posting this here so I don't lose the draft.
This was made like two years ago. Roblox had a change to their terms of service sometime in July/August of this year.
They don't own the codebase for Roblox as a whole.
I don't get what this means, please elaborate. Roblox also hasn't like... struck anyone down for this AFAIK.
Terms of Service doohickey stuff
I actually haven't read the
Terms of Service in a fat minute lol, time to go over it.
UGC = "User Generated Content", anything made by users.
You represent that at the time of making something on the platform (E.G, a game, hat), you:
1. Making the game/hat implies you inherently own the rights to it
2. Your game is not "fradulent" (I.E, no "FREE FALL 1000000 FEET FOR ROBUX, no bait and switch games a la JaredValdez style)
3. Your UGC has rights to any of the assets it uses, like sounds, textures, characters, etc.
4. You're repsonsible for anything people do to you (e.g, suing you) based on the UGC
5. Roblox can monitor, modify, or remove any UGC (games/hats) on its services.
Basically, don't make crummy scam games, don't use copyrighted stuff, and abide by the site's guidelines (no Roblox poontang; it's so over....)
This is actually a really good point.
"Other roblox content" is specifically referring to anything "Roblox" (think this includes the administrators) on the platform make, such as their original Gears and Hats (and their models). You can still use stuff like the Periastron gear's model or a generic shotgun gear (e.g, Trench Shotgun) on the site, just on the platform. Roblox doesn't require you to pay to use the assets they've made.
"Revocable" means they can revoke it if they choose to.
"Roblox Content" and "Other Roblox Content" falls under "Roblox IP". Which is what I think John was getting at with "they don't own the code"
Roblox has a bit on their wiki about "Roblox-created IP" and uses a Traffic Cone as an example
It doesn't say anything about anything stopping you from using a traffic cone created by Roblox or any of its admins back in the day so... iunno lol
There's a bit above it about "classic avatars" (R6/R15, recognizable roblox avatars)
...Which says that you can use it as long as you're on the platform.... nothing changes here.
This goes hand-in-hand with the 'Other Roblox Content' stuff. If roblox doesn't say 'stop using our stuff' then it's fine lol. People are allowed to use stuff like Darkheart in their game unless Roblox says 'no'. Roblox hasn't said no to a bunch of stuff, so you can still use it in your game.
They're not violating Roblox's intellectual property by creating those, they're engaging with Roblox and handing over their intellectual property rights to them.
Roblox has, for the longest time, not given a rat's ass about people using any assets from the catalog (if that's what he's talking about)? The only thing that I think is used from there is like the Taser weapon in Jailbreak that police officers can use, which is, like.... a generic taser. The only thing that I think would remotely set people off is the fact that the game may or may not use the player's default avatar, which can lead people to think "oh, this uses copyrighted material from roblox!"
Although, we still don't allow Roblox games that violate intellectual property rights, by using assets/characters from outside of the Roblox ecosystem (for example, a game featuring Batman).
There's actually a game on there that is officially licensed by SEGA. There being licensed games isn't out of the question.
Roblox stuff is still allowed. Roblox hasn't struck down games like
Arcane Odyssey that make use of meshses & textures made by Roblox admins in the past (e.g, hats/gears, 'other roblox content'), so it's okay for profiles on here
unless Roblox makes up some absolutely nutty change in their ToS that doesn't allow you to use 'other roblox content'
OR the creator of said game is explicitly told they aren't allowed to use those assets anymore.