He/Him- 4,510
- 2,369
^^^; FCOC allows a minimum of 3 votes+grace and has an unwritten rule that staff allows 4 votes for a pregrace match addition.
Example of pregrace addition allowed via 4th vote: https://vsbattles.com/threads/grace...-0-marsh-vs-3-chimpanzees.165763/post-6424567
This addition would be more beneficial, since it would help users here breeze through matches quicker.
Current situation (reply by GarrixianXD sums this thread up):
Example of pregrace addition allowed via 4th vote: https://vsbattles.com/threads/grace...-0-marsh-vs-3-chimpanzees.165763/post-6424567
This addition would be more beneficial, since it would help users here breeze through matches quicker.
Current situation (reply by GarrixianXD sums this thread up):
We don't seem to have something like that set. Though, I'm not really confident to decide everything so... @Seol404 got any ideas with this feature request?Question, do we have requirements for major revisions like these for the site? If yes, how much more stuff does this thread need to get accepted as a rule?
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