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Fate profiles Revamp Part 1 Subject: Miyamoto Musashi


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So this is my first profile that I revamping for a fate character, I do the others later
Old Profile

New Profile

Changes are:
  1. Added 4 new keys, with more abilities and resistances and other stats
  2. Expanded on her intelligence section
  3. Added some scans
  4. Added new justifications to her stats
If there's some problem in this profile, I would like to be point to me.

Agree: Sir_Ovens
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Some good changes here, some things I noticed:

  • "nonduality" in the Zero key isn't bolded.
  • information manipulation and conceptual manipulation in the alive keys are typeless, what types are they?
  • the Klironomia Imbedded key says "all previous abilities", does that include the Muramasa sword?
Look good, it is about damn time people start fixing profile rather than just upgrade tier
conceptual manipulation in the alive keys are typeless, what types are they?
There was a revision that Nasuverde CM fit all types so it was decided ti be typeless, well it is a relic of the past which tbh, should be handled in its own thread, right now should just focus on fixing profiles
There was a revision that Nasuverde CM fit all types so it was decided ti be typeless, well it is a relic of the past which tbh, should be handled in its own thread, right now should just focus on fixing profiles
That can be put in a note at the bottom of the page.

What about information manipulation?
What about information manipulation?
Both types, since informations constructed and is fundamental building block of soul. Or, soul is the construct of information and concept too. Soul also contain memories/knowledge which reading these information will grant knowledge like reading a record, book

Both types, since informations constructed and is fundamental building block of soul. Or, soul is the construct of information and concept too. Soul also contain memories/knowledge which reading these information will grant knowledge like reading a record, book

So types 1 and 2 should be listed on the pages.
Attack Potency: Small Country Level+ (As able to defeat Cleopatra, could contend against three clones of Tamano Cat at the same time and beat Mysterious Heroine X, who compare Musashi to a certain kimono-clad street murder[9]. As able to defeat Rider of Kalasutra Hell[Note 1])
Should be "Was" not "As" for the start of each sentence, and also "compare" should be "compared"

Large Island Level+ (Has B-Rank strength, making her comparable to Servants like Muramasa who could kill Lancer of Purgatorio in one attack[Note 2])
I don't like that this is being used, as it implies it's something as a result of just how strong Muramasa is in base, when we literally have a Skill saying how he was able to do that:
Tameshi-Mono: B+

An exercise meant to test the sharpness and sturdiness of a sword. Senji Muramasa is able to draw out the power within a weapon he touches, and if he is willing, he can release the weapon's full strength, though this destroys it in a single swing.
Muramasa did what he did with Purgatoria via this, considering his sword shattered right after and B-Rank Servants clearly aren't blowing off the tops of comparable Servant's bodies left and right. He killed Purgatoria via an amp Tameshi-Mono can give to weapons he wields, drawing out their full power to the point it shatters.
Yeah, don't compare servants to Muramasa. He also gets hyped up with a statement saying he could defeat Rider of Kalasutra Hell, but would also likely die in the fight. Pick literally any other servant. Also, don't use the "Has B Rank Strength" instead do "As a servant, should be comparable." You could use her feats from LB 1 or the Las Vegas Summer event. Also, if the Shimousa manga has Musashi throw a sword to overpower and destroy Tomoe's NP, so that could be used as a justification as well.

Also, as a note, I think the Low 6-B+ on Raikou's Rider key is wrong. It should just be baseline Low 6-B.
Some other things I noticed,
Musashi did not have the nanomachines in the first Dioscuri fight, so that can be added there.
The Heat Manipulation Resistance isn't that impressive, considering servants already have better feats.
Resistance to Limited Perception Manipulation doesn't have a reason. I'm guessing it's for the Aphrodite or Beast Koyan stuff maybe?
It should also be noted, Living Human Musashi grows stronger. She goes from weaker than Living Yagyu to Servant level to Rider of Kalsutra Hell level to Zero. So she doesn't start as strong as Low 6-B, but gets there over time.
Also, the final Kilronomia key shouldn't have the Low 6-B+, just Low 6-B.
Every "Level" in AP/Striking Strength/Dura should be lowercase "level."
Musashi did not defeat her version of Kojiro until Shimousa. This is specifically stated by Kojiro in the Shimousa manga.

Also, once again, please stop referencing parameters. There are plans to remove that soon(tm).
Should be "Was" not "As" for the start of each sentence, and also "compare" should be "compared"

I don't like that this is being used, as it implies it's something as a result of just how strong Muramasa is in base, when we literally have a Skill saying how he was able to do that:

Muramasa did what he did with Purgatoria via this, considering his sword shattered right after and B-Rank Servants clearly aren't blowing off the tops of comparable Servant's bodies left and right. He killed Purgatoria via an amp Tameshi-Mono can give to weapons he wields, drawing out their full power to the point it shatters.
Musashi did not have the nanomachines in the first Dioscuri fight, so that can be added there.
Resistance to Limited Perception Manipulation doesn't have a reason. I'm guessing it's for the Aphrodite or Beast Koyan stuff maybe?
Also, the final Kilronomia key shouldn't have the Low 6-B+, just Low 6-B.
Every "Level" in AP/Striking Strength/Dura should be lowercase "level."
Alright, I fixed. I don't exaclty remember where the limited perception manipulation is coming from, so now I remove it.
It should also be noted, Living Human Musashi grows stronger. She goes from weaker than Living Yagyu to Servant level to Rider of Kalsutra Hell level to Zero. So she doesn't start as strong as Low 6-B, but gets there over time.
Right, so what you suggest?
I'm not really sure. Either split the Alive key into "Trial Quest" and "Shimousa" or just have like "Low 6-B via Accelerated Development". Though as a note, the Alive key should also be Low 6-B and not have the + because Raikou shouldn't either.
I'm not really sure. Either split the Alive key into "Trial Quest" and "Shimousa" or just have like "Low 6-B via Accelerated Development". Though as a note, the Alive key should also be Low 6-B and not have the + because Raikou shouldn't either.
I think "At least High 6-C, up to Low 6-B with Accelerated Development" works.
I seen some profiles that are like that.
I don't see the need to do the split tbh. It makes it kinda makes it look like it's a super quick development, especially by marking it with "Accelerated Development", which it really wasn't. She didn't jump multiple tiers after 1 fight afaik. I don't see anything wrong with having her Alive Key be at the strongest she was when she was still Alive (excluding Zero, obviously). Splitting it up just feels arbitrary and with no real reason.
I don't see the need to do the split tbh. It makes it kinda makes it look like it's a super quick development, especially by marking it with "Accelerated Development", which it really wasn't. She didn't jump multiple tiers after 1 fight afaik. I don't see anything wrong with having her Alive Key be at the strongest she was when she was still Alive (excluding Zero, obviously). Splitting it up just feels arbitrary and with no real reason.
To be fair "Accelerated Development" doesn't have to be that quick. It just has to be faster than normal, as far as I know.
I still don't really see the point in making that split across her Alive key rather than just having it as Low 6-B, since that is where she solidly spends her most important time Alive and at the end of her journey. It feels really needless.
I still don't really see the point in making that split across her Alive key rather than just having it as Low 6-B, since that is where she solidly spends her most important time Alive and at the end of her journey. It feels really needless.
I guess, but we're still an indexing wiki first, so accuracy is more important than convenience.
I guess, but we're still an indexing wiki first, so accuracy is more important than convenience.
Except we also tend to index people at their natural strongest during their arcs. A lot of characters start out X tier and get Tier Y by the end of an arc, but you don't see all those profiles going "Tier X, up to Tier Y via AD" just cause they got stronger over the course of this arc. Goku isn't "5-A, up to Low 4-C via AD" because his AD let him go from Ginyu level to Frieza level via being healed, he gets a new Key because it's a notable enough split. So if you're gonna do any split then ig do a Trial Quest and Shimousa split. Spouting the accuracy bit is weird considering how many characters improve within an arc and do not in fact do this weird AD thing.
Except we also tend to index people at their natural strongest during their arcs. A lot of characters start out X tier and get Tier Y by the end of an arc, but you don't see all those profiles going "Tier X, up to Tier Y via AD" just cause they got stronger over the course of this arc. Goku isn't "5-A, up to Low 4-C via AD" because his AD let him go from Ginyu level to Frieza level via being healed, he gets a new Key because it's a notable enough split. So if you're gonna do any split then ig do a Trial Quest and Shimousa split. Spouting the accuracy bit is weird considering how many characters improve within an arc and do not in fact do this weird AD thing.
The thing is, Musashi is noted to grow stronger pretty quickly. The best example I can think of for a similiar profile situation is Garou.
I consider adding the AD, but I don't think is really nescessary, since the keys would't change much.
Ok so i just noticed something odd. In her Alive key she has this resistance: "Fate Manipulation (Can sever fates)", her Servant key she has this one: "BFR (Can Jump between Dimensions)", and her Kliro one has this: "Dimensional Manipulation (The path to Chaos is very complex, yet she could still slice the void with perfect accuracy when close enough)".
None of these are resistances, they are hax. Being able to sever fate means you have fate manip, not that you resist. You achieve the same end result, being unaffected by fate manip, but you're not resisting it being applied to you, you're severing it with your own ability/hax. BFR is similar. You don't resist being shunted into a new dimension because you can travel them, that's just you bypassing the BFR's result via having your own dimension hopping. Dimensional Manipulation is just space manip and NPI, just like it says right above in her new abilities for that key. She does not resist space-time manip just because she can cut it, the same way someone isn't getting resistance to Intangibility because they have NPI, or resistance to Energy Projection because they have energy absorption. That's not how that works.
Which btw, why is that in her Kliro key? There's no reason to assume she can only achieve her 「 」state with the nanomachine stuff in her. Just because she does it after she gets those in her doesn't mean she can only do it when she has the Kliro. There is nothing even implying from my memory this is the case. Same thing with the heat resist. You're mistaking correlation for causation.
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"Fate Manipulation (Can sever fates)",
I guess I can remove, After rewathing the scene where I taking this from, she din't resist yeah.
"BFR (Can Jump between Dimensions)
That kinda overlaps with her other bfr resistance, so yeah okay I remove;
My thinking at the time for why I repeat she having that resistance don't make much sense
"Dimensional Manipulation (The path to Chaos is very complex, yet she could still slice the void with perfect accuracy when close enough)".
Is more because Chaos space manip can affect the perception of the characters, but Musashi as still able to hit him anyway. So I change the to limited resistance, since she as still able to aim at him with accuracy.
Which btw, why is that in her Kliro key?
Because she only does it in the last moments of her life, with coincidentally is just when she have Kliro. Is not because of Kliro specifically.
She don't exactly demostrate the same feat in her others keys, and the story kinda implies she only reaches this feat because is the final moments of her life. In the final moments of her life, she cuts the void.

Even if you want to argue she can do this in her other keys, since she don't do it, is gonna be exclusive to this key