- 4
- 0
Prophets of Bajor
Tier: At least High 2-A | 3-A | 1-B
Speed: Omnipresent (Separation does not exist in their realm) | Infinite (Capable of instantaneous movement, even outside of their realm) | Immeasurable
Durability: At least High Multiverse level+ | Universe level | Hyperverse level
Q Continuum
Tier: 1-B
Speed: Unknown
Durability: Hyperverse level
1┬║ Round: Regular ST Universe.
2┬║ Round: Wormhole
3┬║ Round Q: Continuum helm/dimension
Q Continuum: 1
Prophets of Bajor: 0
Inconclusive: 0
Tier: At least High 2-A | 3-A | 1-B
Speed: Omnipresent (Separation does not exist in their realm) | Infinite (Capable of instantaneous movement, even outside of their realm) | Immeasurable
Durability: At least High Multiverse level+ | Universe level | Hyperverse level
Q Continuum
Tier: 1-B
Speed: Unknown
Durability: Hyperverse level
1┬║ Round: Regular ST Universe.
2┬║ Round: Wormhole
3┬║ Round Q: Continuum helm/dimension
Q Continuum: 1
Prophets of Bajor: 0
Inconclusive: 0