Looking back at the MS profiles I realize how many links and references I didn't put, damn, I feel almost like a liar, I'll fix everything one day.
Anyway, to get back on topic and be blunt but honest, the Hunter doesn't look like anything Eri hasn't fought or encountered in her life and I feel she can take the victory without too much difficulty.
The hunter's file doesn't elaborate much on his intelligence and experience and it doesn't seem to overcome Eri's. The girl has fought whole platoons of soldiers, war machines and the likes on her own or with just 3 comrades, has consistently dodged bullets and other weapons, making it a matter of skill other than speed, and has the same capacity of killing the hunter with a single good shot even without her most exotic weapons.
25ft isn't much and she should be comparable if not better at stealth, at least against human targets, as the hunter seems to be more used at dealing with beasts. Eri also has her radar, which tells her the location of enemies within a farily good range, even if they are behind walls and doors (
as seen here), so she's will most likely spot the hunter first and be able to employ her own tactics, while he lacks such advantage.
I should skim through a playthrough to find the exact shot, but MS3D also allows you to obtain upgrades (also listed on the
snk wiki page) which I consider (and did so back when I revised the verse) a sort of standard development of the characters' through the game, as they are permanent unlike weapons, and among those there's the luck upgrade which (as also said in her profile) makes enemy weapons less accurate, giving Eri yet another advantage.
If Eri gets melee, then she has huge chances of winning, as she holds advantage on both physical stats, is automatically equipped with knifes and tonfas and has apparently much more experience.
Bombs are also quite useful, are one-sho worthy and Eri has the gimmick of being the best with them, as in-game she is the only one capable of throwing them farther (several meters) and at different angles.
Solid win for Eri imho.