If he can’t reflect them he should be able to destroy them with decay, physicals, or Rivet stab. And he can jump kilometers so them fighting in a city gives Shigaraki plenty of breathing room to avoid and play around attacks.
She is smarter, but Shigaraki has great skill and experience as well as skill derived from AFO’s memories and life-or-death training.
What did Suru have exactly? Shigaraki has supernatural willpower, growth, and body control.
The cannons could be a win con then if they can destroy Shigaraki’s whole body. Shigaraki’s damage boosting and combining of quirks should be able to get through her defenses. There’s also his electricity/explosion manipulation which can span tens of kilometers. And of course the moment he gets close everything Hecate has is turned to dust. There’s also the possibility he outlasts, Hecate can go for days but Shigaraki was fighting for a month straight with minimal rest before he was given his boost.
Then that could also be a win con. If Hecate makes sure to stay airborne, she could force Shigaraki to go in close for Decay. But his rage power and growth give him ways to hit her sooner or later given she is always on the back burner and shouldn’t be able to see growth coming since even the people that.
I wouldn’t exactly fear a status effect. It’s like any other emotion, only more detrimental in this case. Shigaraki has supernatural willpower and lives for destruction, so he might be able to resist the empathic manipulation. And he’d need to stare into its eyes first which seems less likely than him just reducing it to ashes first.
Hecate has never not fought in a city while using a Mech so she's very tailored to it. Plus Hecate can be relentless so he'd have to do that constantly. Couple that with Paraeyes and/or Cutes and he'd be destroyed by her firepower there. She can shoot enough combined bullets, lasers, cannons, and other stuff to just blow by the Mid regen. What about a Paraeyes and Starry Galactic Cannon Combo? I believe that itself is a wincon. The speed of her shots is more likely than not enough to hit just before the paralysis ends, like with Suru who did break out fast but also needed a little help from helios and Selene keeping her distracted
At what point does an intelligence gap get so big that it just really doesn't matter so much anymore? Hecate is basically supergenius and can comprehend a sextillion different future scenario simulations without her head hurting and act on them. Although she obviously can't see the future with this Mech, her sheer ability to comprehend such things alongside how her calculations are faster than the combined speed of the most advanced supercomputers in the world even when she goes slow leads me to believe that despite Shigaraki's skill, he won't keep up with her ability to plan and calculate on the fly. She's basically a god at it.
Suru has a bunch of stuff. I've gone over some of her early willpower feats. Besides that, she's very similar to Erza Scarlet in that her Battlesuit has a bunch of different versions it can transform into granting her all sorts of varying powers. But for the brief moment she is paralyzed Hecate has enough time to attack still, that's why she needed Helios and Selene there. Without it, she'd be in a pretty bad place to say the least. Probably not dead, but still.
Going back to Suru again, something not brought up yet is Hecate's own Attack reflection which is only usable by Mk. 1 when Mother Mode is on. It's really built for physical attacks, but it's really good at what it does. It reflects away Suru's Super Slasher attack which is able to adjust itself in order to slice through virtually any cellular makeup. On top of her shields she would be harder still to handle. Plus, her shields would take the decay if he got close, again opening up a chance for the battlecry. Plus, if it's touched based, wouldn't he be reflected too since not even something like Super Slasher works? As for the electricity, Hecate can control charged participles in matter in order to generate lightning herself, so she can just take control of his or negate it outright by manipulating the charged particles necessary for it to work at all. The 'going for days' thing applies to Hecate on her own, it says Far Higher with Mechs. The Slimy Mk. 1 has very optimized energy. She can go for much longer than just 'days.' As for this though, I doubt Mk. 1 would function for as long as he does, but after enough time Hecate would have dozens of plans going at once and again I really can't see him keeping up with that
Isn't getting close his only wincon? Hecate has wincons for both close range and farther range. Regardless, if she uses Speed Boost repeatedly while flying she can avoid him even while he's growing or attempt her Gravitation Manipulation technique while utilizing the destroyed city to her advantage.
- Gravitation Manipulation: Within 200 meters, Hecate is able to control the gravity of objects with technology similar to that of Marx's Graviton Palms, letting her twist and alter the direction of gravitational pulls while amplifying the pulls of objects she influences. This allows her to make enemies extremely heavy or light, pull them towards objects, or in an extreme case force them apart by gravitating them to multiple objects at once. The last thing is something she really doesn't do very often, though is willing to use it when angered. Ripped apart ice structures and constructs formed by Ekaterina.
Given their similar LS the gravity shouldn't have that hard of a time working here, especially if she bonds it with a bunch of rubble and makes it super difficult for Shigaraki to move at all sans warping
Just looking at it in general is all it takes, looking into the eyes just makes it work a little better. It's somewhat gravitating too, like looking at it even for just a moment causes you to not wanna look away from its cuteness. Plus, just being evil alone isn't grounds for resisting it, it just makes it easier. If she summons a group I think he'd at least be distracted for a short time, giving Hecate another opening on top of all others I've described.
It's also possible Hecate can use Cutes on herself to avoid the fear manipulation. She could also react with something like Starry Death Barrage unleashing a massive wave of pressure which would most likely just blow him apart. Seeing her own death would probably also just make her mad depending on how it looks. This is a woman who has basically fought literal incarnations of chaos and death fearlessly already. The only thing I can think of that would get genuine fear from her would be illusions of Craven's institution, but even then she'd just react with even harsher attacks so not sure how useful this would be exactly