
Resistance to Attack Reflection (God Cards are immune to trap cards such as Mirror Force)
Resistance to Statistics Reduction (Spellbinding Circle has no effect on God Cards)
Virtual World:
Empowerment (Yugi's bond with his friends grants him the ability to draw the cards he needs to win duels. This is how he was able to defeat Noa in one turn)
Resistance to Possession, Memory Manipulation (Was able to resists Noa's attempt at taking over his body)
Battle City Finals:
Fissionism (De-Fusion splits up a Fusion Monster and negates the attack)
Power Mimicry (Double Spell can allow the user to use the opponent's spell cards)
Empowerment (Yugi's hand contains infinite possibilities, whenever a duelist draws a card he creates new possibilities and each card in his or her hand is a possibility)
Negation, Power Nullification, Durability Negation, Attack Reflection (Seven Tools of the Bandit negates trap cards and destroys them. Magician Selection activates whenever a spellcaster is attacked in battle and negates the attack. Electromagnetic Turtle implants an electrode into a monster and can end the battle when the user chooses. Mirror Force negates and destroys attacks)
Paralysis Inducement (The Regulation of Tribe can prevent a monster-type from attacking)
Attack Negation, Forcefield Creation (Kuriboh when sent to the graveyard creates a field of Kuribohs that protect the user from battle damage.), Statistics Amplification (Black Paladin gains 500 attack points whenever a dragon is on the field)
Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation (Slifer and Obelisk warped space and time when they clashed)
Soul Manipulation (Ra can burn one's soul/willpower)
Supernatural Luck, Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation (Atem can draw the very cards he needs without even looking at the card directly)
Pyramid of Light:
Soul Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Abstract Existence (Type 3, All humans contain a "Ka" which is a manifestation of the darkness of their mind. The very art of controlling one's "Ka" is with the human spirit "Ba". Duel Monsters are the modern day equivalent to the Egyptian Shadow Games that took place thousands of years ago. Shadow Games affect a duelists' body and spirit. Shadow Game users can create Shadow Games where your very life force gets sucked right out of you )
Summoning (Sage's Stone summons Dark Magician if Dark Magician Girl is on the field.), Negation, Power Nullification, Durability Negation (Sorcerer of Dark Magic can negate trap activations and destroys them.), Statistics Reduction (Sorcerer of Dark Magic can call upon the spirits of each Spellcaster in the graveyard and use them to reduce an opposing monster's attack points by 500 each)
Waking the Dragon:
Supernatural Luck, Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation (All duelists that carry the heart of a true duelist can change odds in their favor. Atem defeated Rafael who was constantly stating that destiny cannot be changed but was defying it during the duel)
Mind Manipulation (The Legendary Dragons can implant the chosen duelist knowledge with who they are as monsters and their capabilities)
Healing (True Duelists can heal the Legendary Dragons' wounds)
Extrasensory Perception (Yugi can sense Duel Monster cards power, he was able to sense Hermos and Timaeus's power.)
At one point Yugi did have and even used the seal of Orichalcos which grants him Soul Manipulation, Sealing due to its ability to seal away souls.
Indomitable Will (Yugi was able to survive and even fight in the Rock Wastelands which is an area where the world's souls gather and once you enter you can't get back out alive without an "iron will")
Resurrection, Summoning (Dark Renewal tributes an opponent's monster and the user's monster to resurrect a Spellcaster from the Graveyard. Magical Academy discards two cards from one's hand to summon a monster with its level increased by two along with increasing their attack points by 500. Five Star Twilight tributes a level 5 monster and replaces them with the five Kuriboh brothers)
Fusionism (Kuribah's effect allows it to fuse with his other Kuriboh brothers to create Kuribabylon. The Eye of Timaeus can fuse with monsters in Yugi's deck; examples are Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician to create new monsters such as Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight and Amulet Dragon. Kuribeh's effect fuses with his other Kuriboh brothers to create Kuribandit. The Claw of Hermos can fuse with monsters to create Equip Cards)
Attack Negation, Durability Negation, Air Manipulation, Mind Reading (Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight's effect discards one card and reduces battle damage to zero and destroys the monster. Breaker the Magical Warrior's Mana Break destroys one spell or trap card. Mystical Space Typhoon destroys one spell or trap card on the field. Underworld Circle allows the user to see into his opponent's memories and or past. It also destroys all monsters on the field)
Power Mimicry, Death Manipulation (Natural Selection creates a clone of a monster on the field with the exact same power but the original monster is destroyed. Legendary Knight Hermos can absorb monster effects from the graveyard and use them)
Transmutation (Magical Pigeon transforms Dark Magician Girl into a Pigeon Token and summon it in defense mode for one turn)
Statistics Amplification, Attack Reflection ("Pump Up" doubles a monster's attack points. Excalibur doubles a monster's attack points. Divine Wind doubles the effect damage and reflect it back. Legendary Knight Hermos absorb three monsters from the graveyard and reflects the attack back three times as strong. Goddess Bow can increase a monster's attack points by 2500. Amulet Dragon's effect can banish spell cards from the graveyard and gain 300 attack points for each spell card sent)
Gravity Manipulation (Zero Gravity changes all monsters in attack position to defense position)
Reactive Evolution (Goddess Bow can ignore battle damage and continue attacking)
Statistics Reduction (Breaker the Magical Warrior's Mana Break lowers its attack by 300 points. Kuriball lowers a monster's attack points by 1500. Kuribee can drop all other monster's attack points to zero and negate the battle phase)
Damage Reduction (Reduction Barrier lowers the battle damage took to 10%)
Life Manipulation, Invulnerability (Soul Shield halves one's life points to prevent a monster from being destroyed in battle)
Nonexistent Physiology, Immortality (Types 4 and 8, Relay Soul summons a monster onto the field and you can't lose the duel unless the selected monster is destroyed. Atem's heart contains a vessel of memories in which as long as Atem has that vessel, he can keep reincarnating due to it. Atem directly states that he doesn't exist)
Purification, Sealing, Immortality Negation (Types 4 and 8, Yugi is able to kill Guardian Dreadscythe who can keep on reviving without the duelist knowing or choosing. Atem purified all of Earth's darkness and was able to kill the Orichalcos God who will never die as long as malice or hatred continues to exist on Earth. Yugi also considers this sealing as well)
Self-Sustenance (Yugi can breathe in space with no problem and has infinite stamina)
Soul Manipulation (The Legendary Knights can influence the Soul)
Resistance to Sealing (Yugi can break the Orichalcos Seal that can seal souls away or trapped them behind them in a different space)
Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Yugi can resist Dartz's control of his soul, by the time Dartz completes the Seal of Orichalcos he implies Yugi can't even resist this but can later so one layer of resistance. The three Legendary Knights are unaffected by the Seal of Orichalcos and this is the complete version of it)
Grand Championship:
BFR (Time Travel removes a monsters from play and comes back until the opponent's next standby phase)
Attack Negation (Discarding Kuriboh mid-battle cancels out all damage from an attack)
Extrasensory Perception, Aura (Atem is able to sense Leon's fighting spirit)
Durability Negation (Royal Straight Slasher's effect allows Yugi to discard monsters from levels 1 through 5 to the graveyard and it destroys all cards on the field)
Capsule Monsters:
Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Mind Reading (Atem's mind is directly linked to the Millennium Puzzle and that subjects one to be trapped in an infinite labyrinth)
Millennium World:
Enhanced Senses (Atem is able to see structures that would be invisible towards others)
Indomitable Will (Atem can prevent others from entering places within his heart despite them being "ghost" in his world)
Invulnerability (Marshmallon's effect prevents it from being destroyed in battle despite it being cut in half)
Reactive Power Level (The will to live for humans can make their Ka's grow and get stronger)
Time Manipulation (Yugi's Turn Jump skips ahead three turns in a duel)
Sealing (Atem can use his soul and name to seal people away)
Immortality Negation (Type 8, Atem can kill Zorc who can exist as long as darkness within humans/human hearts exist)
Reality Warping, Elemental Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Sand Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Fungus Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Animal Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Black Hole Generation, Blood Manipulation, Bone Manipulation, Chain Manipulation, Cloth Manipulation, Density Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Mirror Manipulation, Organic Manipulation, Paint Manipulation, Paper Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Technopathy and Vehicular Manipulation (Atem created the "World of Memories" which is shown to have its own space-time and be more than just a "planet" when the establishing shot shows us outer-space for the "World of Memories")
BFR (Dark Magician is able to open a portal to the Afterlife and send attacks there)
Attack Negation (Lengard's effect activates whenever a monster takes battle damage and it able to tribute itself and reduce all damage to zero.), Statistics Amplification (Silent Magician gains 500 attack points and gains a level whenever the opponent draws a card. Silent Swordsman is a monster that grows stronger with each passing turn. Book of Secret Arts increases Dark Magician's attack and defense points by 300)
Durability Negation (Gandora the Dragon of Destruction can destroy any card on the field with "Destroy Gigarays". Thousands Knifes destroys a monster on the field.), Power Nullification, Forcefield Creation, Negation, Attack Negation, Life Manipulation (Mirage Spell negates a monster attack and gains life points equal to its attack points. Soul Shield creates a barrier that negates the battle and attacks by paying half of one's life points.), Soul Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Abstract Existence (Type 3, Ka are manifestations of negative emotions such as anger and hatred inside human hearts. To even summon a Ka you need Ba and Ba users can give their life force to other users)
Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, (Atem is able to envision whatever card he needs to draw to win a duel; ultimately defying the fate that comes with drawing a card)
Infinity (Yugi's bond with his monsters is about as infinite as the darkness within human hearts. Any human being with a "bond" has a vessel called a "vessel of memories" that will never vanish and will keep rejuvenating them with the light inside their soul)
Universe Level+ (Yugi was able to summon the three Legendary Knights that were able to one-shot the three layers of the Seal of Orichalcos and just one layer of the Seal contains a Universe inside. Atem created the "World of Memories" which should be a universe in size)
Genius (Yugi was able to solve the Millennium Puzzle which is beyond human understanding. Granted: it took him eight years the first time; he solved it again in a "short amount of time") | Supergenius (Yugi was able to OTK (one turn kill) Noa who knew everything mankind knows along with knowing everything from how the universe started to the present day in precise detail) | Nigh-Omniscient (Dartz knows everything about the Universe, such as Human weaknesses and abstract things like the Darkness, which would make sense since Dartz explained how the Universe was born from the Darkness) | Nigh-Omniscient (Human Imagination is able to grant all humans unlimited knowledge)
Powers and abilities:
Duelist Kingdom:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Summoning, Magic (The basic rules of Duel Monsters require the assimilation of monsters and spell cards to battle)
Aura, Extrasensory Perception (Every duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh has a battle aura that other duelists can sense)
Purification (Type 2, Mind Crush can destroy the evil within people's hearts)
Forcefield Creation (Atem can create invisible barriers to protect himself)
Mind Control (Brain Control can brainwash monsters and control them for one turn)
Soul Manipulation (Atem cam swap the souls of other people)
Fusionism (Polymerization can combine two monsters into one)
Resurrection (Monster Reborn can revive monster cards from the Graveyard)
Attack Reflection (Mirror Force can reflect attack back, Spell Shattering Arrow sends Spell card effects back)
Sealing, Light Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Statistics Reduction (Swords of Revealing Light can stop monsters from attack for three turns, it can also dispel the darkness. Kaiba also comments on how it seals away attacks. Spellbinding Circle is a Trap card that stops monster attacks and lowers their attacks by 700 points)
Durability Negation (Black Hole destroys all monsters on the field)
Statistics Amplification (Dragon Master Knight gains the attack points of every dragon on the field or Graveyard, Horn of the Unicorn raises the attack points of a monster by 700)
BFR (Mind Crush can send you to the Shadow Realm)
Multiple Souls (Yugi's body contains two souls one being Yugi and the other being Atem)
Duplication (Multiply is a card that endlessly multiplies a monster with 500 attack points or lower, "Kuriboh multiplies infinitely")
Self-Destruction (Kuriboh's effect allows it to turn into a mine and self-destructs whenever it makes contact with another monster)
Law Manipulation (Atem can create Shadow Games that can trap others, forcing them to follow along with the game rules: which he can also free if he wants to)
Probability Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Supernatural Luck (Yugi is to draw the cards he needs, even in a dire situation such as him losing a duel.)
Resistance to Mind Reading (Mind Shuffle is a technique that switches Yugi and Atem's minds constantly, withholding information that the other has: enabling it to counteract Pegasus's Mind Scan. Yugi's bonds with his friends prevent Pegasus from reading his mind, let alone entering his mind
Battle City:
Yugi has everything he had before with the exception of new abilities he gets during Battle City.
Sealing (Lightforce Sword seals away monsters for three turns)
Durability Negation (Chain Destruction destroys copies of a monsters from either your hand or the deck when a monster is summoned onto the field. Dust Tornado destroys one spell or trap card on the field)
Attack Reflection, Absorption (Mystical Refpanel is a trap card that can control another person's spell. It's even been stated to absorb spell cards' abilities. Magic Cylinder absorbs monster attacks and sends them right back)
Matter Manipulation (Alpha the Magnet Warrior is able to pulverize his foes into particles)
Flight (Gamma the Magnet Warrior when combined with Alpha and Beta create Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and grants him the ability to fly due to its wings)
Negation, Power Nullification (De-Spell negates spell cards)
Immortality Negation (Type 7, Yugi is able to kill Dark Necrofear who is the ruler of the afterlife)
Mind Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Creation, Death Manipulation (Is able to enter one's subconscious such as him entering Mai's mind during her duel with Marik. Shadow Game users are able to create shadows that can consume people's body and soul. In addition to this they're able to create Shadow Games where losing a monster can destroy the "souls of people" that exists within memories. Along with this-Shadow Game Users can create worlds within a person's heart and trap them there, slowly killing them)
Paralysis Inducement (As the chosen duelist for Slifer of the Sky Dragon Slifer is able to paralyze people with just its intense aura)
Statistics Reduction (Archfiend of Gilfer equips onto a monster and lowers its attack points by 500 whenever it's sent to the graveyard. Slifer's second mouth can lower a monster's attack or defense points by 2000)
Statistics Amplification (Buster Blader gains 500 attack points for every dragon on the field. Magic Formula increases Dark Magician Girl's attack points by 500. Slifer's attack points are multiplied by 1000 times the number of cards the duelist has in their hand. In Duel Monsters, Dark Magician Girl gains 300 attack points for every Dark Magician in the graveyard inheriting the soul of her master. Whenever a spellcaster falls in battle, Dark Magician Girl "becomes stronger and even more determined.")
Empowerment, Probability Manipulation (Whenever a duelist draws a card he creates new possibilities and each card in his or her hand is a possibility)
Resistance to Attack Reflection (God Cards are immune to trap cards such as Mirror Force)
Resistance to Statistics Reduction (Spellbinding Circle has no effect on God Cards)
Virtual World:
Empowerment (Yugi's bond with his friends grants him the ability to draw the cards he needs to win duels. This is how he was able to defeat Noa in one turn)
Resistance to Possession, Memory Manipulation (Was able to resists Noa's attempt at taking over his body)
Battle City Finals:
Fissionism (De-Fusion splits up a Fusion Monster and negates the attack)
Power Mimicry (Double Spell can allow the user to use the opponent's spell cards)
Empowerment (Yugi's hand contains infinite possibilities, whenever a duelist draws a card he creates new possibilities and each card in his or her hand is a possibility)
Negation, Power Nullification, Durability Negation, Attack Reflection (Seven Tools of the Bandit negates trap cards and destroys them. Magician Selection activates whenever a spellcaster is attacked in battle and negates the attack. Electromagnetic Turtle implants an electrode into a monster and can end the battle when the user chooses. Mirror Force negates and destroys attacks)
Paralysis Inducement (The Regulation of Tribe can prevent a monster-type from attacking)
Attack Negation, Forcefield Creation (Kuriboh when sent to the graveyard creates a field of Kuribohs that protect the user from battle damage.), Statistics Amplification (Black Paladin gains 500 attack points whenever a dragon is on the field)
Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation (Slifer and Obelisk warped space and time when they clashed)
Soul Manipulation (Ra can burn one's soul/willpower)
Supernatural Luck, Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation (Atem can draw the very cards he needs without even looking at the card directly)
Pyramid of Light:
Soul Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Abstract Existence (Type 3, All humans contain a "Ka" which is a manifestation of the darkness of their mind. The very art of controlling one's "Ka" is with the human spirit "Ba". Duel Monsters are the modern day equivalent to the Egyptian Shadow Games that took place thousands of years ago. Shadow Games affect a duelists' body and spirit. Shadow Game users can create Shadow Games where your very life force gets sucked right out of you )
Summoning (Sage's Stone summons Dark Magician if Dark Magician Girl is on the field.), Negation, Power Nullification, Durability Negation (Sorcerer of Dark Magic can negate trap activations and destroys them.), Statistics Reduction (Sorcerer of Dark Magic can call upon the spirits of each Spellcaster in the graveyard and use them to reduce an opposing monster's attack points by 500 each)
Waking the Dragon:
Supernatural Luck, Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation (All duelists that carry the heart of a true duelist can change odds in their favor. Atem defeated Rafael who was constantly stating that destiny cannot be changed but was defying it during the duel)
Mind Manipulation (The Legendary Dragons can implant the chosen duelist knowledge with who they are as monsters and their capabilities)
Healing (True Duelists can heal the Legendary Dragons' wounds)
Extrasensory Perception (Yugi can sense Duel Monster cards power, he was able to sense Hermos and Timaeus's power.)
At one point Yugi did have and even used the seal of Orichalcos which grants him Soul Manipulation, Sealing due to its ability to seal away souls.
Indomitable Will (Yugi was able to survive and even fight in the Rock Wastelands which is an area where the world's souls gather and once you enter you can't get back out alive without an "iron will")
Resurrection, Summoning (Dark Renewal tributes an opponent's monster and the user's monster to resurrect a Spellcaster from the Graveyard. Magical Academy discards two cards from one's hand to summon a monster with its level increased by two along with increasing their attack points by 500. Five Star Twilight tributes a level 5 monster and replaces them with the five Kuriboh brothers)
Fusionism (Kuribah's effect allows it to fuse with his other Kuriboh brothers to create Kuribabylon. The Eye of Timaeus can fuse with monsters in Yugi's deck; examples are Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician to create new monsters such as Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight and Amulet Dragon. Kuribeh's effect fuses with his other Kuriboh brothers to create Kuribandit. The Claw of Hermos can fuse with monsters to create Equip Cards)
Attack Negation, Durability Negation, Air Manipulation, Mind Reading (Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight's effect discards one card and reduces battle damage to zero and destroys the monster. Breaker the Magical Warrior's Mana Break destroys one spell or trap card. Mystical Space Typhoon destroys one spell or trap card on the field. Underworld Circle allows the user to see into his opponent's memories and or past. It also destroys all monsters on the field)
Power Mimicry, Death Manipulation (Natural Selection creates a clone of a monster on the field with the exact same power but the original monster is destroyed. Legendary Knight Hermos can absorb monster effects from the graveyard and use them)
Transmutation (Magical Pigeon transforms Dark Magician Girl into a Pigeon Token and summon it in defense mode for one turn)
Statistics Amplification, Attack Reflection ("Pump Up" doubles a monster's attack points. Excalibur doubles a monster's attack points. Divine Wind doubles the effect damage and reflect it back. Legendary Knight Hermos absorb three monsters from the graveyard and reflects the attack back three times as strong. Goddess Bow can increase a monster's attack points by 2500. Amulet Dragon's effect can banish spell cards from the graveyard and gain 300 attack points for each spell card sent)
Gravity Manipulation (Zero Gravity changes all monsters in attack position to defense position)
Reactive Evolution (Goddess Bow can ignore battle damage and continue attacking)
Statistics Reduction (Breaker the Magical Warrior's Mana Break lowers its attack by 300 points. Kuriball lowers a monster's attack points by 1500. Kuribee can drop all other monster's attack points to zero and negate the battle phase)
Damage Reduction (Reduction Barrier lowers the battle damage took to 10%)
Life Manipulation, Invulnerability (Soul Shield halves one's life points to prevent a monster from being destroyed in battle)
Nonexistent Physiology, Immortality (Types 4 and 8, Relay Soul summons a monster onto the field and you can't lose the duel unless the selected monster is destroyed. Atem's heart contains a vessel of memories in which as long as Atem has that vessel, he can keep reincarnating due to it. Atem directly states that he doesn't exist)
Purification, Sealing, Immortality Negation (Types 4 and 8, Yugi is able to kill Guardian Dreadscythe who can keep on reviving without the duelist knowing or choosing. Atem purified all of Earth's darkness and was able to kill the Orichalcos God who will never die as long as malice or hatred continues to exist on Earth. Yugi also considers this sealing as well)
Self-Sustenance (Yugi can breathe in space with no problem and has infinite stamina)
Soul Manipulation (The Legendary Knights can influence the Soul)
Resistance to Sealing (Yugi can break the Orichalcos Seal that can seal souls away or trapped them behind them in a different space)
Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Yugi can resist Dartz's control of his soul, by the time Dartz completes the Seal of Orichalcos he implies Yugi can't even resist this but can later so one layer of resistance. The three Legendary Knights are unaffected by the Seal of Orichalcos and this is the complete version of it)
Grand Championship:
BFR (Time Travel removes a monsters from play and comes back until the opponent's next standby phase)
Attack Negation (Discarding Kuriboh mid-battle cancels out all damage from an attack)
Extrasensory Perception, Aura (Atem is able to sense Leon's fighting spirit)
Durability Negation (Royal Straight Slasher's effect allows Yugi to discard monsters from levels 1 through 5 to the graveyard and it destroys all cards on the field)
Capsule Monsters:
Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Mind Reading (Atem's mind is directly linked to the Millennium Puzzle and that subjects one to be trapped in an infinite labyrinth)
Millennium World:
Enhanced Senses (Atem is able to see structures that would be invisible towards others)
Indomitable Will (Atem can prevent others from entering places within his heart despite them being "ghost" in his world)
Invulnerability (Marshmallon's effect prevents it from being destroyed in battle despite it being cut in half)
Reactive Power Level (The will to live for humans can make their Ka's grow and get stronger)
Time Manipulation (Yugi's Turn Jump skips ahead three turns in a duel)
Sealing (Atem can use his soul and name to seal people away)
Immortality Negation (Type 8, Atem can kill Zorc who can exist as long as darkness within humans/human hearts exist)
Reality Warping, Elemental Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Sand Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Fungus Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Animal Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Black Hole Generation, Blood Manipulation, Bone Manipulation, Chain Manipulation, Cloth Manipulation, Density Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Mirror Manipulation, Organic Manipulation, Paint Manipulation, Paper Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Technopathy and Vehicular Manipulation (Atem created the "World of Memories" which is shown to have its own space-time and be more than just a "planet" when the establishing shot shows us outer-space for the "World of Memories")
BFR (Dark Magician is able to open a portal to the Afterlife and send attacks there)
Attack Negation (Lengard's effect activates whenever a monster takes battle damage and it able to tribute itself and reduce all damage to zero.), Statistics Amplification (Silent Magician gains 500 attack points and gains a level whenever the opponent draws a card. Silent Swordsman is a monster that grows stronger with each passing turn. Book of Secret Arts increases Dark Magician's attack and defense points by 300)
Durability Negation (Gandora the Dragon of Destruction can destroy any card on the field with "Destroy Gigarays". Thousands Knifes destroys a monster on the field.), Power Nullification, Forcefield Creation, Negation, Attack Negation, Life Manipulation (Mirage Spell negates a monster attack and gains life points equal to its attack points. Soul Shield creates a barrier that negates the battle and attacks by paying half of one's life points.), Soul Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Abstract Existence (Type 3, Ka are manifestations of negative emotions such as anger and hatred inside human hearts. To even summon a Ka you need Ba and Ba users can give their life force to other users)
Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, (Atem is able to envision whatever card he needs to draw to win a duel; ultimately defying the fate that comes with drawing a card)
Infinity (Yugi's bond with his monsters is about as infinite as the darkness within human hearts. Any human being with a "bond" has a vessel called a "vessel of memories" that will never vanish and will keep rejuvenating them with the light inside their soul)
Universe Level+ (Yugi was able to summon the three Legendary Knights that were able to one-shot the three layers of the Seal of Orichalcos and just one layer of the Seal contains a Universe inside. Atem created the "World of Memories" which should be a universe in size)
Genius (Yugi was able to solve the Millennium Puzzle which is beyond human understanding. Granted: it took him eight years the first time; he solved it again in a "short amount of time") | Supergenius (Yugi was able to OTK (one turn kill) Noa who knew everything mankind knows along with knowing everything from how the universe started to the present day in precise detail) | Nigh-Omniscient (Dartz knows everything about the Universe, such as Human weaknesses and abstract things like the Darkness, which would make sense since Dartz explained how the Universe was born from the Darkness) | Nigh-Omniscient (Human Imagination is able to grant all humans unlimited knowledge)