hell,why vsb sitting alone giraffes. The multiverse fresh precure,containing a truly infinite number of universes,each universe in which contains an infinite number of alternative-only part of the total universe of the precure. And on the basis of fresh can understand if people somehow are friends with the logic that in the rest of the seasons of these worlds is infinite,and the bosses are a threat to the infinite number of worlds each. not just bosses. hinata-the heat source of all universes,both physical and spiritual. Friesen and frozen just took it and froze it. poron quietly corrects the time in all the worlds,and lulun-creates endless alternative possibilities. noise default can not lose this man,the mob,but anyone who was pushed,because he's the same threat as Moebius or infinite chaos. Although,in relation to logic,I would like to apologize. Where all logic and sound thinking on the website,where the boss of the season,those who click will make anyone from the lower in the hierarchy of villains,or all at once,is the level lower than just after six(I'm talking about the noise, and Regina),where some sailor moon pose 2s,even though in the manga was talking about ONE galaxy,where a sad lagane something costs 1C,although they are nearly killed from the attacks,like big Bang(high 1C,Yah you nafig)and the getter Emperor,which confirmed absorbed 900 million universes in which the absorption of one planet gives it energy,comparable with a large explosion-low 2Ðå. What's going on? why?