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Eru Il├║vatar before creation fashioned the Timeless Halls amidst the void as a dwelling place. The Timeless halls are beyond the circles of the world and the laws that bind Ea. In the complete guide to Middle-Earth by Robert Foster, who has had his work reviewed and highly credited by Christopher Tolkien and also had this book published by Tolkien's publisher, the section regarding Ea mentions how Ea is "Bound by the principles of matter, space and time". This suggests that the 'timeless' void outside of Ea would be beyond the principles of space and time and someone like Eru who can manipulate this timeless, spaceless void would have qualitative power over dimensional constructs. This time there isn't any ambiguity between dimensions and universes as neither are mentioned. This clearly demonstrates Eru as a beyond dimensional being. As i remember, the powers of the Ainur were to "Henceforth be contained in Arda so that they are it's life and it is their's". This explains why the Valar don't demonstrate such rediculous levels of power. Furthermore the name "Timeless halls" indicates it is not bound by the principle of time. You may dismiss this as just 4-D spacetime, however it clearly says 'timeless' so 67-D temporal dimensions would still be time. This was just a side note as the "principles of matter, space and time" should clear any doubt. I seriously believe Eru deserves at least a "Possibly 1-A", however I'm quite new to this wiki so i would appreciate more input. Thoughts?