"I am making an upgarde thread for Carcharoth, which would scale him to "At least 4-A, likely 3-B"
Well what is the synopsis for this upgrade? Because if i recall Carcharoth is also just a very large dog, having a Silmaril sent him mad and from the descripion made him larger and more powerful but neither he or Huan again proved anything signifcant in terms of feats, no planets, mountain ranges or what have you were destroyed, certainly no galaxies.
"so I guess every single feat is invalid."
If your refering to something that is explicitly diffrerent to our own and then scaling from our own universe then your making a logical error. If your just assuming with no evidence at all then even more so.
I would like to see evidence that the feats your refering to were not only the movement of real stars and what have you, unlike from what I know from reading the book.
"Read Morgoth's ring, many of those things are retconned."
As the folks in the other thread you posted said, we want to see the quotes from you. Telling me to read it as if that means I will automatically buy the book and read the whole thing just to see if your right is like me asking you to re-read every Warcraft lore book that mentions Arthas and those who can scale from him and then play all the games and you will find out hes far more than a match for Sauron.
I am pretty sure any information your ignorant of you would prefer to see evidence of yes?
"I guess we are no longer allowed to powerscale."
There is no logical scale to find for Sauron to a valour or indeed, their pets. If Sauron fought a valour and won then sure, maybe we could scale from that valours feats specifcally. If were just scaling due to them having a relationship then maybe Arthas/Lich King should scale from all the Titans in Warcraft since Sargeras was considered the strongest of them and the Lich King was created by the burning legion...
Loosely speaking we could probably scale the Lich King to half of Warcraft based on very loose or ambigious information.
"Also creating billions of stars is not ambigous."
Well yes it is, cartoon characters for example can create glowing lights in the sky and call them stars, many fictions and mythlogies may not consider "stars" as we do them realistically. We need to make sure their actually vast, celestial balls of fusion energy before we start scaling them highly.
Then, as far as feats are concerned consider how useful it is as a feat since we know the Valour do not sing stars into existence to fight their battles. In fact, if I recall a mere maiar was (Eonwe?) was consdiered the mightiest in Arda in terms of battle and Tulkus was one of the greater physical powers in Middle Earth.
Bear in mind Tolkiens world is not like Marvel, power is more simple in marvel but in Arda some beings are powerful creators, powerful destroyers and others are corruption (Morgoth) while a few like Tulkus, Eonwe etc are fighters.
"Do you have any evidence that Frostmourne can destroy countries, because that's Sauron's durability."
Lets see that durability feat first, wasnt Saurons fingers cut off by a mere human? No countries destroyed if I recall...
"So Huan is, AT LEAST, 6-B."
I thought Huan was one member of a party who hunted down the hound of Morgoth. Did he kill him alone? I will wait and see if it can be proven the dog is 6-B, depending on his size he could probably be a very large building level threat but other than that I cannot be certain. Huan himself is effectively horse sized If I recall.
"How is it something against Sauron if he lost to Huan. We don't know Huan's upper limits, so why are we calling him a regular dog."
That is like saying we do not know half of the opponents in Warcrafts upper limits, that does not mean we scale them up to galaxy or continent busting. We know Arthas as the Lich King can, in some respect be fought by humanoids with enhanced equipment and its exactly the same with Sauron, he can be fought by humans with special swords even with his ring, it did not take even building busting power to cut his flesh.
"If he really is a regular dog then we would need to downgrade Sauron to 10-C."
This is an extreme. Evidence suggests he is at the very least a very large dog, and clearly has some mysticaly properties but he has zero feats to put him on planetary levels and neither do any of his opponents. At best, we can say Huan is the equal of a very large dog, who he himself is a large dog. Sauron scales to them when in combat forms.
Arthas I would say is beyond any of those combat forms, serpants, large hounds etc, their far lower without further evidence than what Arthas has faced, which is to say armies of heroes who can face the most powerful beings in Warcraft, many of which are indeed large, elemental, magical dogs of all kinds of shapes and sizes.
Scaling from the heroes aside, Frostmourn cut through the ice of icecrown with ease, the same ice which was created in the furthest reaches in the void, tossed through space and survived planetfall into Icecrown. That was before the Lich King or Arthas melded and seemed to become more powerful.
Not sure how Sauron could harm Arthas, who seemed to be quite hard to defeat and was effectively immortal. He even removed his own heart if I recall (davy Jones style).