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Danny Phantom Reactive Eevolutionn and Resistance to Probability Manipulation!?


Awakened after 1000 years
VS Battles
I don't remember if I did this and honestly I'm suprised that I hadn't. So I think Danny Phantom should have resistance to Probability Manipulation or more specifically bad luck. So in Season 1 Episode 14 "13" the character Johnny 13 is introduced and what's intresting is his shadow called... Shadow.

Danny's Resistances & Reactive Evolution
So at the beginning of the episode Danny is fighing ghosts that keep appearing, this is because his father, Jack is repeatedly opening the ghost portal and hear is where Johnny and his girlfriend Kitty are introduced riding on Johnny's bike to get to the portal and enter the human world. Kitty asks Johnny if their going to make it so Johnny decides to send Shadow and tells him to keep the portal open and Shadow does that and next Kitty says somthing intresting.

Kitty says "I don't know if using that stupid bad luck shadow of yours is a good idea Johnny"

Johnny doesn't listen and when the almost fully get through the portal, Shadow moves and the portal catches a piece of Kitty which results in her becoming destablized. So early in the episode we have a statement by Kitty who spends all her time around Johnny that his shadow is bad luck and we have an incident involving Shadow where somthing unlucky happens. However there is more so lets move further into the episode.

So next up, Danny has his first encounter with Shadow and when he's knocked to the ground, Shadow passes through a lamp post and it falls over and is about to land on Danny but he moves however this causes the lamp to land on the thermos and release the ghosts Danny had already captured.

Danny then says "Ah what luck"

Again, them trying to suggest Shadow is bad luck to those around him. Now obviously people will say "But Griffin, right there Danny is effected by Shadow's bad luck". Yes, Danny was just effected by Shadow's bad luck but just wait. So next time we see Shadow is at the carnivel where Johnny tells Shadow to go mess with a truck. At this point in time, Tucker walks under a ladder and into Kwan's fist which starts everyone calling Tucker Bad Luck Tuck. To which Tucker backs and says "I'm not bad luck". At this moment, Danny sees Shadow enter the truck and comments on what Tucker just said with "No, but I know who is".

Next is a series of events. Shadow breaks the stick of the truck which Tucker just so happened to be touching and it starts moving to which Danny states "Oh great, more bad luck". Then the truck goes down hill and smashes into the stucture which causes the rollercoaster to derail and go flying. Danny manages to save three kids however misses one which is unlucky but not so much because the kid lands in a ball pit. However the flying rollercoaster is about to hit Jazz which is what Johnny wanted, Johnny saves her. Notice that Danny didn't have complete bad luck here, sure, he missed the kid but said kid landed in a ball pit which seemed lucky and Jazz was saved by Johnny, yet there is more so lets keep going.

Later, Johnny is talking to Jazz and states that everyone calls him Johnny 13 because he has this reputation for being unlucky which he obviously is referring to Shadow causing mayham to those around him. Now at Danny's school, Shadow knocks the fork out of Tucker's hand which just so happens to hit a bee hive that goes full blown killer and stings the hell out of everyone with the exception of Jazz and presumable Danny and Sam. The reason I say presumable is because it doesn't show their faces so I won't dwell on that but the next events are where things get intresting.

Next, Danny follows Johnny and Johnny sends Shadow after him to keep him away. Now the funny thing is you would expect Danny to just get more unlucky but the complete opposite happens to him. Shadow grabs Danny and literally pulls Danny into him to keep him immobile, Danny however fires to ghost rays that blow Shadow to pieces and when he regenerates he shakes his head because of light just so happens to be Shadows weakness... What luck huh. Now sure you would say "Well he is a shadow, makes sense". True but that wouldn't explain how Shadow was completely uneffected by the sunlight that was there during the school day with the bee attack. Let's just continue and you'll see.

Continuing from where we left off Danny figures out Shadows weakness and starts to look around the area and guess what just so happens to be near the forest they were at... A freaking Movie Theater... What luck. So Shadow chases Danny into the movie theater and is visable uneffected by the lights and when he flies through a popcorn machine, a green aura covers the machine and the nob literally goes all the way to super high and then the machine explodes and fills the whole theater lobby with popcorn and guess who was there, Tucker or Bad Luck Tuck so Shadows Bad Luck is still in effect and we see it goes on full blast when he physically touches something yet Danny so far is pretty lucky even though he was literally grabbed and covered by Shadow... This is getting weird. Anyway, Danny stops in one of the screening rooms and shadow gets right behind him BUT!!! As soon as he's about to strike, the freaking projecter activaes and the light destroys Shadow.

Now comes the final conflict with Danny and Shadow in this episode. So Danny snatches the ring from Kitty and Shadow chases Danny and then they fly through several objects, a car which explodes after Shadow flies through it, a door to Danny's parents room which Johnny blocked off (While Danny was gone) so they couldn't interfere but luckily Danny just decided to go fly through his parents door even though he didn't know they were stuck, lastly they fly through the machine that controls the Fenton Portal and it explodes because of Shadow, causing it to close on Kitty and making it impossible to open again... Honestly this has to be the most reverse swap of bad luck I have ever seen!!!.

Danny clearly was effected by Shadow's bad luck at the beginning but as you can read for yourself, each time they get into a conflict or near each other, Shadow's bad luck isn't as effective and literally stops taking effect on Danny yet it is still working on others perfectly fine and Johnny gets pissed because Shadow is messing up everything and even calls him back to which Shadow gets mad. Honestly it doesn't half to be spoon feed to use or directly stated. Danny has legitimate feats of Shadow's bad luck not only taking less effect but actually not even working on him even though he literally comes into contact with Danny and as shown in the episode whatever Shadow touches gets screwed and freaking explodes or falls apart do to Shadow's bad luck which is passively in effect and gets worse the closer he is but not for Danny. Danny actually gets less effect.

To me this is blatant resistance to Probability Manipulation (bad luck) and Reactive Evolution because Danny is seemingly getting lucky against Shadow which he wasn't at first and shouldn't be possible unless he had these abilities.

Oh y'all thought I was done?. Nope. In Season 1 Episode 16 "Lucky in Love" Shadow and Johnny return and the episode starts of at a water park, in broad day light... With light bright enough to cast long shadows and guess who's just out in the open... Shadow! Wait wasn't he weak to bright light?. Well that don't mean jack and then he and Danny get into a fight... If you could call it a fight. Shadow destroys Danny until Danny just randomly out powers Shadow and pulls him into the water which just so happens to be another one of Shadow's weaknesses!?... Even though Shadow is made out of ectoplasm like every other ghosts and they arn't effected by water like this... I'm just gonna move on.

Lastly Danny gets into a fight against Shadow in the school. Shadow manages to hit Danny by splitting himself into two and hitting him from both sides and knocking him to the floor. Danny then slides into the Science Room! God lord who was the one with Bad Luck!? I'm starting to think Danny is giving off bad luck. Anyway Danny uses a magnifying glass he got from the Science Room to fire his ghost ray and expand it to completely destroy Shadow...

That's it!, I'm done!!!

Bonus Conclusion
I'm not sure what more I can talk about. Danny has legitimate resistance and basically it's so good that Shadow is the one getting unlucky.

1. PIS

Me: Sorry but this argument doesn't work. It's not like Danny got lucky a single time and then unlucky most of the time. He literally gets more lucky after each meeting with Shadow to the point where Shadow is seemingly the one under his own effects.

2. This has never been a thing at any other point in the series.

Me: What the heck does that half to do with anything?. A series doesn't half to keep showing you something over and over. It just needs to not show you something that goes against what it showed and nothing goes against this. Hell there is actually more evidence. In Season 1 Episode 13 "Fright Knight" Danny was getting manhandled by the Fright Knight and he couldn't even make him flinch! Yet as the fight progressed, Danny actually was able to start dodging his attacks and effecting him with his blows and by the end he stopped his sword and actually overpowered the Fright Knight. Not to mention Vlad has something similar to this telling Danny that his power increases everyday and Vlad doesn't train anymore. He did all his training in the past and yet he went from 4 clones to making over a dozen and they were only shadows but they could hold Jack in a possession easily even though Jack could breifly resist Vlad himself possessing him in the past. So yes, they have shown the ability to evolve and increase their power ranging from doing nothing or fighting.

This scales to Dan Phantom since he has Danny's Ghost Half and Dani Phantom because she's a literal clone from his DNA.
Ok, I'm sorry Griffin, but I can't get behind this one.

Let's talk about the probability manip first. Shadow isn't unlucky in the sense that he increases the likelihood of bad things happening, he's unlucky because having him around allows him to do all sorts of bad things that make people think it's bad luck.

In all the examples you posted, Shadow physically caused the bad things to happen. He did not do so like Hajime Hinata does where things happen in his favour just because he's standing there. Shadow physically causes the bad luck. Like the fork was physically removed from Tucker's hand. The popcorn machine was passed through by Shadow himself. These things aren't the side effect of Shadow's presence, they're caused by Shadow himself.

As for reactive evo, since the probablility manip turns out to be false, reactive evo is by extension false too. I hate to say this but the fact Danny gets the one up on Shadow so easily is in fact PIS. Unless you can provide evidence of reactive evo coming into play outside of the Shadow incidents, it really doesn't seem consistent to add it to Danny's skillset.

Again, sorry Griffin, but this just doesn't stick.
He physically touched Danny yet nothing bad happened to him. You said it yourself. Shadow caused all that through contact but Danny continues to touch Shadow but nothing unlucky happens. Regardless of if Shadow had to come into contact with said object. He causes bad things to happen with his touch.
That's what I'm saying, Shadow physically causes the bad things to happen. He isn't bad luck in the sense that he is passively unlucky like Qrow Branwe, he's "unlucky" because he causes bad things happen around people, specifically Tucker in this case. The events that lead to unlucky situations are just Shadow being Shadow and doing ghost stuff.
No. That's not the case ghosts don't have Shadow's ability. This isn't just simply him faking bad luck. Shadow just causes bad things to happen when he acts.

Example: Danny phases through a car and nothing happens. Shadow phrases through a car... It explodes!. Shadow's in consistently described as being unlucky to those around him and this is not because hes a ghost doing ghost things as I just explained.

A small popcorn machine explodes yet it filled the entire movie theater lobby to the point where the front doors burst open and a flood of popcorn came out. Sorry but these events are physically impossible to happen.

Shadow doesn't need to have a field that causes bad luck to get said ability. The show describes him as having that ability repeatedly. Hell proof enough is Johnny telling Shadow to go for the truck but how would Johnny know that said truck would roll down a hill hit the rollercoaster, break the tracks, send the carts flying directly at Jazz who was walking around a carnival!.

The answer is he couldn't. He just knows that something bad was going to happen when Shadow touched somthing. When they finally show exactly what Shadow is doing later in the episode. It shows him fly through an object and his energy passivly causes something bad to said object.

He is causing the bad things to happen because thats an ability, not because he is some mastermind that puts a plan together. It's his power, nothing more, nothing less. If I touched a touched a normal chair, nothing would happen but if Shadow touched the chair it would fall apart. Not because he did something to it but because his energy passivly causes something bad to happen to whatever he touches and those around it. So since Danny is touched repeatedly by Shadow who causes bad things to happen passivly when he comes into contact with something yet Danny is having less bad things happen to him the more and more Shadow touches him that means his resistance is getting higher and higher.
Actually, You can just close this. I feel I might start acting like I did before if I continue to debate this subject and thats the last thing I want to happen. While I 100% believe in my argument I won't try to force that reason on others. Sorry if I seemed hostile or rude and I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

I'll drop this subject and won't bring it up again especially since this is my second Reactive Evolution thread with a Danny Phantom character and I'd rather end this on a good note unlike that last one.
I'll leave this open just in case anyone else wants to agrue for this to go through.