- 923
- 642
These will be pretty simple
Baby Godzilla
Currently, Baby Godzilla has a GPE calculation. However, there is a problem. Baby is 1.64 meters tall, which is below Large Size type 0, which, as discussed before, is needed for GPE. If it wasn't, even the average American would be 9-C. I'm proposing that the new tier for the first key of the profile would be: ''At least 10-B, likely 10-A''. Supporting the 10-A tier, Baby Goji weighs 420 kg, which should be around peak human, or around 10-A.
Little Godzilla
Currently, Little Godzilla is 4-B because he survived attacks from SpaceGodzilla. However, the attack he survived, telekinesis, has no evidence of being 4-B. I'm proposing that Little will now have Building level AP with Island level+ durability due to a previous calculation.
Baby Godzilla
Currently, Baby Godzilla has a GPE calculation. However, there is a problem. Baby is 1.64 meters tall, which is below Large Size type 0, which, as discussed before, is needed for GPE. If it wasn't, even the average American would be 9-C. I'm proposing that the new tier for the first key of the profile would be: ''At least 10-B, likely 10-A''. Supporting the 10-A tier, Baby Goji weighs 420 kg, which should be around peak human, or around 10-A.
Little Godzilla
Currently, Little Godzilla is 4-B because he survived attacks from SpaceGodzilla. However, the attack he survived, telekinesis, has no evidence of being 4-B. I'm proposing that Little will now have Building level AP with Island level+ durability due to a previous calculation.
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