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Bleach Lost Agent Arc AP/Dura Revisions ft. SAFWY [Chapters ~420-480]

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Hey I’m making a thread regarding the Fullbring arc and a little SAFWY. Enjoy and be civil, this thread is rather compact compared to the last one.

Splitting the Dangai

SAWFY drops this nutty statement that indicates Zaraki and Shikai Azashiro could destroy the Dangai. However, in a vacuum I can see a contention with how literal or hyperbolic this statement is, so I’ll explain why I believe the statement is more literal than hyperbolic. Both r/translate and ChatGPT agree that the statement itself can be either literal or hyperbolic depending on the context, which I agree with, and most people probably would as well. Azashiro’s Bankai power is capable of destroying the walls of the Dangai. In the analogy of the Dangai being Earth, that statement for Azashiro’s Bankai is the equivalent of destroying the entire surface of the Earth. Then Azashiro’s Shikai condenses all of his Bankai power into a single blade. So, Azashiro takes all of the power that was already capable of dealing massive damage to the Dangai, and then condenses it all into a single hand held blade. To put into perspective how insane that is, Azashiro had fused with all of Seireitei, so his power which could be described to be as large in volume as the Seireitei was all brought down into the size of a handheld weapon. To go back to the Dangai = Earth analogy, it would be like if that same person condensed their energy which could obliterate the surface of the planet into a single attack, and that attack could destroy the world. In my opinion, I believe that context supports the notion of the statement being literal, or at the very least more likely to be literal than hyperbolic.


Shunsui believes that Azashiro is in a different league compared to the Captains, which would logically include Shunsui himself. Azashiro’s Kido spam was capable of harming eyepatch Zaraki. Azashiro could fight with no eyepatch Zaraki for a while before Zaraki grew stronger thanks to removing some of his limits.

Late SAFWY no eyepatch Zaraki ~ Bankai Azashiro < Shikai Azashiro

Yamamoto (Saving for TYBW Revisions)​

Yamamoto surpasses the power of all Captains, which would include Zaraki’s Ryoudan.

Yama > End of SAFWY no eyeaptach Zaraki’s Ryoudan


Zaraki had been getting stronger all throughout SAFWY. His instinct has been limiting him, but explosively raises his power in life-or-death battles. His power had increased while fighting Cien as well, and because his power had been increasing all throughout SAFWY, I will not be backscaling Zaraki whatsoever, especially since his increases in power have been described as “akin to Bankai”. Zaraki evolves to being able to overpower Azashiro with raw spiritual pressure. I am going to assume Zaraki used Ryoudan to match Azashiro’s Shikai, primarily because the image for Zaraki BBS uses for his final clash with Azashiro is Zaraki two-handing his blade, which he only does with Ryoudan.

Zaraki’s new eyepatch restricts 10x as much spiritual pressure. Now this isn’t a multiplier, as the eyepatch is consuming a set amount of spiritual pressure, and the new eyepatch is just absorbing 10x as much. However, we can lowball end of SAFWY Zaraki, since when Zaraki took his eyepatch off while fighting Cien, Azashiro thought Zaraki obtained Bankai. Meaning that the old eyepatch at max was restricting that Zaraki 5x in power, and the new one could at max be restricting by 50x. This is a massive lowball because we know Zaraki got even stronger after that instance, and since the eyepatch is just absorbing a set amount of spiritual pressure, once Zaraki got stronger the eyepatch restriction would be less noticeable. Think of it like this, Zaraki was a 25 and the eyepatch restricted 20 of that, making Zaraki a 5. Later Zaraki got stronger, let’s say he’s now a 100, the eyepatch is the same restricting only 20, making Zaraki an 80. As you can see, using these arbitrary numbers, the eyepatch went from 5x debuff to a 1.25x debuff. So, by the end of SAFWY, the eyepatch wouldn’t be restricting Zaraki by a “Bankai amp” amount, it’d be restricting him by less than a “Bankai amp”. Thus, saying Zaraki with the eyepatch is 50x weaker is a lowball of his strength. I mention this as a means to lowball eyepatch Zaraki post Azashiro fight if the Dangai calc gets accepted, as opposed to just slapping an “at most” rating on eyepatch Zaraki. This would only end up applying to his end of SAFWY/LAA key, we would not be saying from here on out the eyepatch is a 50x amp, because that is simply not true.

Zaraki one shots hulked out Giriko.

Shikai Azashiro ~ Ryoudan (3x) > End of SAFWY no eyepatch Zaraki > End of SAFWY eyepatch Zaraki (1/50x)
LAA eyepatch Zaraki > Time Tells No Lies Giriko


Tsukishima overpowers Ichigo’s initial clad Fullbring. He potentially no sold an attack from Chad’s defensive arm. Yukio implies that Tsukishima is superior to Ichigo’s incomplete Fullbring. Tsukishima uses Book of the End to evolve to the point where he can fight against Byakuya’s strongest attacks. This is consistent as Byakuya went from being able to block Tsukishima with his Shikai, to have his Zanpakuto snapped by Tsukishima.

Developed Incomplete Fullbring Ichigo < Tsukishima
Abuelo Arm Chad < possibly Tsukishima
Book of the End Tsukishima > Byakuya’s best = 2x Byakuya


Ginjo is able to fight Tsukishima as an equal. Ginjo off-screens incomplete Fullbring Ichigo. Ginjo while holding back was capable of dunking on incomplete Fullbring Ichigo. Shikai Ginjo can cut through Shikai Ichigo’s Getsuga and harm him with a Getsuga. Ginjo fights Ichigo on even footing. Ginjo’s Bankai can somewhat keep up with Ichigo’s Bankai for a brief period of time. Ginjo’s Bankai also is fused with Hollow power.

Ginjo ~ Tsukishima
Developed Incomplete Fullbring Ichigo < Ginjo
Fullbring Shikai Ichigo ~ Shikai Ginjo < Bankai Ginjo ~< Fullbring Bankai Ichigo


After developing his incomplete Fullbring to the point it is near his past powers, Ichigo harms Tsukishima. These past Shinigami powers are more than likely in reference to Ichigo’s Bankai, as by the time Ichigo invaded Hueco Mundo, when he wasn’t using Hollowfication, he was almost strictly using Bankai. And once Ichigo “defeated” Ulquiorra, he doesn’t even use his Shikai. Ichigo’s Fullbring training is in pursuit of regaining his Shinigami powers. The eruption of Ichigo unlocking his complete Fullbring bloodied Ginjo. Ichigo’s complete Fullbring is stronger than his past Shinigami powers, which would include his Bankai. Complete Fullbring Ichigo blitzed and lopped off Tsukishima’s arm. Albeit, it is worth noting Tsukishima didn’t even have his own Fullbring active when Ichigo went on the offensive, so it is possible Tsukishima wasn’t fully on guard at that moment. Complete Fullbring Ichigo blocks Chad’s Abuelo arm punch. Complete Fullbring Ichigo was pressing Tsukishima. Ichigo knocks Tsukishima back. Ichigo’s complete Fullbring massively powered up all of Xcution.

Ichigo’s Fullbring Shikai power is proportional to the power returned to him by pretty much everyone affiliated with the Gotei 13. This includes people like Zaraki, Byakuya, Kisuke, Isshin, Yamamoto, and many more. Considering there are several people who scale to or above Striped Mask Ichigo giving Ichigo power, it is very likely that Ichigo’s restored power is surpassing his Striped Mask. This isn’t far-fetched either, as Ginjo is entirely shocked at Ichigo’s spiritual pressure. Ginjo being someone who had researched Ichigo’s power, indicating he’d have knowledge of Ichigo’s strength from his FKT battles. Ichigo could have killed Ginjo had Ginjo not powered up. Ichigo’s Bankai destroys a dimension that not even Zaraki’s all out assault could destroy. This would put Ichigo’s Fullbring Bankai above no eyepatch Zaraki’s Ryoudan. Y’all might think that’s crazy, but remember the Fake Yhwach no diffed no eyepatch Zaraki, the real Yhwach is even stronger than that, and a fatigued, albeit enraged, Ichigo was able to clash with and harm that Yhwach. So, what I’m saying is, it’s not really crazy. Ichigo kills Bankai Ginjo.

Initial Incomplete Fullbring < Developed Incomplete Fullbring ~< Bankai Ichigo < Complete Fullbring > Chad’s Abuelo arm
Complete Fullbring Ichigo >~ Tsukishima
Fullbring Shikai Ichigo > Striped Mask Ichigo
Bankai Ginjo ~< Fullbring Bankai Ichigo > no eyepatch Zaraki’s Ryoudan


Orihime blocks and pierces through Ginjo. It’s worth noting Ginjo wasn’t expecting her to be so strong. She blocks an attack from complete Fullbring Ichigo, but the shield does crack.

Complete Fullbring Ichigo ~ Orihime’s Shun Shun Rikka >~ Ginjo


Chad is able to harm complete Fullbring Ichigo. Chad is also able to block an attack from Ichigo. And while Ichigo definitely doesn’t want to harm Chad, Chad jumped in to block an attack aimed for Tsukishima quick enough where Ichigo couldn’t retract the swing, so Chad likely blocked an attack from Ichigo that wasn’t holding back by a significant degree. Chad deadass soloing the Espada, that’s crazy.

Chad ~ Complete Fullbring Ichigo


Shishigawara busts up Ginjo with Jackpot Knuckle. He harms Ikkaku with Jackpot Knuckle. He shatters Ikkaku’s Shikai with Jackpot Knuckle. He tanked some attacks from Ikkaku.

Ikkaku ~< Jackpot Knuckle > Ginjo
Ikkaku ~ Shishigawara’s durability


Toshiro effortlessly slashes through all of Yukio’s creations.

Toshiro > Invaders Must Die


After transforming he stated he became the strongest. Giriko would be knowledgeable on the strength of people like Tsukishima, indicating that he should be stronger than Tsukishima.

Possibly Time Tells No Lies Giriko > Tsukishima


Byakuya blocks a strike from Tsukishima without even looking at the man. Byakuya blocks Tsukishima again. He kills Tsukishima by catching him off guard.

Tsukishima ~ Byakuya < Byakuya using Bankai as a shield (2x) ~ Book of the End Tsukishima


Renji no diffs Jackie. Renji’s justifications are “should be comparable to Hisagi”, and all I have to say to that is why. From memory, there’s nothing to say that Renji is as strong as a character he has no scaling chains to. So, Renji will just be rated as unquantifiably stronger than his past key given he trained.

Renji > Jackie


Yukio’s shields blocks Toshiro. Currently we rate Yukio’s AP as “possibly Toshiro level” because Toshiro was dodging his attacks. That’s got to go because not only is a character dodging something not a means to scale, but Toshiro one shot all of Yukio’s creations. Furthermore, Yukio’s AP states “it’s implied he would have harmed Ikkaku”; however, it’s directly stated that Ikkaku was off guard, so Yukio wouldn’t scale to Ikkaku actual durability anyway. So, Yukio will only be scaling to Toshiro with his shield.

Yukio’s shield > Toshiro’s Shikai


Ikkaku was able to somewhat tank attacks from Jackpot Knucke as long as they didn’t hit his vitals.

Ikkaku’s durability ~< Jackpot Knuckle


Rukia shatters the objects of Riruka’s Doll House.

Rukia’s ice > Riruka’s Dolls


By sacrificing her Fullbring she harmed Renji. So, currently Jackie is rated as “possibly Renji level” for being able to “toss him around with a kick” and “not dying from Renji’s attack”. That’s got to go: not only did Renji no sell her kick, mere moments later he tanks her kick without budging an inch; next, there’s no reason to assume Renji went all out against Jackie, especially when the entire fight Renji was preaching about not hurting women. Jackie is only going to scale to Renji with her Fullbring sacrificial explosion.

Jackie’s sacrificial explosion > Renji

Agree: Mitch, Griffon, Tracer, Lephyr, KT
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The scaling obviously looks all fine, don't know much about the Dangai thing so i will not comment on it.
The hypothetical Dangai destruction was performed by two people, is the value gonna be halved?
OFF topic, and I just want to know because I read over it, but why is ChatGPT a reference on this, could someone explain it to me or was it just a joke? :unsure:

PS: it is a genuine question, I am not ironizing.
The hypothetical Dangai destruction was performed by two people, is the value gonna be halved?

Aza’s Shikai = Zaraki’s Ryoudan = half

OFF topic, and I just want to know because I read over it, but why is ChatGPT a reference on this, could someone explain it to me or was it just a joke? :unsure:

PS: it is a genuine question, I am not ironizing.
it’s an intelligent AI
Regarding FB Bankai ICHIGO who negged Ginjo. I think it should be considered as both Hollow mask and Bankai amp.

Why i think is because Ichigo stopped using Hollow mask. Additionally it looked like his hollow powers are just mixed with it.
I was thinking of ways to lowball Zaraki without being dishonest, you got any thoughts?
I think the suggestion in the OP is fine enough, I sure as hell don't have a better alternative. It's just the way we treat multipliers here are strict, you know? But given the context I think it's fine enough but if someone thinks of a better alternative then it's whatever.
I think the suggestion in the OP is fine enough, I sure as hell don't have a better alternative. It's just the way we treat multipliers here are strict, you know? But given the context I think it's fine enough but if someone thinks of a better alternative then it's whatever.
Yeah I’m being very lax with our multipliers, but I figured it’d be alright for the sake of lowballing Zaraki? Since it’s backscaling Zaraki quantifiably rather than saying he’s “at most” his no eyepatch self.
He’s back 👀
I was never there | Musica, Fotos, Desenhos
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