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Big Fish downgrade (Another Instant death thread)

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Welp, here we are for another Instant Death verse thread, I do think this one should also be relatively self-evident and straightforward.

Profile - Celestial Foundation Eater

Now let's get to the thread

As we can see on the scan, the Mind manipulation is complete Bull, He just talks about manipulating someone and that is supposed to be "mind manipulation"?

Also, the fire manipulation is sketchy, all it shows is the CFE thinking to himself if he should incinerate someone. Now if a normal human were to throw someone in a fire and incinerate them, would they also have fire manipulation? The answer is no. To make things worse, it has no other feats or statements of it ever manipulating fire of any kind. So my point is, that this alone doesn't prove that he can manipulate or use fire.


Fire manipulation Removal
Agree - @SweetDao ( agrees, but would be fine with a "possibly" rating), @LephyrTheRevanchist, @SamanPatou (Can be at least changed to a likely), @Digital_Franz, @Livinmeme (should be changed to possibly), @LamentSatanael (should be changed to "possibly"), @TWILIGHT-OP (Agrees to a "possibly" rating), @Dereck03 (Likely rating),
disagree - @StorytellingDemonKing (should be changed to a "likely"),
Neutral -

Mind Manipulation removal
Agree - @StorytellingDemonKing, @SweetDao, @LephyrTheRevanchist, @SamanPatou, @Digital_Franz, @Livinmeme, @LamentSatanael, @TWILIGHT-OP, @Dereck03,
Disagree -
Neutral -
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Actually, Mind Manipulation could probably be changed to Social Influencing. (Coercion)
Well, I mean, I guess. But then he could just force them to do so without any supernatural abilities too, in some sort of death game.

I don't see how fire manipulation would be legit tho, probably another case of taking stuff too literally.
May I question though, why you think it's enough?

Not trying to force you or invalidate your vote, just curious if I can counter your argument to try to win you over.
Seems the most likely that it would be an ability, since he talks about instantly killing them. Mostly due to having powers already and not a human who would need, for example, a flame thrower, so I don't see why not just keep fire manipulation. Though we could just add "likely fire manipulation".
I suppose someone could make the case that "since the true form could incinerate the CF, his avatar could do the same" but eh, kinda flimsy to my taste. I'd also need to check the raw just in case "incinerate" is another invention of the OTL.
Actually now I don't see why it would be flimsy, so yeah I agree with removing mind manip (or changing it to social influencong) but seems fire manipulation can stay.

Anyway, I don't have any stakes here nor know much about the verse, just giving my input as an outsider.
Seems the most likely that it would be an ability, since he talks about instantly killing them. Mostly due to having powers already and not a human who would need, for example, a flame thrower, so I don't see why not just keep fire manipulation. Though we could just add "likely fire manipulation".
While I can understand this argument, it should be noted that instant death is well-known for its flowery language. Some of the more extreme examples of this included their NEP and Regeneration, which have been hard-nuked recently due to flowery language, instead of proof of that ability. This means that anything that Instant death characters say, can be taken with a grain of salt. So an ability that is gained from a being talking to himself, without mentioning how he does it, or have any other feats of similar properties, and too top it all with a verse that is well known for having flowery language, I think it's safe to assume that it lacks any proof of being able to manipulate fire.
I mean he would still be coercing them into killing each other, so still social influencing even if a death game.
Hmmm... I suppose it's a case where the information are too ambiguous, so fair, if you think that's the case, it can be changed.
Actually now I don't see why it would be flimsy, so yeah I agree with removing mind manip (or changing it to social influencong) but seems fire manipulation can stay.
I've checked the raw in the meantime and here's what I got (MTL, obviously):
The perspective shifts to the armored vehicle. A girl was driving, with a boy in the passenger seat.
The Celestial Foundation Eater was irritated, pondering what to do with them.
Should it burn them alive, or perhaps manipulate their minds and force them to kill each other? No, simply killing them was too mild—it might be better to tear off their limbs and toss them into a cesspit.

And then, the Celestial Foundation Eater realized it was going to die in ten seconds.
Which personally, I feel like would make the mind manip more convincing (Unless it's metaphorically speaking about "manipulating" them to fight each other) while the fire manip still somewhat ambiguous. Obviously, we can make the case "that he listed how he could kill them with his abilities" but, I mean, the last part of the sentence clearly indicate some sort of physical action from his part.

He could very well go there, restrain them and throw them in a fire, is what I mean. So maybe changing it to possibly would be for the best.

Edit : I'm okay with mind manip, and only possibly for fire manip.
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Same for me, fire can be a likely, seems this guy seems to be sort of overpowered and with many abilities, so it may not be totally out of the realm of possibilities for him to produce fire.
So would you be fine to remove it entirely, but prefer it being become a "likely" rating, or be downgraded to a "likely" at most?

Depending on the answer, I may or may not need another staff, also need to confirm if I understood the vote correctly... Sorry, English is not my native language.
Agree with Mind Manipulation removal, literal bull— nothing 'mind' about it. I think it was suggested but instead of mind manipulation; this falls under social influencing (coercion)

Fire manipulation does seem legit though, so "possibly" would be a good choice.
Mind manipulation removals Looks good to me, but skeptical in fire manipulation.
Edit:- also after reading some comments I would be fine with possible rating too.
Honestly Mind Manipulation seems iffy, the most that comes to my mind when reading the scan would be some kind of social influence, so yeah, seems fine.

As for fire manipulation, I agree it should stay, since it can mean many ways of using fire, giving the verse's abilities, it's not too far fetched to guess that they have at least basic abilities to manipulate fire. If you are still not sure, you can add a likely if you want though.
Honestly Mind Manipulation seems iffy, the most that comes to my mind when reading the scan would be some kind of social influence, so yeah, seems fine.

As for fire manipulation, I agree it should stay, since it can mean many ways of using fire, giving the verse's abilities, it's not too far fetched to guess that they have at least basic abilities to manipulate fire. If you are still not sure, you can add a likely if you want though.
Alright, can this be implemented now? Since I think this qualifies as a minor CRT?

Thank you for the evaluation.
Alright, can this be implemented now? Since I think this qualifies as a minor CRT?

Thank you for the evaluation.
It's minor CRT, yes. But you have to wait at least 1 hour more to apply this given our 24 hours rule for minor threads.
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